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  • actually the group has been dead awhile til i started to take action and feared it would never regain its former glory...so i decided to invite new members and change the group mayjorly
    So what kind of music do you 10 year olds listen to now-a-days? Radio Disney?
    competitive smash group for all types of smashers and a quick easy way to meet good smashers iam still trying to figure out the ranking system about coin matches...
    Sorry, looks like I'm going to have to tell Eor about this and then you'll be permabanned.
    Obviously if she says you are not 10 it's because you are posting on her account.
    In which case I'd need to permaban you. ):<
    $haDy, 'ZeD', *P*L*U*R*, -Darc-, -Jumpman-, .Tero, 1 w1nged @ngel, 1DER44, 4% APR, @HomE, Acherontic, ac_burito, Aero_Zephyr, Aesir, Afro Boy2000, AfroTastic, Afro_Thundah, Airbrush_King, airgemini+, Almas, Alphican, alt-F4, Amazing Ampharos+, AmcD, and per se Andy, Anomic_Punk, Anthinus, AntiC, Arty, Azen Zagenite, aznforce817, ballin4life, Baloo, Baro, bballin, BeArR, BHLMRO, BIG C, bigman40, Binx, Bizzarro Flame, Black_Heretic, Blad01, Blazer, Blinky, blitzeclipse, Blue Yoshi, Bobtuse, bowser king, BRN, Budai578, buDinoNC, bunnyma, BurningCrusader777, c0rNb33f, CalebSitton, Camalange, Cashed, castorpollux, cba, chandy, Charizard92, Cherry64, ChibiLoner, chic, Chief Mendez, choknater, chris the brawler, ChromeSonic00, Cinder, CJ Love, clowsui, CO18, Colaya, Coney Isle, coolgy023, Corrupted, CountKaiser, crewster, CunningKitsune, cutter, CyberGlitch, D0N, da K.I.D.+, DaCyberneticWyvern, daisho, damezguy, Dark Kakashi, DarkLeviathan89, Darkmusician, Darkslash, DarkSpider, DastrnMarco, Dazwa, Deez.+, defsithe, Demolisho, DemonH2K, demonic.entity, dentedglass, digs, DK2, dmbrandon, DNA instant, Dojo., Doopliss_Swe, Dory, DrizzitDudden, Dryn, DylantheNinja, d_shep04, Eaode, Earthbound Zero, East, Eggz, Eight 52, Eldiran, EnragedMathlete, ErciChewman, eRonin, F1ZZ, F5Hazardousdoc, ****, flyinfilipino, Frames, fromundaman, ftl, Fuzzyness, g-regulate, Ga-in, Galuuda, Gara, Garam Hikuro, Gheb_01, God-is-my-Rock, goldwyvern, GPDP, Green Lantern, GreenKirby, Gygados, HaCa, Hao, Hence, Heroes_Never_Die, Hey_its_YO, highandmightyjoe, HighFlyer, Hobs, HOO%, hotgarbage, HRNUT (Honey Roasted), HugS™, hyperstation, iamcameraman, iamthemicrowave, ihavespaceballs, imcooked, Impp, indianunit, Influenssa, Informant, IsaakFenris, isaccard, ishinator, Izaw, jaask, Jack Kieser, Jack of Blades!, JackieRabbit5, Jaigoda, JaimeHR, Jesinfengopteryx+, JFox, JimboCav09, Jman115, Jmex, Joak, joblin, Johnny Pteran, Johnny_C, jokey665, Jonathan015, Joshkip, junebug, JunkInTheTrunk, justaway12, Justblaze647, k/mh, K@0S, Kalm, Kates893, Kawaii Poyo, KBM, KCJ506, Keblerelf, Kei-Kei, Ken Neth, KevinM, KillaFrmNY, Kira-, KirinBlaze, kirkq, Kite216, Klarvic, KnightMare516, knuttz45, KOkingpin, konorob, Kris121, Kurve, Kyu