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  • Pshht, Three Days Grace, come on:p jk
    It's an interesting concept....I really don't know what it's like to be excluded.....sorry man:(
    Wow, I was looking at the first page of the CPS and when I looked at my first post (which is conveniently saved thanks to your quote) I realized how bad my grammar was on the internet (well, it was more that I didn't really try to be grammatically correct :p).
    Prepare for an awesome loophole.
    Just sayin', get on AIM tonight xD
    Firus, just as a side note: If you put up the new video or edit it, can you change my music to the champion theme? You don't have to if it will cause you too much trouble(or if you don't want to).
    hey, I was wondering, are the spin-off request going to be continued, or like failed crescent roll (cressilia) it is opptional to work with?
    "Kris's new design blows" isn't bashing it? I don't get the difference. And why is it wrong to bash it if I hate her design?

    I meant 'bash it in many words.'

    I'm sorry, Firus. Looking back I was being a jerk/******/megalomaniac. I was clearly trying to start a fight, and I did. Please excuse my erratic behavior.
    Mirror's Edge is apparently going to be a trilogy. I assume the second and third installments will be longer and more polished. Developers have also hinted that the second game will include a map editor. I cant wait.

    From a Youtube Comment, but the source seems still "real".
    Hey, how's your team coming along for the tourney? If you want we could test our teams so we know what to tweak without showing the other crew our team :)
    Alright, no problem. I'm just very lonely and bored right now ._..
    I'll stop bothering you now, so you can finish your Homework....Good luck, man.
    Oh, alright. No problem, man. I know, I'm quite distracting >_>'.
    When you finish, however, please be sure to get on....maybe we could do that all-nighter tonight?
    That remix you posted was so epic, I really, really love it.
    And get on AIM ;_;'.
    I'm subscribed to him too, Y'know.

    Also, Lol, I fail, I posted this on my own Profile.
    Due to my limited knowledge of music through Guitar Hero and Rock Band, I have come to the conclusion that this band is terrible because the guitar solo's are not challenging.

    For the song, I'm now thinking of maybe the music from pokemon gen3 that was played for the legendaries.
    I just got one. lol

    Zook the Dook

    I can't really chat right now though, I need to write a speech for Spanish, but I'll IM you when I'm done.
    ****1T now that I have that other program for spriting....well NOW PS decides to start working!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
    I got the slatrio done!:) I don't have time to upload and post but im just letting you know...
    By the way, I forgot to tell you during our AIM conversation....
    *Something* happened to *someone* a week ago and that *someone* hasn't "come back".

    heh, just realized you have the same post count as zook:laugh: he been here 3-4 years
    I was to lazy to edit the other post
    Hey wait, does that mean you live in the UK?

    I find it hard to believe they'd use the Cambridge Latin Course series in America or anywhere else.
    Hey thanks.

    And yes that name is actually yoinked from Grumio the cook. I've been looking for genuine ancient names rather than fantasy style ones, and I just had to give a nod to Cambridge Latin. That was an awesome series. :D

    No Caecillius and Matella in the book though D=
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