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  • Я хочу поделиться с вами несколько предварительных выводов я попал в отношении causeries Clownbot's. И я подчеркиваю слово "предварительная", потому что вопрос о том, что мотивирует Clownbot является сложным и сложным. Начнем с того, Clownbot является правом об одном, а именно, что страх, что движет нами. Опасаясь того, что это значит, когда вилка лживый hostes GENERIS Humani бросить подачки эго приторный. Опасаясь того, что оно говорит о нашем обществе, когда мы учим наших детей, что наука является лишь инструментом изобрели нынешней элиты сохранить власть. И страх затхлый большим трудом боссами как Clownbot кто положил увеличился подрывной полномочий в руках распущенной wantwits.

    Clownbot более опасны, чем другие, поскольку надменный mythomaniacs испорченный, избалованный потомство изнеженный верхний класс на самом деле верят Clownbot, когда он говорит, что он имеет "перспективу специальные" на ура-патриотизм, что несет с собой "право специальной" в выдаче фиктивных наводнение Правовые документы. Моя обычная реакция на его методы толкования заключается в следующем: он держит придумать новые способы создания чудовища Франкенштейна. Однако такой ответ слишком GLib и, возможно, немного паршивый, поэтому позвольте мне быть более конкретными. Он не хочет, чтобы решить проблемы. Он всегда смотрит в другую сторону, и надеется, никто не заметит, что он утверждает, что он является образцом гражданина. Естественно, это история, рассказанная идиотом, полная звуков и ярости, что означает ничего. Два быстрых комментариев: 1) ни одна группа не сделала так много для малозначительный вопрос в целом, как врачи Clownbot's спину, и 2) эскапизм это не просто атака на наши нравы. Он также является политически мотивированных атак на знаниях.

    Если бы я не думаю, Clownbot пересмотрит человечности, как отчужденными машины / зверями, а затем убедить всех, что они никогда не были правы во-первых, я бы не сказал, что он считает, что larrikinism является жизнеспособной и жизненно важные цели для учебных заведений нашей страны. Это просто неверно. Он также считает, что его лекарственно-индуцированного бреда хороши для окружающей среды, прав человека и ребенка печатями. Опять неверно! Вы можете быть удивлены, услышав это, но мы должны привести друг друга к пониманию, что необоснованные беотийцами не могут даже договориться между собой о том, как бессмысленное он. Чем быстрее он приходит в борьбу с этой реальностью, тем лучше для всех нас. Способность к Clownbot разрушить чужую жизнь и мечты вызывает изумление. Иными словами, неизменный закон биологии следствию, что, как правило, игнорируются. В частности, это может показаться на первый взгляд, что он воздерживается от своих обязательств, ответственности и правды в пользу задыхаясь и слюни энтузиазма для онанизма. Когда мы спускаемся в подробности, однако, мы видим, что Clownbot держится с низкими стандартами. Так давайте называть меня Clownbot наступление. Я называю его несведущий.

    Тот, кто потратил много времени бродить по благочестивым, мракобесие, жаргон заполненные наклоняю, что сейчас проходит для "продвинутых" мысли в области гуманитарных уже знает, что при взгляде на эту coldhearted парад состязательности стремительное-типа, один сразу думает о слове "undemonstrativeness". Что может быть новостью, однако, является то, что он думает, что это хорошо, что его передовицы привести народ к беззакония и греха. Это трудно понять, как реагировать на такие монументально неуместны значений, но давайте попробуем вот это: он раскачивается довольно трудно на некоторые тонкие доказательства. И я могу сказать, что с чистой совестью, потому что мне кажется смешным, что он жалуется, о людях, которые ничего не делают, но жаловаться. Ну, News Flash! Clownbot ничего не делает, но жаловаться. Все это, вероятно, знакомы с клише, что я нашел, к моему удивлению значительные, что утверждения Clownbot являются проводником, что воронки близорукие мысли в головы придирчивый варваров. Ну, есть много правды в этом клише.
    Quiero compartir con ustedes algunas de las conclusiones provisionales que he llegado sobre Causeries Clownbot's. Y subrayo la palabra "provisional", porque el tema de lo que motiva Clownbot es difícil y complejo. Para empezar, Clownbot tiene razón en una cosa, a saber, que el miedo es lo que nos motiva. El temor de lo que significa que de tenedor hostes lengua Humani generis lanzamiento dádivas a los egos de los empalagoso. El temor de lo que dice acerca de nuestra sociedad, cuando enseñamos a nuestros hijos que la ciencia es sólo una herramienta inventada por la élite actual para mantener el poder. Y el temor de desaliñado grandes jefes de la mano de obra como Clownbot que ponen mayores poderes perturbadores en las manos de wantwits licenciosa.

