Lol, I used to use Variable Zoom perpetually, in every CoD game I could. It felt weird playing without it. On the L96, Black Ops's sniper zooming made it a lot easier for me to confirm my targets, and it didn't hinder me any. I could do it at every range. Without Variable Zoom, it takes me a split second longer to confirm their position, then dragscope. On stages like Nuketown, I can manage without, but near otherwise, I'd lose the encounter to an LMG or something. I'd be gettig shot at before I could ADS.
I like... I suppose I like Array or Jungle the most, considering I really only play Ground War in Blops, when I'm playing without a party.

I like... I suppose I like Array or Jungle the most, considering I really only play Ground War in Blops, when I'm playing without a party.