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C.S. Dinah
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  • The numbers on next to shield stun indicate the frames the opponent is in shield stun.
    5 frames with the hard hit. 2 Frames if you hit on the weak tail end of it.

    Optimal shield advantage is how many frames you are ahead of your opponent (or vice versa) to follow up with. -4 means that if you hit with the hard part of Peach's bair and then land, your opponent will have 4 frames in which they can react without you being able to do anything.

    Optimal Shield Drop Advantage: How many frames you or your opponent have to follow up/counter after the opponent shields an attack. This number is assuming your opponent has not PS'd the move and reacts on the soonest possible frame.
    A +3 means that you (the attacker) will have three frames to follow up on the opponent without them being able to do anything because they're in their shield drop animation. This number assumes the opponent has not PS'd the attack (if they PS their shield drop animation has IASA frames)
    Yup. Most of us know about this. But we don't have too much analytical data to back us up sometimes >__>.

    I knew about the Fthrow > Fsmash.
    Fthrow > Dtilt is new for me. But others might already know about it.

    Yeah... I posted about my SHART findings, though. It helped a little. But the guide in the "Ultimate Pit Guide" is a bit better than mine.
    Well, we know that Pit's Fthrow can follow up with either another grab, or dash attack. We can also Chain Grab some characters with Fthrow. But the Chain Grab usually only goes up to 40%. We're now researching Pit's boosted grab. We've heard that you can Chain Grab DDD to 80% with Pit's boosted grab. But that boosted grab is a pain to time >__>. I'm gonna test it out later today and tell them what I find. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with good results.

    If what you're saying is that Pit has follow up moves out of Fthrow, we kind of already know that ^__^. But what Follow Up moves where you planning on posting? Fthrow Chain Grab? Or Fthrow > Dash Attack?
    Tell me what you found out!........
    You already posted it....
    Well, I'll just go read it anyways.....
    What? Really? The transporter goes to other planets? Wow. I thought that it only went to En II as well, lol. Well, that's helpful XD. But, my last save was in that castle audience chamber >__>. I'm gonna have to walk a LOOOONG way back >__>. Thanks for the tip, though. Now I'll be able to take that extra dungeon you told me about.
    No. I meant Nox Obscurus and that big wierd palace where some places where trapped in time. That was what boosted my characters level. I fought two bosses in that place you're talking about, though. They were no trouble.

    I see.... But the save file where my characters are past lv60 is after you crash on Nox Obscurus XD. I don't think you can travel to other planets after that >__>. In my other save, my characters are only over lv.50.
    The dungeon that came before the boss boosted almost all of my characters to lv 65-67. The only ones that were close to lv 70 were Lymle and Sarah. And the only ones that were over lv 70 were Reimi and Edge. And I hate the hand move sooo much >__>. It did the same thing, it juggled me and then killed me >__>. I only survived it once because Sarah managed to use Faeri light before I died. It was gay, I agree >__>. It's so gay that it once killed Reimi, Lymle, and Sarah in one shot... That **** boss made me use my only Regeneration Unit >__>.

    I've never heard of it. Where do you find it? And I'll be careful of the Bees.... They sound scary.... Are they big?

    Well, I might go and look for it, but I've been spending most of my money on Wii Points cards. So it'll take a while to get it.
    Well, not really. The beginning was a bit confusing, since I couldn't figure out how to cause damage to him for two minutes. Then it went pretty well. Until it got near the end. I swear that guys attack power went up a couple thousand points >__>. Kept killing me in one shot, and I was at level 76! I'll try Bacchus out next time, though. Also, I forgot to mention that I also got Myuria's ending. I don't think that I've found the regeneration symbol, though. That would be nice to have, since I would like to save more of my mental stimulants.

    I want to see Lymle's ending SOO BAD! Lucky. Although, I wonder why we couldn't see Edge's ending...

    What dungeon are you talking about?
    I wanted to get Tales of Vesperia, but when it came out I didn't have an Xbox360. Now I think it's too late >__>...
    I didn't use Bacchus... But I got through it anyways ^__^. Reimi was a real tank, though. Although, I want to ask you: What character endings did you get? I only got Bacchus', Sarah's, and Reimi's endings......... Are you supposed to do something else to get the rest of the characters endings?
    Slader is next for the HOR Interview. PM me your questions of whatever you want to know about him!