    Clownbot es más peligroso que otros mitómanos altiva porque el mal estado, hijos mimados de la clase alta, mimada realmente creen Clownbot cuando dice que tiene un "especial" perspectiva de patrioterismo que conlleva un "especial" derecho a emitir una avalancha de falsas documentos legales. Mi respuesta habitual a sus métodos de interpretación es la siguiente: Se sigue apareciendo nuevas formas de crear un monstruo de Frankenstein. Sin embargo, esa respuesta es demasiado simplista y quizá un poco miserable, así que permítame ser más específico. Es reacio a resolver los problemas. Siempre se limita a mirar hacia otro lado y espera que nadie se dará cuenta de que, según él, que él es un ciudadano modelo. Naturalmente, esto es un cuento contado por un idiota, lleno de ruido y furia, que nada significa. Dos observaciones rápidas: 1) Ningún grupo se ha hecho tanto a trivializar todo el asunto como Spin Doctors Clownbot, y 2) la evasión no es sólo un ataque a nuestra fibra moral. También es un ataque por motivos políticos en el conocimiento.

    Si yo no pensaba que iba a redefinir Clownbot humanidad alienada máquinas / bestias y convencer a todos que no eran humanos, para empezar, yo no diría que él cree que larrikinism es un objetivo viable y vital para las instituciones educativas de nuestro país. Eso es incorrecto. Se considera, además, que su delirio inducido por fármacos son buenos para el medio ambiente, derechos humanos, y las crías de foca. Te equivocaste de nuevo! Usted puede estar sorprendido de escuchar esto, pero tenemos que llevan unos a otros hacia el entendimiento de que beocios irrazonable ni siquiera pueden ponerse de acuerdo entre sí sobre la forma en que es injustificable. Cuanto antes se enfrenta a esa realidad, mejor para todos nosotros. Clownbot capacidad para destruir vidas de otras personas y de los sueños es asombrosa. Dicho de otra manera, la ley inalterable de la biología tiene un corolario que se suele pasar por alto. En concreto, puede parecer en un principio que evita que sus compromisos con la responsabilidad y la verdad en favor de un aliento y entusiasmo para babear onanismo. Al descender a los detalles, sin embargo, vemos que Clownbot sostiene a sí mismo bajo nivel. Así que me llaman Clownbot ofensivo. Yo lo llamo desinformados.

    Cualquiera que haya pasado mucho tiempo vadeando a través del canto piadoso, oscurantista, lleno de jerga que ahora pasa por "avanzado" pensamiento en las humanidades ya sabe que cuando uno ve este desfile insensible de cabeza de tipo contradictorio, uno de inmediato piensa en la palabra "undemonstrativeness". Lo que puede ser noticia, sin embargo, es que él piensa que es bueno que sus editoriales llevan a las personas hacia la iniquidad y el pecado. Es difícil saber cómo responder a esos valores monumentales fuera de lugar, pero vamos a intentar esto: Es bastante difícil pivotar sobre algunas pruebas delgado. Y puedo decir que con la conciencia tranquila, porque me parece divertido que se queja de que las personas que no hacen más que quejarse. Bueno, noticia de última hora! Clownbot no hace más que quejarse. Todo el mundo es probablemente está familiarizado con el lugar común que he encontrado, para mi sorpresa, que las afirmaciones de Clownbot son un conducto que canaliza a corto pensamientos visuales en las cabezas de los bárbaros malhumorado. Bueno, hay mucho de verdad en ese cliché.

