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  • Wow, that's a lengthy list you prepared lmao. I'd agree with most of the things you said, though. The game really needs to do something about ghost. That and the lag are my two biggest problems, but the lag is kind of hard to avoid seeing as it's a given with any xbox live game.

    I work a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but I'll be on afterwards. I'm off this Friday and next Monday for easter break so I'll be playing as much as possible.
    Let me know when you're working this week, we need to play some Blops together.
    - Improve the theatre system by allowing players to upload longer clips. (Because consoles can definitely render and upload more than 30 second clips to YT.)
    - Improve the party system by reducing the amount of times that players get dropped.
    - Reduce the amount of time that lobbies become "dead" (When everyone leaves.) and search times.
    - Remove noob tubes from the game, we hate them.
    - Give the CG and gunship another set of flares so they're not useless against ghost strella-3 users.
    - Introduce a "TDM express" playlist.
    - Still show the final kill cam even if the player who died leaves the game.
    - Remove the "3 challenges to get pro perks" requirement. Just make it 1 challenge like MW2.
    - Nerf claymores, they kill you 90% of the time if you trigger them without flak jacket.
    - SoH pro should also let you throw grenades faster. (Semtex takes forever sometimes IMO.)

    That's all I can think of right now.
    And here is my list of improvements (in no particular order) Treyarch should do for Black Ops, let me know if you agree/disagree with any of them:

    - Move ghost to the 2nd tier perk slot
    - Nerf the AK74U in terms of damage and range. (And remove the noob tube and rapid fire attachments from it to balance it out among the other SMGs.)
    - In Domination, make kills worth 5 points while capturing a flag is worth 1000 points to encourage people to go for the objective instead of camping like *******s.
    - Make a domination gametype where all the BS is gone. (i.e. no ghost, noob tubes, rpgs, kill streaks are disabled) GUN ON GUN ACTION!!!!
    - Make it so you can run through your teammates so they can't trap you.
    - Make it so you can change your care packages even if teammates are trying to steal them.
    - Remove the map 'crisis' from the game disc.
    - Add a "add player to game party" option so the party doesn't have to back out so they'll be on your team.
    - Improve matchmaking by getting dedicated servers and punish dashboarders by giving them a verbal warning the 1st time then resetting them to 0 the second time then banning them the 3rd time.
    - Ban lag switchers.
    - Vastly improve the terrible hit detection.
    - For second chance, either remove it or make it so you can only be revived once but it takes 10 seconds and the other person has to have second chance pro. Also, your character has to flop on the ground first and can't knife, shoot noob tubes/primary weapon while falling down. Also, nerf the pistol so it takes several shots to kill instead of the 2-3 shot BS. And don't make it so you can use the python cause that's cheap.

    More to come in the next VM...
    I got so pissed off at the randoms today that I jumped into game chat and yelled "DO YOU SOMETHING YOU *******S!!! SHOOT! SPAM NADES! ANYTHING!!!!" (I only lost one Domination game today because of randoms who gave the enemy dogs and CGs. The other games me and my friends had to carry the team...)

    Oh and on Summit today, some ghost ****** was camping in our spawn (the hill one and he was in the snow plow red building) and he shot me with his MLG NO SCOPE silenced galil. So in a fit of rage, i ran back there and shot him in his face and tea bagged that mother ****er!!!! WHY DO PEOPLE CAMP IN DOMINATION???????? TDM IS 2 PLAYLISTS ABOVE!!! GO THERE!!!!!
    Read my XBL msg when you get the chance. I got so pissed off today because I was playing some Domination with a few friends and I had useless randoms and lag switchers and bad hit detection BS.

    I almost bit down on my game disc.
    lol my friend (who called you a "***" for drop shotting him twice in a row today) told me that he will defriend me if i drop shot him when he's on the other team. :laugh:
    I went out to Swiss Chalet for diner tonight, it was pretty boss.

    Hope you have a great weekend! We'll talk later and maybe play some Black Ops next week! :)
    You gonna be online tomorrow? I should be home around 3:30ish tomorrow. (Have an exam @ 2.)
    I love it when I get lag spikes when I'm shooting at someone and I die because of it. Such a great game. :bee:
    Ninja pro is so stupid in this game, in the previous CoD games, your character would yell certain phrases when they did something. How come in Blops, the enemy can hear it? :glare:
    Black Ops has been causing a lot of stress for me lately. Getting killed while behind walls, lag switchers and second chance ******s make my blood boil. :mad:

    And remember those scrubs from last night with their amazing scores?


    I'm starting to hate him now tbh...might unsub soon. =/

    How can people be this bad at a video game? :confused:
    I really wish that people like xJawz would stop asking us to leave a 'like' rating on his videos. He's only told us that for the past 100 videos.
    I have it on the PC but I never beat the game, got too bored with it. :(

    Planning on buying Portal 2 for the PC because Valve games are wayyyy better on the PC than consoles.

    I didn't play any Blops today, played some CoD4 instead. A nice change in pace. I'm not afraid of campers as much in that game.
    Sounds good, I have an exam tomorrow at noon but I should be home around 2ish I guess.

    See you online. :)
    "We're about to win!"
    *Black screen*
    "Your connection to the host has been lost.*

    It's funny how people take a lose in a video game so seriously. And people with ghost camp like their lives depend on the game. If they die, they die in real life. *tisk tisk*

    Let's play tomorrow! :)
    I hope you were going for the objective. I don't care if I go negative, as long as I get the win in objective based game modes.

