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  • I like how even though you're a mod I still don't feel uncomfortable talking down to you like a child, you ugly piece of mancake.
    Good stuff. My cell is 860 480 0531 if it helps. PM me yours if you don't want it public, if you like. Mine is posted on so many tournament threads that it doesn't matter at this point.
    This is actually the first year where I DIDN'T pre order.. in like 5 years. . . . I will probably attend on Saturday though, I cosplay as Solid Snake and I am in the program book this year haha. But yeah we should meet up if I end up attending Saturday.
    Huh, weird, I got a 'Firus cant receive offline ims' and I've only gotten that when someone blocked me lol. But ah well, no worries brother.
    Now that I look back on everything, I kinda wish I was a PC gamer but I was born a console gamer. I have a feeling that on the last day of these savings, they'll bring back the best ones which sold the most.

    Looking forward to the end of Portal!
    Yeah...well at the time I thought to myself "$30 is a pretty good deal for this game! Think of all the fun I'll have!" Boy was I ever wrong! :(

    Sucks how Valve didn't support L4D1 very well...still waiting on that new campaign they promised a while back. Oh well, L4D2 is better than L4D1 in every way possible.

    Oh really? Huh, well I guess your username was so unique that I actually remembered it! :p

    Nope, I plan on getting back into the game and beating it. The cake is a lie.
    Steam likes to empty your wallet. They make it too easy and tempting to resist their deals. Like, Left 4 Dead is now $6.80 and I bought it a year ago for $30. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUU!!!!

    And your username reminds me of another member. I think his name was 'Firusthehedgehog' or something like that. I still need to beat Portal 1 btw, I just kinda lost interest after playing it.
    Whoot! Firus!
    I knew it! :D

    I would have congratulated you earlier if I hadn't slept in so late. :laugh:
    Wow! Hahaha, that's a first for me then!

    Just don't be a Nazi in PC please, haha :p jk
    I'm usually late for these things so I'm surprised I saw it the day of :p
    Well congrats anyway! :)
    Ouch. $21? I got the Orange Box for $10 when it was on sale a while back. I believe the lowest TF2 has gotten was $2 but I don't think they'll be doing that again. You should check out the Steam store daily. I recently got L4D2 for $10.20 a few days ago and it's already better then L4D1. Sucks how they were giving out free copies of Portal a month ago, everyone is looking forward to Portal 2. Co-op! :)
    Sorry for the late reply. :p

    Fallout 3 is a great game because it has lots of content in it and it'll take you forever to beat it. Heck, I've only logged about 80 hours and I just started the 2nd DLC recently. They're working on a new Fallout game. Fallout: New Vegas, it's made by a different team I believe but from what I've seen from gameplay videos and trailers, it looks exactly the same as Fallout 3. (Which in this case, is a good thing, why change what isn't broken?)

    There is a difference between both versions. On the PC, you get updates, free DLC and free online. Sucks how the Pyro on the 360 hasn't gotten the blast thing from his flamethrower to deflect rockets and other projectiles.
    The bags achievement is easy. You can easily find videos on youtube which show you where they all are. I'm not even going to bother getting all of the achievements in the game cause I haven't played Mirror's Edge in a while.

    Fallout 3? That's an awesome game! Hope you got the GOTY edition as that contains all of the DLC packs. Bioshock is good too, just don't get the sequel. How is The Orange Box on the 360? I have it on the PC.
    I agree. It took me like an hour to get this achievement where you have to wallrun, jump, crouch in midair and roll when you hit the ground. I remember cursing a lot whenever I'd fail. :p

    It was, game developers need to understand that not every game needs to have guns in it to make it good. Not every game needs a tackled on multi-player part too. (*coughBioshock2cough*)

    It's nice to see new and innovative games though, sometimes I grow weary of sequels which basically add minor improvements. You play Mirror's Edge on the iPod Touch/iPad? (I think it got ported to those things?)

    Which other games do you play on your 360 btw? I mostly play shooters. :p (CoD4 and MW2)
    I got the achievement where you have to complete the story without shooting a single bullet, it was challenging but fun. (the only time you can really shoot is when you go to the top of this building and find a sniper rifle and have to snipe the police van to free your sister)

    I felt that the shooting was tacked on without really much thought. It's always nice to have new and innovative games like these but most people didn't like Mirror's Edge I heard. I'm wary of sequels, often enough they are not as good as the previous game in the series. (i.e. CoD4 is better than MW2 IMO)
    The only parts which pissed me off are when Faith cannot grab onto simple ledges and she misses the pipes when you're hanging on one. The shooting didn't need to be in the game IMO, I prefer beating the crap out of my enemies. :p

    Aren't they making a sequel?
    Ah, surprised I even remember what game it was from. Mirror's Edge was a pretty frustrating game IMO. :mad:
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