    Fantasía Clownbot es erotizar las relaciones de dominación y subordinación. Él sueña con un mundo que le otorga esa libertad sin condiciones. Bienvenido al mundo de la frotteurismo! En ese mundo de pesadilla que desde hace mucho tiempo se ha olvidado que hay un tiempo para callar y un tiempo para hablar. Hay un tiempo para amar y tiempo de aborrecer. Hay un tiempo para la guerra y un tiempo para la paz. Y, avouch, hay un tiempo para proteger nuestra paz, privacidad y seguridad. O, para decirlo con menos poéticamente, mi causa es prevenir la producción de una nueva cosecha de atrás, prima donnas farisaica. Hago un llamamiento a los hombres y mujeres de todos los sectores de la vida para apoyar a mi causa con su afirmación de la vida la elocuencia y el espíritu indomable de la decencia humana y la rectitud moral. Sólo entonces el mundo entero dan cuenta de que no debemos dejar que Clownbot justificar, paliar, o excusa de los males de su corazón. Eso sería como dejar que la mafia de servir como una nueva fuerza de policía nacional en Italia.
    I want to share with you a few of the tentative conclusions I've reached regarding Clownbot's causeries. And I stress the word "tentative," because the subject of what motivates Clownbot is tricky and complex. To begin with, Clownbot is right about one thing, namely that fear is what motivates us. Fear of what it means when fork-tongued hostes generis humani toss sops to the egos of the mawkish. Fear of what it says about our society when we teach our children that science is merely a tool invented by the current elite to maintain power. And fear of frowzy big-labor bosses like Clownbot who put increased disruptive powers in the hands of licentious wantwits.

    Clownbot is more dangerous than other haughty mythomaniacs because the spoiled, pampered offspring of the cosseted upper class actually believe Clownbot when he says that he has a "special" perspective on jingoism that carries with it a "special" right to issue a flood of bogus legal documents. My usual response to his methods of interpretation is this: He keeps coming up with new ways to create a Frankenstein's monster. However, such a response is much too glib and perhaps a little lousy, so let me be more specific. He is reluctant to resolve problems. He always just looks the other way and hopes no one will notice that he alleges that he is a model citizen. Naturally, this is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Two quick comments: 1) No group has done so much to trivialize the entire issue as Clownbot's spin doctors, and 2) escapism is not merely an attack on our moral fiber. It is also a politically motivated attack on knowledge.

    If I didn't think Clownbot would redefine humanity as alienated machines/beasts and then convince everyone that they were never human to begin with, I wouldn't say that he believes that larrikinism is a viable and vital objective for our nation's educational institutions. That's just wrong. He further believes that his drug-induced ravings are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals. Wrong again! You may be surprised to hear this, but we need to lead each other towards the understanding that unreasonable boeotians can't even agree among themselves as to how wanton he is. The sooner he comes to grips with that reality, the better for all of us. Clownbot's ability to shatter other people's lives and dreams is astounding. Stated differently, the unalterable law of biology has a corollary that is generally overlooked. Specifically, it may seem at first that he eschews his commitments to responsibility and truth in favor of a breathless and drooling enthusiasm for onanism. When we descend to details, however, we see that Clownbot holds himself to low standards. So let Clownbot call me offensive. I call him uninformed.

    Anyone who has spent much time wading through the pious, obscurantist, jargon-filled cant that now passes for "advanced" thought in the humanities already knows that when one looks at this coldhearted parade of adversarial headlong-types, one instantly thinks of the word "undemonstrativeness". What may be news, however, is that he thinks it's good that his editorials lead people towards iniquity and sin. It is difficult to know how to respond to such monumentally misplaced values, but let's try this: He is swinging pretty hard on some slender evidence. And I can say that with a clear conscience because it strikes me as amusing that he complains about people who do nothing but complain. Well, news flash! Clownbot does nothing but complain. Everybody is probably familiar with the cliche that I have found, to my considerable surprise, that Clownbot's assertions are a conduit that funnels short-sighted thoughts into the heads of snappish barbarians. Well, there's a lot of truth in that cliche.

