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  • Just send it to me whenever and i'll get to it as soon as i can. This time i'll actually make an effort to record it ^^'
    That's fine, they were fun matches anyway. My fingers slipped when I did that side-b so i got lucky with that one :p

    Yeah, I practice a lot of stuff offline which never makes it to lag-fi. =/
    Then i shall practice and try out the RAR WB lasers and see what i can make of them, it's mostly mindgames imo but still..

    It only seems hard at first because his fast air speed but you'll get used to it.
    Thanks, and yes i've tried it but i don't really like it. It kinda seems to take too long to do because you have to dash and stuff (plus i'm not really good at wavebouncing lasers).

    Btw, you should really practice d-throw to Bdacus (at around 100%). They have about 8 frames to react between the dthrow and the usmash. it's pretty broken.
    Lol, dun worry, it's ok. I found them anyway. Noooooo Rich Brown how dare you defeat the mighty M2K!
    If those were supposed to be MLG vids not in the slightest. It's 2 pages of random crap.
    Haha thanks for the advice. However, i'd say no to mk playing campy. Whenever you let a falco get away from you, he'll lazer camp, and lazer camp, and lazer camp, and just plain camp. Which is exactly what you did. Getting in close + nado = no options for falco XDDD
    :D That reminds me, we're going to the Grand Canyon for spring break of 2012! Maybe we could work out a time someday...
    No kidding. Plus i could introduce you to my parents in person. and then they wouldn't think you're a creeper/ rapist.
    Cool :) ,and That would mostly depend on their release dates.
    But im looking to plenty of them...especially the new Paper Mario (back to the older RPG system of Paper Mario...heck YESZ :falcon: )
    lol I know that ;) thats just one of their more...destructive abilities x_<
    and yeah that could be alittle annoying to some ppl (i don't really mind those two as much as getting stuck in a 0-death CG lol)
    Olimars not that bad...just vs heavy characters + Ike he ***** but <.<
    (was making a pokemon type reference and referring to the matchup d: )
    Is ICs can't get chain grabbed (and can escape grabs easy) cause the other will free them (and they can infinite Chaingrab Falco/they can press the automatic win button lol?
    My Ike's worst/most hated matchup would have to be Olimar (its just...so unfair and my Ike just sucks with it >.<) lol
    yup xD
    Her pikachu won't hurt you...Mine on the other hand
    :pikachu2: *Uair juggle to Usmash to Thunder combo death combo*
    narrator: Its Super effective!
    you never know they might enjoy ;) lol
    I derp so hard with Zelda xD I like her downB much better ;<_<
    Nothing much...just playing and stuff lol xP
    Thats good to hear :)
    and ah..I see *gets idea* ...maybe you can play video games with your grand parents maybe their bored too :D (you know its a good idea lol :D)
    Its going alright/good xD
    Yup :bee: :random: da bess
    :random: (All my characters) are improving...you know besides :zelda: lol :p
    How it going,my Feathered Puffed (or puffin (even tho Falco not a puffin :nifty: ) with special [] flavor with a opinional topping of Brick.
    Sounds good, I may be busy in the morning though, I have to update a thread I'm in charge of and I haven't done anything for it lol

    How long is one soccer game? Reveal your identity already. or get shaq'd :yeahboi:
    I fell asleep at like 6:30 or 7:00 yesterday and didn't wake up until just now (lol) so sorry about that :laugh:. If you send me a text (801-597-7078) i'll get back to you right away, otherwise you may have to wait awhile for me to get on :p
    yeah for future reference its prob best to delete posts one by one instead of the whole discussion; apparently the other person who it happened to said it just went away randomly
    yeah looks like there must be an error somewhere though, I've even hard deleted the topic you deleted

    vB is buggy like that
    sadly no, already tried (the social group system is very limited on vBulletin)
    try the topic first (as that's most likely to have it) otherwise it's somewhere random in the group
    okay what you're going to need to do is manually go to each page and hit the arrow and select "select all unapproved posts"; if any of the posts are unapproved it will select them and you can select "approve posts"

    the group is large and that's the only way to search for unapproved posts, so I'll leave that to you
    I'm going to transfer to group to me so I can see which needs to be approved and then transfer it back to you.
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