Thanks for letting me I'm a sad panda. :c (That's a great feature which Treyarch implemented, your win streak shouldn't end because of their ****ty matchmaking/servers that blow.) :urg:
Seriously, I never trust randoms to cover/watch my bank. Hence, that's why I use a claymore as my equipment for every class. I love it when they let an enemy walk past them, they kill me, then they kill them. It's pretty great. (Or when they block doorways so I can't run behind cover...too bad 80% of the time I still die while I'm CLEARLY behind a corner/halfway in a room...)
Let's play today, I'll be on during the afternoon, I gotta head out at 1 today to do some stuff but I should only be out for an hour or two. (I hope.) I'll either IM you on Facebook or see if you're already on XBL when I get home I guess.
I assume that all randoms are either blind/color blind/have no arms and/or legs.
Also, second chance is the most broken/annoying perk in all of the CoD games, the fact that Treyarch claims that they fixed 'dropping into second chance while firing your primary weapon' is a BIG ****ING LIE!!! And that they can be revived (by anyone) if they have the pro version UNLIMITED TIMES!!! Oh and don't forget the invincibility frames and that they can knife you while falling into SC...:urg: (I didn't rage quit every time I got commando'd in MW2 so that's telling you something, eh?)
As I said, from a balance standpoint, Blops is pretty good but from a technical standpoint, Blops is a huge ****ing mess. (i.e. I assume it's ****ty hit detection/a programming flaw or something when I die while behind corners, shooting someone first but still dying...and sometimes when I ADS at someone and shoot, the whole game lags up for like 3 seconds and I die...) (I remember on Villa a few days ago, I was up in the building looking over the 'B' flag and some guy came at the bottom right, I ADS, start shooting at him and the game lags. Then I die. :urg:)