    Clownbot's fantasy is to eroticize relations of dominance and subordination. He dreams of a world that grants him such a freedom with no strings attached. Welcome to the world of frotteurism! In that nightmare world it has long since been forgotten that there's a time to keep silent and a time to speak. There's a time to love and a time to hate. There's a time for war and a time for peace. And, I avouch, there's a time to protect our peace, privacy, and safety. Or, to put it less poetically, my cause is to prevent the production of a new crop of backwards, pharisaical prima donnas. I call upon men and women from all walks of life to support my cause with their life-affirming eloquence and indomitable spirit of human decency and moral righteousness. Only then will the whole world realize that we mustn't let Clownbot justify, palliate, or excuse the evils of his heart. That would be like letting the Mafia serve as a new national police force in Italy.

    Clownbot should work with us, not step in at the eleventh hour and hog all the glory. He may shackle us with the chains of mysticism right after he reads this letter. Let him. In the blink of an eye, I, hardheaded cynic that I am, will shatter the adage that the existence and perpetuation of extremism is its own moral justification. One can consecrate one's life to the service of a noble idea or a glorious ideology. Clownbot, however, is more likely to heat the cauldron of terror until it boils over into our daily lives.

    Clownbot's buddies believe that without Clownbot's superior guidance, we will go nowhere. It should not be surprising that they believe this, however. As we all know, minds that have been so maimed that they believe that the Queen of England heads up the international drug cartel can believe anything, especially if it's false. The Clownbot-ization of our political and spiritual lives will put baleful, larcenous reavers on the federal payroll quicker than you can double-check the spelling of "cinematographical". Let's be sure that I've made myself absolutely clear: Clownbot's ethics have caused widespread social alienation and from this alienation a thousand social pathologies have sprung. He likes memoirs that make things worse. Could there be a conflict of interest there? If you were to ask me, I'd say that his politics are a load of bunk. I use this delightfully pejorative term, "bunk"—an alternative from the same page of my criminal-slang lexicon would serve just as well—because every so often, he tries insulting my intelligence. Whenever he gets caught doing so he raises a terrific hullabaloo calculated to twist the history, sociology, and anthropology disseminated by our mass media and in our children's textbooks.

    It is grossly misleading merely to claim that Clownbot is the great master of deception. That's something you won't find in your local newspaper because it's the news that just doesn't fit. In purely political terms, the objection may still be raised that he can absorb mana by devouring his nemeses' brains. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: From secret-handshake societies meeting at "the usual place" to back-door admissions committees, his zealots have always found a way to force onto us the degradation and ignominy that he is known to revel in. Stereotyping and victim-blaming is not more respectable when it is performed by a member of the group being demeaned. Of course, this sounds simple, but in reality, the real issue is simple: He shows a complete lack of foresight. Please pardon this brief divagation, but if Clownbot had his way, schools would teach students that he is a bearer and agent of the Creator's purpose. This is not education but indoctrination. It prevents students from learning about how Clownbot's favorite tactic is known as "deceiving with the truth". The idea behind this tactic is that he wins our trust by revealing the truth but leaving some of it out. This makes us less likely to carve solutions that are neither barbaric nor meddlesome.

    All kidding aside, Clownbot is on some sort of thesaurus-fueled rampage. Every sentence he writes is filled with needlessly long words like "isomerizeparabolization" and "pseudoconglomeration". Either Clownbot is deliberately trying to confuse us or else he's secretly scheming to mold your mind and have you see the world not as it is but as he wants you to see it.

    I assume that Clownbot is unaware of his obligation not to give expression to that which is most destructive and most harmful to society, as this unawareness would be consistent with his prior displays of ignorance. How did he get so hidebound? I have my theories, but they're only speculation. At any rate, I am worried about a new physiognomy of servitude, a compliant citizenry relieved of its burdens by a "compassionate" Clownbot. It's hard to spot the compassion when you notice that he is willing to promote truth and justice when it's convenient. But when it threatens his creature comforts, he throws principle to the wind. Now that you've heard what I've had to say, I want you to think about it. And I want you to join me and take away as many of Clownbot's opportunities for mischief as possible.

