Yeah, about pushing my limits, as I said, that's really all this drawing is for me. That's a good thing though, it's the first legitimate drawing I've done in the past year-- which is far too long if you ask me. Many of my past drawings have never matured to a fully realized finished piece. I usually stop, but this one I'm not going to halt. I'll continue this one until finished. Much of this is experimenting, I'm trying out new PhotoShop tools, and broadening my knowledge with them. I'll be sure to inform you of the finished piece. As it stands, I'm working on two versions of this drawing. Once I've reached the point where I can take a step back and say... k, this is EXACTLY how I want it to look, then I'll take that and make the Zelda mods.
Thanks for the interest, and I'll definately be happy in the end!