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  • Dont give me that >.>, I had to pack for moving Luke, whihc is more important to me than Brawl...BlazBlue on the other hand...but ya, sorry
    Hey do you think it's possible for me to stay at your place friday night?
    If not then don't worry about it
    I didn't know you would be up at 4 am, haha. I just got Optimum Online today and I haven't played any Brawl matches with it yet, I just hope it's way better than Verizon DSL was!
    Well the celebration is at 7, but I'd start getting ready before that. You never really gave me an hour that was good for you so I doubt we'll have that happen by tomorrow. I guess it'll come down to a coin flip, but I'd really rather play you. Sigh. I wish there was a more instant way to contact each other. This sucks.
    Yeah like catching each other at the same time is very rare. I'm probably going to be busy the next two days. Tomorrow I'm leaving the house at 12 pm and I probably won't be back until 1 am and then Saturday is my grandparent's 30th anniversary party. I'll try to find out what time it is so maybe we can Brawl before I leave.
    Yeah we just need to come up with a time that we're both online! I'm EST what time works for you? I'm going to go shower right now. I'll be out in like twenty minutes.
    haha I didn't think you knew it was kirby. I was gonna surprise you xD
    And lol
    It's about time I found a decently tiered character to use. I've had enough of Peach lol
    I'll keep her as a secondary though
    Well, I couldn't send you a PM, so I'll message you here.

    Just a reminder for that Low tier tourney of mine.
    I've made the deadline for this upcoming saturday
    Good luck :)

    Oh and I'm pumped for ADAT. I can't wait!
    I wanna see how I do with my new main
    I'm so sorry Alphican. I was at my Dad's house for these past few days and I sent that message before we left. Now I'm home (where the Wii is) and now I'd be ready to brawl. I'm so sorry that I just left you like that before, sorry!
    dang dude your a smash director now?
    Sorry I haven't been on in 5 months... lol
    And i haven't even played Brawl since like... October i think. But we should seriously play. Your definitely a lot better then me now that is for sure >_>
    can you teach me? =(
    It's a no. There's like no hope in us going :(
    which sucks as it'd be fun to go. Sorry for taking up slots
    yeah we have an idea of how professional brawl works, i have switched to kirby for singles and now my doubles team is ZSS+GnW

    we've been practicing alot and now i have lots of textures and stuff (haxxors)
    Yeah, I ended up doing stuff with my friends

    I figure ADAT will be my first and only tourney. Unless it somehow re-sparks my interest in brawl.
    At this point I'm basically only going to see a few people xD

    And congratz on 2nd in doubles and singles. You made a decent amount of cash :)
    That I am, and I'd rather close it for a few hours to avoid it turning into a giant flame-war.
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