    Some people have indicated that Clownbot needs a refill of his medication. I can neither confirm nor deny that statement, but I can say that Clownbot is totally versipellous. When he's among plebeians, Clownbot warms the cockles of their hearts by remonstrating against pharisaism. But when Clownbot's safely surrounded by his fans, he instructs them to revive an arcadian past that never existed. That type of cunning two-sidedness tells us that implying that Clownbot is a master of precognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing, and other undeveloped human capabilities is no different from implying that the best way to make a point is with foaming-at-the-mouth rhetoric and letters filled primarily with exclamation points. Both statements are ludicrous.

    Clownbot has hatched all sorts of antihumanist plans. Remember his attempt to establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion? No? That's because Clownbot's so good at concealing his venom-spouting activities.

    Clownbot's janissaries are often caught trying to keep us everlastingly ill at ease. Of course, they deny this but we all know full well that every time Clownbot utters or writes a statement that supports insurrectionism—even indirectly—it sends a message that all any child needs is a big dose of television every day. I honestly maintain that we mustn't let him make such statements, partly because some feckless carpetbaggers don't have a clue, but primarily because we must give to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.

    Do you ever get the feeling that there's a lousy yokel born every minute? Well, you should because Clownbot's double standards have kept us separated for too long from the love, contributions, and challenges of our brothers and sisters in this wonderful adventure we share together—life! I don't object to Clownbot's assertions because all of the anxious sighing, longing, and hoping of Clownbot's heart is directed to a time when larcenous pillocks can emphasize the negative in our lives instead of accentuating the positive. I object because one can usually be pretty sure when he's lying. Sometimes there's a little doubt: maybe it's not a deliberate lie but merely a difference of opinion. But when Clownbot claims that the kids on the playground are happy to surrender to the school bully, there's no room for ambiguity: he's lying. If an attempt to spoil the whole Zen Buddhist New Age mystical rock-worshipping aura of our body chakras isn't insincere, it certainly is intellectually challenged. Please, please, please help me remind him about the concept of truth in advertising. Without your help, Clownbot will sincerely turn the social order upside-down so that the dregs on the bottom become the scum on the top. That's all for this letter. For those that don't like my views, get over it. I insist that I have as much a right to my views, and to express them, as anyone else. So when I say that Clownbot advertises his strict morality solely to shift attention away from his many vices, you can agree with me or not. That's all there is to it.

    All such combinations of audacity with ignorance would be supremely ridiculous but for one consideration: The law is not just a moral stance. It is the consensus of society on our minimum standards of behavior. I know more about masochism than most people. You might even say that I'm an expert on the subject. I can therefore state with confidence that I have a dream that my children will be able to live in a world filled with open spaces and beautiful wilderness—not in a dark, rapacious world run by superstitious hooligans. Clownbot likes saying that freedom must be abolished in order for people to be more secure and comfortable. Okay, that's a parody—but not a very gross one. In point of fact, I don't need to tell you that Clownbot's recent attempt to take credit for others' accomplishments is one more gambit in a chess game with no rules. That should be self-evident. What is less evident is that he uses scientific-sounding terminology—"phonons", "melanocyte", "extrapyramidal tract", and so on—to create the impression that there is a scientific base for his claim that it is his moral imperative to dispense outright misinformation and flashlight-under-the-chin ghost stories. But what, you may ask, does any of that have to do with the theme of this letter, viz., that authority without wisdom is mere noise against the music of eternity? In classic sophist fashion, I ask another question in reply: How obdurate can he be? The most appealing theory has to do with the way that if we don't act honorably then Clownbot will create widespread psychological suffering. This message has been brought to you by the Department of Blinding Obviousness. What might not be so obvious, however, is that when it comes to Clownbot's publicity stunts, I unmistakably feel that we have drifted along for too long in a state of blissful denial and outright complacency. It's time to review the basic issues at the root of the debate. The sooner we do that the better because were he alive today, Hideki Tojo would be Clownbot's most trustworthy ally. I can see Tojo joining forces with Clownbot to help him lead an active disinformation campaign.

    Racism doesn't work. So why does Clownbot cling to it? Well, if I knew that, I'd be in Stockholm picking up my prize and a sizable check. He possesses no significant intellectual skills whatsoever and has no interest in erudition. Heck, he can't even spell or define "erudition", much less achieve it. I have just enough stomach left to address one last instance of Clownbot's vindictive imbecility: He sincerely believes that he has mystical powers of divination and prophecy.

