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  • Don't feel pressured to do it. I can get Gashi or maybe Sato to make it a render if you want.
    I was just talking with Brawler17 and he was looking up your About Me. He saw your Occupation and he seriously thought you were a baker XD

    Then i told him u main Falco :p
    Btw is there any way you can make the boo picture with the santa hat a render? I'm not sure the sig artist (Still don't know who i'm getting to do this ._.) would want to make the sig and have to make a render.
    No it's me, u, Red, and, PyroChameleon. I know u don't know PyroChameleon very well, but he's my best friend IRL, so uh yeah :p

    a HFTOW one sounds like a good idea though

    nite :)
    what would you like to be?
    I'm going to have a character for each of us in the sig. It doesn't have to be a brawl character btw
    No no, it's fine. It's usual for people to go by what there use to. =P I do have competitive battles, it's just I also have battles with items and stuff on sometimes.
    You wanted a serious game? Sorry dude, but I don't play tourney rules every battle; I didn't think we were having a tourney like battle, considering we just wanted to brawl. If you wanted one; you should of said something. =P

    But yeah; GGs. My Jiggs and Samus is normally not this bad; idk why I did as bad as I did with them lol.
    Sorry I missed you D: I was playing someone else and forgot to look at my inbox, I'm ready now if you are?
    Not yet. :( I'm short on cash, but I think soon I'll acquire enough to get it. I can't wait to play it!
    I would but i can't.

    We're putting up the tree :D
    btw i may include you and a couple other ppl in my sig. U mind?
    Ahh, Brick Brick. ^____^ My good buddy Brick.

    I'd brawl yous (wanna CG a Falco with my IC's for practice :awesome:), but I'm feeling too mellow to play today/now. :ohwell:

    Thanksgiving was tiring...
    o___o....>____< *facepalm* i totally forgot about that match. I'll go record it right now.
    Lol sounds like fun xD
    There was never really anything to do at my Aunt's house dx
    But I did play my cousin's PS2 for a bit while i was there
    find me a santa hat and we have a deal o:
    and no i don't have a full size image of your avi :(
    My Thanksgiving was alright. How was yours?
    :snake: *ripes dk's tie off* ...
    :dk2: Im not decent for public Dx *hides in a closet*
    :yoshi: *Holds onto his sattle for his life*
    :olimar: he using a infinite ring cheat *,..,*
    :sonic: =D
    :olimar: *turns off the cheat*
    :sonic: D=
    :mario2: atleast it can't get worse -.-
    :luigi2: *UpB's Mario and the cow to the MOOn fail pun :laugh: *
    :diddy: *tosses banana peel rite in front of Sonic*
    :sonic: *trips into the olimar's grabs* Curse you furry Mario D<
    :sonic: Man,that...must ssssuuuuccckkk.
    a :olimar: *looks at Sonic* witness it yourself then you'll see if sucks *attacks sonic*.
    :sonic:*dodges* HAHA your too slow *runs away*
    :mario2: *getting ****** Take me with you DX...*unconscious*
    :dk:*eat a turkey whole*
    :mario2: ._. *leaves*
    :wario: WAWAWAH *secretly the therapist*
    -at the Olimarlic games-
    :olimar: :olimar: :olimar:'s *stare at Mario*
    :mario2: I think I mad a wrong turn at Alberturkey o.o;;;!
    the :olimar:'s *beat on mario*
    :metaknight: *Texts and shows Jigglypuff*
    :mario2: But I put on pounds like crazy just for that role *depression* =(
    :drmario: sorry Diddy but your therapist is in another castle.. :awesome:
    :diddy: ._.
    No not Dr.Suzoos D:
    :mario2: Can I be Santa =D
    :jigglypuff: Yo still my Dawg Dawg
    :metaknight: *types "lolwut" on a calculator then shows it to Jigglypuff* O_o
    :dk: *eats the wind up Mario toy*
    :diddy: my life is strange <__<
    Omg awwwesome xDThe Dk is lacking a santa beard and phattness of a Santa though so therefore he is stealing the presents like the Grinch, so that makes Diddy the doggy :D loljk x3
    Fuuu- now I wanna use my cool Black Marf sig D: but i'll wait till the time is ripe :evil:
    Omg too **** xD
    :jigglypuff: *uses wii-mote to get control of the poochy army and send it after Ike*
    That :ike: : now you see why im afraid of balloons Dx
    Poochie: Ike wasn't in the emo before he was there for effect...now
    That poor :ike: : *now very scared of balloons/and in emo corner* seeing...omg...balloons..**** ;_; *featle position*
    Poochie: Poochie, doesn't like you aether :ike: *emo corner* :cry:
    Yoshi's Broken but...like fur-real Ganon still the most broken <__< lol
    ...Okai then :ness:
    :falcon: Show me your combo Hyesz!1!
    I would subscribe but I don't have a YT account :cry:...never to late to make I though :laugh:
    Si...somewhat :laugh:
    Im not really all that far...I think, stuck in some area *doesn't feel like checking tho* ironically I might even be further in Majora Mask than OoT lol...but idk <__<
    I only played the GBA remake and yeah its pretty fun =P
    lol I suppose to you Poochie4bottom of the Yoshi's Island tier :awesome:
    Correction: :yoshi: = a useless character with nice tilts :laugh:
    Thanks, Im gonna continue to keep it =)
    School alright for me but the waking up hours are abit....blah <.< (like 6:00am). Good to here your doing well in school...even with it rather annoying/frustrating for you.
    I've been playing Mario Tennis,The Legend of Zelda OoT,Sonic Adventure 2 (Choas ftw x3),Mario Kart 64, SSB64, ect. :laugh:
    I see so is it like a double edged sword then?
    The original Gashi's Island,DS one or the GB remake :awesome: lol
    anyway yeah it is and I completed everything, by everything I mean EVERY SINGLE THING in the GB one :noness: lol
    Okai :noness:
    Ah I see you found your sig,awesome []-bOx :D
    Thanks =)
    im alittle surprised you didn't say lone :wolf:
    I've been alright,getting A's in all my subjects in school,learning,playing some old games and new games,improving at brawl...nothing much,can't wait for Thanksgiving :3
    How about you? =d
    alright have a good night! :)

    and yeah that notification thing must suck, sorry vBulletin did that to ya
    and thank u for the awsome nickname (Brawla! XD) and for keepin Super Smash Followers of Christ alive.
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