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  • And now I have even less respect since you're lying.
    Tsk' tsk', how much are going to fall EMZ?
    Am I going to wake up tomorrow to find you addicted to meth?
    Tis' a sad day.
    No, it makes you a bad student and you have lost all respect from me. ):<
    i am sick of that freak following me, and i am sick of being around him. If we are at Holmes, he will not bother me not follow me.
    if K and Eli are scrubs, how come they always get you to your last stock or beat you?
    That THING wont matter, as other people will cover his smell.
    K got his controller for me. :)
    and i dont smell that THING there, only home.
    well if your using snake right it shouldnt be that easy. i was/am really good with those characters i said. maybe ill get a hold of a wii and brawl soon, maybe we can play
    i still want to go. I want to play them again. i hate that THING.
    oh, and you fail. only YOU can get away from that THING, not me. that THING will follow me where ever i go. So, yeah, in holmes, he doesnt do that.
    not in holmes room. >_>
    he is on the other side from where we would usually play. and you still aint beat K yet :)
    i wanna go. i dont wanna go straight home and deal with, well, that THING.
    Yea me and Tenki go way back
    In my first few months on SWF
    I was very active in the Sonic boards
    and got to know everyone...Memphis would always flame me lol
    Then I asked if anyone would like to give me some Sonic training...and Tenki agreed to help out...so we got on aim and he taught me a few tricks.
    After about a month or 2 I stopped goin to the Sonic boards and spent most of my time in the Lucas boards....then I started maining Pit...but that didnt work out lol...so I returned back to Lucas and the Lucas boards and stayed...Recently since the Lucas and Sonic mains formed the LucaSonic alliance Ive been goin back to the Sonic boards alot...Im mostly in the Lucas, Zelda, Ike, and Sonic boards now:)

    Olimar huh?....I used to use him alot too...but I went up against this killer MK and I felt helpless and Oli's recovery flaw got to me...so I only use him occasionally. I used to be active in the Oli boards too.

    My Lucas has problems against Kirbys' lol
    I use Sonic a lil bit too...he's kinda hard to get used to.
    The best Sonic main Ive ever played was Tenki
    He did some sort of cool spring canceling combo that he couldnt repeat lol
    it was amazing.
    Who do u mostly use out of all your mains??
    haha thanks for joining. make sure to send all awesome people demonfart's way. i want the group to be very lively. and awesome, of course.
    yo EMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have been chosen for your awesomeness. Ask demonfart for an invite to the social group "awesomeness peoplez" tell him i sent you ^^. awesome people only. you would make the group SOOOOOO awesome
    Do u watch vids on youtube??
    That really helps
    For Lucas definitely check out NinjaLink, APC, Okin, and Galeon
    For Zelda: DarkMusician, Nakayorz(Naks), Ankoku and NinjaLink
    For Olimar: NC-Echo and Shrinkray
    And for Kirby Im not sure lol
    hey wats up??
    Im at school....sneaking on the computer lol
    Ive been tryna get better with Lucas, Zelda, and Ike
    If i had the best things, i wouldnt be the person i am today. they just see me as a close friend. You should just talk to them, and STAY AWAY FROM SMARRY!
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