    How can we trust Clownbot if he doesn't trust us? We can't. And besides, as that last sentence suggests, he sees himself as a postmodern equivalent of Marx's proletariat, revolutionizing the world by wresting it from its oppressors (viz., those who work together towards a shared vision). On a television program last night, I heard one of this country's top scientists conclude that, "When lying and evidence-tampering fail, Clownbot usually turns to outright intimidation to create catchy, new terms for boring, old issues." That's exactly what I have so frequently argued and I am pleased to have my view confirmed by so eminent an individual. Personally, I don't expect him to give up his crusade to promote a herd mentality over principled, individual thought. But we'll see. And now, to end with a clever bit of doggerel: United we stand. Divided we fall. Clownbot's effete slogans will destroy us all.
    Scyphozoa sent out GreatClayMonkey (lvl 100 Lucario ?).
    tangerine dream sent out Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
    Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
    A sandstorm brewed!
    khang has entered the room.
    GreatClayMonkey used Swords Dance.
    GreatClayMonkey's attack was sharply raised.
    Hippowdon used Curse.
    Hippowdon's speed was lowered.
    Hippowdon's attack was raised.
    Hippowdon's defence was raised.
    The sandstorm rages.
    GreatClayMonkey used Close Combat.
    Hippowdon lost 74% of its health.
    GreatClayMonkey's defence was lowered.
    GreatClayMonkey's special defence was lowered.
    GreatClayMonkey lost 10% of its health.
    Hippowdon used Curse.
    Hippowdon's speed was lowered.
    Hippowdon's attack was raised.
    Hippowdon's defence was raised.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Hippowdon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Hippowdon restored 6% of its health.
    GreatClayMonkey used Close Combat.
    Hippowdon lost 53% of its health.
    tangerine dream's Hippowdon fainted.
    GreatClayMonkey's defence was lowered.
    GreatClayMonkey's special defence was lowered.
    GreatClayMonkey lost 10% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    tangerine dream switched in Alakazam (lvl 100 Alakazam ?).
    GreatClayMonkey used Extremespeed.
    A critical hit!
    Alakazam lost 352% of its health.
    Alakazam hung on using its Focus Sash!
    GreatClayMonkey lost 10% of its health.
    Alakazam used Psychic.
    GreatClayMonkey lost 163% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's GreatClayMonkey fainted.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Alakazam is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Alakazam lost 6% of its health.
    tangerine dream's Alakazam fainted.
    Scyphozoa switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
    tangerine dream switched in Yanmega (lvl 100 Yanmega ?).
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    It's super effective!
    Yanmega lost 230% of its health.
    tangerine dream's Yanmega fainted.
    The sandstorm rages.
    tangerine dream switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).
    Gyarados's intimidate cut Heatran's attack!
    Scyphozoa switched in SirKibble (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
    Gyarados used Waterfall.
    It's super effective!
    SirKibble lost 84% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Gyarados is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Gyarados lost 6% of its health.
    Gyarados's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Gyarados restored 6% of its health.
    SirKibble used Stone Edge.
    It's super effective!
    Gyarados lost 93% of its health.
    SirKibble lost 10% of its health.
    Gyarados used Waterfall.
    It's super effective!
    SirKibble lost 79% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's SirKibble fainted.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Gyarados is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Gyarados lost 6% of its health.
    Gyarados's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Gyarados restored 6% of its health.
    Scyphozoa switched in Fawriel (lvl 100 Gengar ?).
    Fawriel used Shadow Ball.
    Gyarados lost 56% of its health.
    tangerine dream's Gyarados fainted.
    Fawriel lost 10% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Fawriel is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Fawriel lost 6% of its health.
    tangerine dream switched in Machamp (lvl 100 Machamp ?).
    Fawriel used Hypnosis.
    Machamp fell asleep!
    Machamp is fast asleep!
    The sandstorm rages.
    Fawriel is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Fawriel lost 6% of its health.
    Machamp is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Machamp lost 6% of its health.
    Fawriel used Thunderbolt.
    Machamp lost 43% of its health.
    Fawriel lost 10% of its health.
    Machamp is fast asleep!
    The sandstorm rages.
    Fawriel is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Fawriel lost 6% of its health.
    Machamp is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Machamp lost 6% of its health.
    Fawriel used Thunderbolt.
    Machamp lost 47% of its health.
    tangerine dream's Machamp fainted.
    Fawriel lost 10% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Fawriel is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Fawriel lost 6% of its health.
    tangerine dream switched in Infernape (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
    Fawriel used Shadow Ball.
    Infernape lost 87% of its health.
    Fawriel lost 10% of its health.
    Infernape used Overheat.
    Fawriel lost 152% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's Fawriel fainted.
    Infernape's special attack was harshly lowered.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Infernape is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Infernape lost 6% of its health.
    Scyphozoa switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
    Heatran used Explosion.
    Infernape lost 154% of its health.
    tangerine dream's Infernape fainted.
    Scyphozoa wins!
    tangerine dream has left the room.
    Scyphozoa: gg
    khang has left the room.
    Yesz. I'm assuming that you think this is absolutely ridiculous! They'll mod anyone these days! I'll go on a ban-spree!

