You're welcome. After answering you, I looked at the state of the board and deduced you were making one of two moves. If you'll remember I was in a similar situation earlier (move 12).
For future reference, use the following:
If the file differs, put the file of where it starts before the destination.
If the rank differs, put the rank number before the destination.
If neither is enough to destinguish the move, put the coordinate of the starting space before the destination (like I suggested).
May not be verbatim, but that's the gist of what the notation page said.
I wmight not be online through the Wii tomorrow like I have been during the week (mom has the day off and don't like moving my setup while she's home), but I'll send my revisions as soon as I can. Be aware I put in some extra info/tips after for writing/revising in the future.