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  • It's fine ^__^.

    Then Justdubs doesn't have it... I'll look on Animeseason then.

    Oh wow, you're way ahead of me XD. I've been wanting to watch it, it's just that I couldn't find it.
    XDD You probably be laughing at the whole wifi server. " HAHAHA TAKE THAT NINTENDO FOR SCREW UP BRAWL WITH TRIPPING!" J/k XDD

    Alright that was my last message for tonight I promise. XDD

    Good night Darktoon -Bows all formal.- :p -poof-
    Oh, yeah no I have not heard about that until now. XD

    Hackers probably? LMAOO that wouldn't surprise me if that did really happen. >_>;
    Good game, Blah blah. XD So on forth, Nice edge grab, and hopefully next time will have a better game then what was going on today. I think you did great. Any who I'm tired I got to finish up drawing for tonight. If you ever want to brawl just give a random message. If your just bored. XD
    >_>; I don't know what to say to that? I don't even know why a couple folks can't use wifi properly. Wifi just being wifi. <-- lol.

    Nothing I can do to change back time to keep going at our battle before that happen but if I win or lose No grudges still best game, and your still the best toon link player. :3
    No I really don't know what happen the moment I press my button to attack with marth, Then it went. " Disconnected error <-- those random numbers."

    Yeah that crap when you get cut off, But alright one stock one more round for mario or do you want 3 stocks? Let me know before I start the room.
    I Really really hate bad connection for some reason ever since I've been trying to play brawl on Basic brawl with other players. Just been cutting me off. I hate it, Trust me I wouldn't jump off of a good game in the middle of it. Other good players I've fought before sometimes I get good connection sometimes I don't, and lately you and I know lag seriously cut us off. However. I want a re-match on that Ike battle. >_>; Some of those stages you can tell I easily fail at it, but then again lag holds me back with real talent. But seriously I wanted to finish off our match, but maybe when the connection is better. O_o; Or you think you can handle one more match with mario and my marth?
    No, I haven't :(. Is the English dub under the same Japanese name? I can't find it on Justdubs. But I'll look on Animeseason tomorrow. I'm a bit tired to watch anything at the moment XD. Sorry to log off on you, but I'm going to get some sleep. See you later, Dark ^__^. Maybe we can talk more tomorrow ^__^.
    Sorry I should've been more specific, I did brb/gtg because my C-stick wasn't working so I re-plugged the GCN controller so I could use it again.
    Just wanted to clear any confusion.
    For someone who's suppose to beat me in teh triforce tourney you would think you would have contacted your opponent...
    Jus sayin...
    :) I wouldn't doubt you improved. The only good thing about my rustyness is that it probably reset my bad habits. So my playstyle might be different. Hopefully not nooby, heheh.
    *takes a deep breath and swallows his own pride*

    ...Yes... I'm rusty. It sure feels like it. Hehehe, sH33n... he's probably the only person I wouldn't mind getting owned with right about now.
    I take it that you watch Higurashi....took me awhile to realize where you got your tag names from >__>
    Oh, no worries. If you need help with anything, just shoot a PM and i'll try to resolve, if you want.
    Not exaggerating. I'll get at him at an offline tourney to make sure it isn't just the lag, but i haven't seen stats like his since KoRo. I actually think KoRo is a tad better, though.

    And ok, i'm on whenever.
    If he was Luigi, and he lost, he def. sandbagged something hardcore >_>
    His Weegee is murder, i could only think of HyL! or Suspect taking his out...

    And you will not regret that. You have an account?
    Beating TGK isn't too hard, but it's def. not too easy, either.
    Try something like AiB to ready yourself up, it helps, a lot.

    Got my first 5 streak win with Samus vs Staff on there in Crew Battles, haven't had regrets, haven't dropped Samus.
    Anyone who can't beat him, doesn't get in. Point blank.
    Even UberMario got a no. I'm not saying TGK is the best (Sounds like LIO is going to rep an Occult PR), he does have the most Wi-fi experience, and is top of OTL. He's not too hard, but if you're looking to get in, you know who's main you'll have to beat.
    Member search mars16.
    Play. Learn.

    I still don't see why TGK isn't letting him back with LIO >__<
    Guess he needs OTLs, meh...
    I will rip your flesh off you bones...
    If you ever call mah Spamus a man....

    And that was lulzy, 2 footstools when i was intent on teching wifi >.>
    You need hacks son...

    And Mars= **** Mario x___x
    Needs more Bair and Uair, check with Mars if you want Mario stats though, mine sux ;___;

    Anyway, I hate using Samus over wi-fi, it's slowing me down offline >.>
    Unlucky man, but congrats getting second place though!

    Do you want to get pranked! for a month?

    k i just added you on wifi, lets start on SV

    do you wanna do cp in tags or go to cubones xat?

    also you need to win 2 sets and i only need to win one
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