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  • hey bud^^ would u mind if i took one of ur recent vids from youtube and sort of featured it in my thread so u can get feedback and maybe improve on things?? :)
    Hi, dabuz.... I was wondering if you would mind playing me a few friendlies sometime. Am gonna try and enter the tournament scene in Europe in the next few months and would like to play the best to practice. Anyway VM with your answer, even if its no (to save me wondering if we are gonna play lol). See ya around =D
    I know this, but rather then argue against him. Argue against his points.

    It get's nowhere if you attack him directly. :/ He's doing similiar things to the Link boards on AiB, talking like he knows everything about their character.... even banned a few of those who tried to prove him wrong..
    i just had some friendlies with holy for a good hour earliar today and i lost every match... but alot were close... i was happy he accepted friendlies:bee: lolz and ya ive been waiting a while for ugg and HOB to do their matches:laugh: i dont really care but itd be cool if i won money for once:p but i really wanted to fight you but LM was banned so you lost:(... also goodluck in the seasonal ladder tourney:) i wanted to get into the top 60 but i suck:( i gave up... but bunny iz in it...
    hey out of all the times you faught holy how well does he do on you??? are the matches close????
    You have to realize that Inui is an idiot, argued D3 being the only one with an advantage on Snake, and that Snake > Olimar... and I don't think Candy has even faced many Olimars offline <_< I've never seen a set of him vs an Olimar...

    btw, you know buffalo is like 6 hour drive from long island right? i saw that western ny tourney topic.
    my friend code is 4984-3312-6078 although i could just go to your house to play if it is cool with your parents. would probably be on mon, weds, thurs.
    Wow, really? Well I 'm not TOO fond of using Sheik for Luigi and Peach, not that they're bad match ups (probably slightly in the opponents favor). I do like the match up against Metaknight though. You really need to have full control of the grab release - DACUS against him, plus great zoning. You can talk to me on AIM about it if you want it's NightwishAVX7. Oh and good match today, I didn't mean to john, but I really felt I wasn't playing the match up right there... oh well.
    he will probably go mk against you, and he knows EXACTLY how to fight oli as mk, i started beating his snake and now his mk destroys me =[
    i will pick you up for BG around 11:00-11:15 am or so. it starts at noon. so we can get food on the way if you want.
    Sorry, bro. Looks like I missed you.

    I might be able to play tomorrow sometime after 6PM MST.
    Sounds simple enough. I'll need the code on the card and the name of the game that you want me to send to you. Once I know those I should be good to go. When you give me the code send a personal message just in case someone happens to see it before I do. :3
    Hey, bro. We have to play for the summer brawl tourney.

    Lemme know when you can.
    I'm not sure how to gift games since I've never done it before.......but I'll do it if you tell me how to. Also, if there is a game you want that is more than 1000 wii points, don't let me hold you back from that. I'll take 500 wii points, for example, if there is a 1500 wii point game you want. When I do repay you in the future, I hope you don't look down on me my good chum. :3
    I'll take 1000 wii points if you are still willing. My wii number is 4615-6399-0269-3917. I really appreciate the kindness and will return the favor the next time I win wii points. I just added your wii # to my wii. Thank you again. Your chum, bunnyma.....bunnies are cute. :3
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