I admit, pokemon have feelings. But wouldn't everyone of them hate their trainers? A jigglypuff could be in the forest, minding its own business and then suddenly, she hears a rustle in the bushes. It ignores it and continues eating its apple. All of a sudden, she hears a trainer yell, "Pikachu! Thundershock now!" The Jigglypuff turns around in fright only to see a bright flash of light met with the extreme pain of electricution running through the course of its little, puffy body. The Jigglypuff lays there in a daze and the trainer tossed a pokeball. It hits her head with a bonk and bounces back only to suck her into a tiny, round ball. She is then forced to do the trainer's bidding and fight other Pokemon just so they can meet the same fate as she did. Slaves.
When you think about it. Pokemon really have it rough . . . poor little guys.
I'm such a hypocrite since I'm actually playing Pokemon: Platinum -_-
btw what does traumend mean?