    If you haven't got my red Ganon picture, it's cool.
    In fact, if it's alright, I'd like to make a last minute change.
    Can I have blue Wolf instead?
    Oh, I see. Well, they are fun to play.

    And I finished SO: TLH! Finally ^__^! The last boss takes long to take down, though. But at least he wasn't too hard. But he did make me use all of my Resurection Elixers >__>.
    Oh right. That 4-D space place. The Star Ocean world all being created was one of the most intruiging story-line twists I've ever experienced. Although, the enemies there were weak as toothpicks >__>. I was so scared of what lied behind the time gate because the Angel (or whatever they were called) enemies were so tough. Only 5 of my party members could survive in a fight against them. Then I make it to that big technological city, and the enemies are so weak >__>.

    I will next time I play it. SO 3 has to be my favorite SO game. Hey, did you ever get the re-makes of SO 1 and SO 2 for PSP? I feel like I never really got everything out of SO 1 that I could. Although, I feel I did a better job with SO 2. The final boss of SO 1 was so easy, though >__>. But the SO 2 final boss was just unfair. Almost all of his attacks are spammable (yes SPAMMABLE).

    I've never heard of Sphere 211 (or at least don't remember it). Where do you find it? Although, I need to start using Synthesis more. It sounds like I won't last one minute in Sphere 211 if you beat Luther in under 3 minutes.
    "Hear that sound? It's the gates of hell welcoming you." God I hate that line >__>. But man, the way you talk about Synthesis, it sounds like I missed out on half the game because I didn't really use Synthesis all that much. I only tried it out a little bit near the end of the game. That's awesome, though. Next play through, I'm gonna try and experiment a bit more with Item Synthesis.

    I only recruited a few people on my first play through. I wanted to recruit more experienced people, but I didn't have the items they requested.

    I've heard A LOT of things about Lenneth. He sounds really scary. Where do you find him anyways?

    Yeah, I used refinement a lot more than synthesis. It's a quick way to make items. You can make ones found in stores or make totally new items. I usually used it to make this one item (I forgot what it was called) that restored 60% of HP. I used refinement to make as much as I needed. I also used it to make an item that restored 60% of MP too.
    Wow.... You're a master at Star Ocean Dinah. I had only touched the surface of item synthesis by the end of the game. I need to get better at it >__>. That extra attack power would've helped big time with the angel enemies... God, even though I was at level 70 when they first appeared, it took A LOT to take them down...... A LOT.

    @__@. I bet you made Luther look like a ragdoll... He KO'd my other party members in less than 2 minutes. The only one in the battle was Fayt..... And I managed to beat him somehow.
    Oh. Yeah, Sarah's restoration is beast XD. Wow. You are a god in SO Dinah. And wait, you beat Luther's final form in under 3 minutes!? HOW!? I was at level 85 when I faced him! What level were you on?

    Blegh.... I need to beat the game already >__>. Good Luck on the secret dungeons.
    You mean to tell me you used no Fresh Sages until the final boss? Even when the big phantom assault happened? That part was HARD. You even said you were having trouble with that part. So you didn't use any Fresh Sage? @____@

    For me it's Lymle and Reimi. Although Sarah's good too ^__^.

    And you're right. The game is pretty short. Even though it does have 3 discs (@__@). The longest Star Ocean for me has to be Till The End Of Time. Took me three months to beat that game.... The final boss took half a month >__>. TEOT's final boss will always be the hardest boss I've ever faced... EVER.
    That's cool. I'm kind of proud, though ^__^. Never thought I'd be in a video.

    Aw man. I haven't even beaten it. I need to start playing it again. I'll start on the weekend. Brawls been keeping me too busy -_-...

    Wait.... No Fresh Sages.... AT ALL? @_____@. You are awesome.
    I HEARD ABOUT IT! I prob won't though. I'll be going out of town for my grandmother's eye surgery. :f
    It would be lovely to know what it was in the first place. :)

    A tornament, I'm guessing? When?
    Sorry if it becomes a pain on the eyes after awhile i fail at birthday cards. >_>
    Go, go, go, go
    Go, go, go shawty
    It's yo birfday
    We gon' party liek it's yo birfday
    We gon' sip Bacardi liek it's yo birfday

    Happy birfday mang.
    Well, I would take a SO: Till The End Of Time avatar, but I haven't been able to find one yet.

    You're hiding from people aren't you? You won't get away if you keep posting on "Summer Brawl this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (GOD THAT IS SO FUNNY TO READ :laugh:).
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