    Only bad people use second chance. Imagine a whole team of M60 users with extended mags, flak jacket, whatever orange perk and second chance. (I've always wanted to play on Nuketown with a full team of 6 using this class. :bee:)

    I really only use UAV > CUAV > Blackbird or UAV > CUAV > SkillCare package (I like it when I get lucky and get blackbirds, dogs, CGs or gunships in 'em. Hardline pro is soooo cheap btw, it's like 2 care packages in one with the pro version!

    I wish the CG or Gunship had 3 sets of flares to balance them out. People didn't shoot down air support in MW2 as often as they do in Blops because people liked shotguns more and stopping power.

    Want to play tomorrow? I'm off school. I'll also be home early on Thursday (I recall that you only have 1 class on Tues/Thurs?) since I'm only doing an exam.
    Didn't Treyarch say something like if you join a game in-progress and your team is losing badly that you'll still get the lose but your win streak will go on? (I recall reading something like this a while ago...)

    I die a little every time some noob in second chance kills me. I think it's rather insulting that they can get revived by any teammate. It should be like WaW where the other person needs second chance to revive you. And it should only be once. Not infinite amount of times.

    And I went 30-5 on Jungle today, get at me. (My chopper gunner got most of my kills....)

    2.40 K/D ratio and a 3.09 W/L ratio. :awesome:
    Hot_Arms told me that it still counts as a lose if you dashboard in blops. And some guy in second chance knifed me as he was falling down yesterday.....:urg:

    And they were on the other team the next game and left when they were doing bad...yet they didn't leave when they were bringing us down.....:urg:
    Nice, my friends and I were on a 34 win streak but we lost a game on Array because of a level 8 and 10 who went -20 each......................:urg:
    The only thing I like about HQ is that if your team captures it, you only have 1 life and everyone watches you (kind of like in S&d) try to defend it from the other team. Sometimes 1 person can defend it for a minute from 6 people. :awesome:

    This game pisses me off, I watch the kill cam 20% of the time. My K/D ratio is like 2.34 (or something like that) right now.
    Holy ****, so today my team had a UAV up so I knew that this guy was coming around the corner. So I ADS and I pump FIVE commando bullets into him, he fires his AK74U and STILL KILLS ME. THIS GAME MAKES NO ****ING SENSE!!!!!
    You'd think that after hearing our complaints, Treyarch would have included an option to join a game which hasn't started it. But again, they put second chance in the game and ghost in the 1st tier perk.

    I'm hoping MW3 has that option. A lot of my losses in Black Ops is due to bad teammates and/or I join a game and we're getting our *** handed to us. (i.e. TDM 2800-6000 or in Domination 54-110...)

    People use Ghost on Nuketown? Where can you possibly hide? It's either you're on one side or the other. Waste of a perk IMO.
    People are sooooo bad at Black Ops. Delta-Cod and I faced this whole clan of ghost users and we absolutely ***** them. I got blackbirds almost every game! :)
    I hope SP returns in MW3, I'm tired of ghost corner campers.

    You working on Friday/this weekend?
    I got a lot of work accomplished today, began working around 10 this morning and finished everything around 2. [insert feels good man image here]

    Me and my friends were owning it up today in Domination. Spawn trapped the other team on Summit several times. ;)

    I like Flak Jacket more than Ghost now, I want the enemy to come to me when they get a UAV so I can shoot them in their faces. It's a small price to pay in order to run through noob tubes and claymores. :)
    Me and my friends played against some ghost corner campers yesterday in Domination. They went back to the same spots so I pre-fired before entering the room and killed them. They were camping when they were losing, makes sense to me.

    You should rush with ghost, not camp in a corner for 20 minutes with it on. It's embarrassing.
    So, yesterday I got really pissed off at Black Ops (bunch of ghost corner campers kept on killing me and Black Ops' terrible hit detection ****ed me over several times) so I played 2 games of MW2 with some friends.

    1st game (TDM on Scrapyard) - Went 21-2 and I got my AC-130!!!!! :)
    2nd game (TDM on Underpass) - Went 6-5 because of quick scopers, riot shielders and noob tubing ******s!!!! (Different lobby) :mad:

    The ACR/FAMAS have laser sights in MW2, you're basically dead if they see you.
    lmao I hear ya.

    I think I'm gonna stay at 4th for a while. At least until next double exp.
    That C4+tac is brilliant. O_O

    We should play some search sometime. Good stuff today. ^___^
    Just saw your message on F8AL's... Wall? >_>

    Agree completely on SnD. I love it to death, but I'll only play with a full team. Motion Sensor ftw in that mode.

    Here's something lolzy. Someone had a Tac Insert on SnD today. O__o really dude? Really?
    I suck at SnD in Black Ops. I was good at it in CoD4 and decent at it in MW2. I have to play it more so I get used to it.

    When are you working tomorrow btw? I'll prolly be on during the afternoon.
    You're very good at SnD. I made sure everyone remained quiet so you could sound ***** people. :awesome:
    Sounds good. I'm done class early tomorrow. Only going to my morning class. Should be home around noonish.

    Hopefully I'll catch you online.
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