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  • Sorry I was distracted during our so called friendlies. Play you again sometime - I envy your Falcon.
    Wanna join a tournament that's a 5 man team type thing, with KawaiiBunny, Glyph, Victra, and I?

    We need one more, and Vic suggested you.
    If I was to camp balls while versing him yes, but it's still not that easy. it just makes it retardedly hard for him to approach.

    ahaha I'd love to beat him. and have it be on the tube
    lol, so more match up exp and you'da been 2 stcking me the entire time with Falcoo :(

    lets just see if falcon can "****" samus.
    Yeah dude, Definitly good ones,
    Haha thank you :)
    Good falco too, just needs MU and you woulda been 2 stocking me every time with him :laugh:

    man, if I have to face you in the low tier tourniment I'ma be Very unhappy :(
    Oh, btw, I aint confident, nervous as hell more like it, but I was always taught Luke to not show weakness, If I dont believe I can win, I cant win, if I believe, I got a shot
    What happened online, I wasnt being serious, and there was button delay, so dont judge by that, as for experience, I may be lacking it, but I know characters quite well, I may not be a favorite, but Im confident Ill place atleast high in it ;D.

    (I'm semi joking fyi)
    Yeah I'm planning on it. Hopefully this month or something. But our schedules have been preventing getting together so far.

    But yeah, it would be awesome if you could come. It would probably be at my place though, which is like 20 mins away. Future brawlfest maybe?

    I could maybe invite a bunch or people, but I'll have to think about it lol

    And Adam is really good, he's one of the better brawlers imo.
    Hard to say if he'd win lol
    But who knows
    I'm not disagreeing with the fact that Link can get gimped hardcore, I'm just saying, if there were a tier list for DI strictly, Link would be near the top. Honestly, every Link main agrees his recovery is terribad, every Link main will never deny that Link flat out sucks. But that one part "just because you say it doesn't mean it is at all true" bothers me, because if Link gets out of low-percent gimp range (90%+) he can actually be pretty hard to KO unless you're MK, R.O.B., Pit, Kirby, basically anyone who can fly, and any decent Link can prove that true. I could point to the top Links if I really wanted to, like Deva and Legan, but I don't need to. Even the mediocre tourney Links live to 150% consistently.
    "In a game where most characters can live to a very high percentage, a character with a bad recovery and who gets easily gimped deserves a bad spot on the tier list. Second worst sounds about right to me."

    While Link's recovery DOES suck, I just wanted to say, a top, or good, or even decent Link lives to high percents just like the rest of them. Honestly, a good Link doesn't die before 160%. Just thought you should know.

    But yeah, Link deserves his position, regardless.
    I will. My chain will me choking more than ever. No more sandbagging, the warrior within will be released.

    The best ganondorf will emerge on scene.
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