Puff, LadyKirbess, Lemon?, lemonlau36, Le_THieN, Lionman, Little Devil, Lizard, lockdown7, Loge, lotor611, lou4222, LouBega, Lovage, LozanoGarbanzo, Luma, MachinegunNorm, Macman, magikguy, MaJiK, Makkun, MALCORE, Maniaclyrasist, MarthMX, Master Raven, MattDotZeb, MdrnDayMercutio, meleemaster500, Melomaniacal, memphischains, menardi, Meta-havv, Mew2King, MHoltz, mib004, Milk!!, MimicMew, Mister E, Mister_E, Mithx, monty06, MoonGhost, moonsoul, Moses., Mr.Ious, mr.Snake, Mr.Victory07, n00b, N4N3RZ, nandryshak, Naos, Napilopez, Nava, NC1 PRiDE, nevershootme, NF Alex, Nic64, NintendoMan07, Nintendude1189, Noraa, nutchucks, OathMeal., Omniswell, Oniboy, ook, Oreo (Excel), ORI_bro, Pakman, Papito, paprika killer, Pdiamond, Phaigne, Pink murder, PKSkyler, Plairnkk, Player-3, pockyD, Popertop, PowaStar, Praxis, Protein, ptown, puckgood, pure_awesome, QDVS, QuietStorm, QUIVO, Ragnell4000, Rashid, Ratatat, rayman1234, Ray_Kalm, RDavis930, rebd121, Ricky, RickyB, Rocann, RP`, Rx-, Ryos4, S0FT, SaltyKracka, Samochan, Samusbrawler, SativaJoe, Scav, Schism, Scythe, Seikishidan Soru, Sensei, Sesshomuronay, SGX, Shadowbot, SHeLL, ShinBlanka, Shinku, Shiri+, Sihlus, SirPsychoMantis, Sito Sama, Skyson, slartibartfast42+, Slightly Lower than Room Temperature, smashbros.maniac, smashman90, socandrewcer, SoLn, somiyah, Sonic24, Space thing, Spike222, spKz, spunit262, Squirrely, Stos, StriCNYN3, stRIP, Successor of Raphael, Sucumbio, Sudai, SugarShiek33, SummonerAU, Super Joe, SuperRad, SurMa, Sushi-Man, Suspect, SwiftBass, Swoops, swordgard, Tamoo, Teh Umby, Tenki+, Tennet, Teronist09, The wrath of Koarin, thebadnewsbear06, thecatinthehat, TheNix, TheRealColtMaster, TheReflexWonder, theultimodragon, The_Ginger, The_Guide, Thijs, Thinkaman, Tiger-, Tigerb0mbz, TLMSheikant, TMS, toasty, ToKneeOrNotToKnee, trademark0013, Tristan_win, Tristunatops, trueganon, Tujex, tw1n, Twilght Link, TWILTHERO, Twista, Tyranitarphantom, Tyr_03, uber_n00b, Unknown17, urdailywater+, User_Maat_Re, Ussi, Valour, VaNz, Variola, VEEN, Victra, Vijin, Voyeur, Vulcan55, WastingPenguins, What it do, WhiteOkami, WIGI, wkaten, Wolf of Ice, Wolydarg, WouW, Wyvern-x, XACE-K, xeleion, Xervah, Xsyven+, xX Boezy Xx, xxCANDYxx, ynnek123, Yoshi-Kirby, yoshididdy, Youko, Yuna, Z1GMA, zCasanova, Zero_, Zeton, Zicore, ZimR, ZodiakLucien, Zolga Owns, ZOM~B, ZondaFreak, Zook, zxeon, Zylar, ÖwnÄ, _Phloat_, ~Kawaii Bunny~
    I'm pretty much freestyle too. I think off the top of my head. Whenever I begin a good combo, and all of those moves end up flowing together nicely, I usually just make that up right before I started it. I just use moves naturally.
    But, dittos doesn't help as well as fighting a more diverse range of opponents, especially opponents that **** your character. Dittos only help you against the one character imo. You probably won't need dittos in the future anyway. How often do you think that there will be dittos at a tourney irl?
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