    Yay for a new blog.
    Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Timed Battle
    TWILTHERO sent out Salamence (lvl 100 Salamence ?).
    Scyphozoa sent out GreatClayMonkey (lvl 100 Lucario ?).
    Salamence's intimidate cut GreatClayMonkey's attack!
    GreatClayMonkey used Swords Dance.
    GreatClayMonkey's attack was sharply raised.
    Salamence used Flamethrower.
    It's super effective!
    GreatClayMonkey lost 94% of its health.
    GreatClayMonkey used Ice Punch.
    It's super effective!
    Salamence lost 237% of its health.
    TWILTHERO's Salamence fainted.
    GreatClayMonkey lost 10% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's GreatClayMonkey fainted.
    Scyphozoa: lulz
    TWILTHERO switched in Cresselia (lvl 100 Cresselia ?).
    Scyphozoa switched in Fawriel (lvl 100 Gengar ?).
    Fawriel used Hypnosis.
    Cresselia fell asleep!
    Cresselia is fast asleep!
    Fawriel used Thunderbolt.
    Cresselia lost 23% of its health.
    Fawriel lost 10% of its health.
    Cresselia woke up!
    Cresselia used Psychic.
    It's super effective!
    A critical hit!
    Fawriel lost 175% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's Fawriel fainted.
    Scyphozoa switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
    TWILTHERO switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    It's not very effective...
    Swampert lost 37% of its health.
    Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Swampert restored 6% of its health.
    Scyphozoa switched in MasterWarlord (lvl 100 Snorlax ?).
    Swampert used Earthquake.
    MasterWarlord lost 45% of its health.
    Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Swampert restored 6% of its health.
    MasterWarlord's leftovers restored its health a little!
    MasterWarlord restored 6% of its health.
    Swampert used Earthquake.
    MasterWarlord lost 45% of its health.
    MasterWarlord used Curse.
    MasterWarlord's speed was lowered.
    MasterWarlord's attack was raised.
    MasterWarlord's defence was raised.
    Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Swampert restored 6% of its health.
    MasterWarlord's leftovers restored its health a little!
    MasterWarlord restored 6% of its health.
    Swampert used Earthquake.
    MasterWarlord lost 26% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's MasterWarlord fainted.
    Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Swampert restored 6% of its health.
    Scyphozoa switched in SirKibble (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
    SirKibble used Earthquake.
    Swampert lost 43% of its health.
    SirKibble lost 10% of its health.
    Swampert used Waterfall.
    It's super effective!
    SirKibble lost 85% of its health.
    Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Swampert restored 6% of its health.
    SirKibble used Night Slash.
    Swampert lost 21% of its health.
    SirKibble lost 10% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's SirKibble fainted.
    Swampert used Waterfall.
    But there was no target!
    Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Swampert restored 6% of its health.
    Scyphozoa switched in Heracross (lvl 100 Heracross ?).
    Heracross used Close Combat.
    Swampert lost 88% of its health.
    TWILTHERO's Swampert fainted.
    Heracross's defence was lowered.
    Heracross's special defence was lowered.
    TWILTHERO switched in Typhlosion (lvl 100 Typhlosion ?).
    Typhlosion used Sunny Day.
    The sun began to shine!
    Heracross used Close Combat.
    Typhlosion lost 139% of its health.
    Typhlosion hung on using its Focus Sash!
    Heracross's defence was lowered.
    Heracross's special defence was lowered.
    The sun continues to shine.
    Typhlosion used Flamethrower.
    It's super effective!
    Heracross lost 459% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's Heracross fainted.
    The sun continues to shine.
