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  • One was December 27th and the other was yesterday the second. Both are under the limit to count on Ankoku's thread though.
    Heh heh. >___>

    I'm just playing though. :p
    Not to sound rude or *****y but when do you plan on posting the results??? :O
    I know how much you love that. :bee: <------ remember when you were going crazy over that thing?!
    Oh ****. I completely forgot about those.
    Is he the real person in your avatar or am I being tricked?! :mad088:
    I know, it's been so long...over half a year, now that I think about it O_o .

    Do you know anyone who'd be willing to help? I have some new stuff that changes it a lot and I want someone else's opinion on it, it might be too complicated.
    I'm making H&H 8 (by which I mean, no one else has done it and I started on the attack list).

    Can you offer me some advice/supply some attacks/make it look pretty? Thanks for any help in advance.

    Edit: 2/3 done with the attacks.

    Edit2: Should I wait for you to notify your fellow players about this so everyone knows it's happening? I need some time to reconnect with my allies too.
    Hogwarts wont tolerate such horrible habits! :mad:
    You should've traded that bike in for a nimbus 2009.

    It sounds like a sleep schedule I should have!
    I go to sleep in the morning and wake up around 6pm.

    But that'll soon change hopefully.
    Pretty much all I asked for.
    I really need to get outside. I haven't been out this whole break so far. My sleeping schedule ruins my day plans all the time. :ohwell:
    Want to help me train my Peach? You just seem like a much respected Peach player that will not make me feel like total crap after demolishing me. Haha.
    Well, couple things. I figure I can get in some extra smash with you all since it's winter break and I have no obligations back home for awhile. Also, two really old friends of mine found me on facebook a little while ago, Holiday bash is an excuse for me to go out and see them (it's crazy how much hotter they look now that they're not 10 - lol). They live in Monument.... moar driving! lol
    Hey, DTL has me covered on friday night, I was hoping I could stay longer in colorado though. If you could help me with housing on any of the days from then until tuesday, that'd be awesome. My main concern is limiting the days I have to spend in a hotel room ^^;
    There are two ways.

    First one, type something and fill one space with a million spaces.

    Ex. lol----------wut

    Except the ----- are spaces.
    The forums turn all the spaces into one space but still count all the spaces as part of the 10char limit

    The other is putting bold [*B][/B] tags in the middle of a word and filling it with spaces. Without the * of course.

    Ex. Co[*B]---------[/B]ol.

    The forums just pretend like the spaces don't even exist now.

    As for a picture, the url counts as part of the 10char limit, so you don't even have to 10char dodge for pictures.
    It does severely limit your options because you can never glide toss in that direction. Running and then pulling a turnip is still safe but the technique you've come to rely on is possible without the B stick.

    So why not get the best of both and learn to bonewalk?
    Reverse glide tosses are important ones, not being able to do one of the directions severely limits your spacing (and mindgames that come with glidetossing) and all for a technique doable without B sticking.

    Bonewalkings good but glide tossing is more important and you should probably let the more important one be easier and only have to master one AT instead of a ton of difficult imputs that would be easy to do in 5 minutes with the c stick xD

    But you caaaaaan wavebounce peach bomber ;) (what does that even look like xD)
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