    Scyphozoa switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    Heatran's attack missed!
    Typhlosion used Focus Blast.
    Typhlosion's attack missed!
    The sun continues to shine.
    TWILTHERO: lol
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    It's not very effective...
    Typhlosion lost 67% of its health.
    TWILTHERO's Typhlosion fainted.
    The sun continues to shine.
    Scyphozoa: (h)
    TWILTHERO switched in Cresselia (lvl 100 Cresselia ?).
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    Cresselia lost 52% of its health.
    Cresselia used Trick.
    Cresselia obtained Choice Scarf!
    Heatran obtained Choice Scarf!
    The sun faded.
    TWILTHERO: -_-
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    Cresselia lost 34% of its health.
    TWILTHERO's Cresselia fainted.
    TWILTHERO switched in Umbreon (lvl 100 Umbreon ?).
    Scyphozoa: (ONO) (H)
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    A critical hit!
    Umbreon lost 78% of its health.
    Umbreon was burned!
    Umbreon used Wish.
    Umbreon made a wish!
    Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
    Umbreon was hurt by its burn!
    Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    Heatran's attack missed!
    Umbreon used Wish.
    But it failed!
    The wish came true!
    Umbreon restored 50% of its health.
    Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
    Umbreon was hurt by its burn!
    Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    Umbreon lost 42% of its health.
    Umbreon used Wish.
    Umbreon made a wish!
    Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
    Umbreon was hurt by its burn!
    Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
    Heatran used Struggle.
    Umbreon lost 9% of its health.
    Heatran was hit by recoil!
    Heatran lost 25% of its health.
    Umbreon used Wish.
    But it failed!
    The wish came true!
    Umbreon restored 50% of its health.
    Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
    Umbreon was hurt by its burn!
    Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
    Heatran used Struggle.
    Umbreon lost 8% of its health.
    Heatran was hit by recoil!
    Heatran lost 25% of its health.
    Umbreon used Wish.
    Umbreon made a wish!
    Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
    Umbreon was hurt by its burn!
    Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
    TWILTHERO: Exactly as planned!
    Scyphozoa: (ONO)
    Heatran used Struggle.
    Umbreon lost 8% of its health.
    Heatran was hit by recoil!
    Heatran lost 25% of its health.
    Umbreon used Wish.
    But it failed!
    The wish came true!
    Umbreon restored 50% of its health.
    Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
    Umbreon was hurt by its burn!
    Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
    Heatran used Struggle.
    Umbreon lost 8% of its health.
    Heatran was hit by recoil!
    Heatran lost 25% of its health.
    Umbreon used Wish.
    Umbreon made a wish!
    Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
    Umbreon was hurt by its burn!
    Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
    Heatran used Struggle.
    Umbreon lost 8% of its health.
    Heatran was hit by recoil!
    Heatran lost 25% of its health.
    Scyphozoa's Heatran fainted.
    TWILTHERO wins!
    Scyphozoa: I died by struggle -_-
    Scyphozoa: gg
    TWILTHERO: lol
    Scyphozoa: I'm going to the chat.
    TWILTHERO has left the room.
    Wtf? I remember this message in the AFA Forum Games BRoom that suggested you were older. Something about driving.....

    Well, I'm going into my first ear of HS. ;-;
    No, perhaps I should apologize.

    I lashed out for little reason. It bothers me that I often get comments about how I have a strange order of things, but I overreacted.

    I'm sorry.
    Yeah, I am only accepting three requests at a time. After that I close momentarily.
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