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  • Yo Luke, I need a favor. I want to become premium but cant directly pay, could you do it for me, Ill pay ya back. I asked aish on Darren's recommendation, didnt even get a reply =/. So how about it, if you love me youll do it (jk =p...but seriously, do it >_>)
    Who knows, Im practicing, but who knows if the game itself left me behind =/. Im gonna do my best though, w/e thats worth, also entering doubles with Dar
    Nah you dont have to.

    You understand how a crew battle works right (i dont mean to insult you if you do but 3 of the people ive played today havent understood it)
    yah thats cool

    you understand the rules and all that correct?

    Choose 1 stage from that list, the entire battle will take place there
    Hyping what up? lol

    I haven't played brawl in days xD
    I think I'm losing interest in IC's. I hope that's what you weren't hyping about rofl
    I have O__o

    I've changed my Luigi playstyle if that's what you mean rofl

    And lol, G&W is broken sometimes xD
    I like our Falco - Luigi matches.

    Gotta go to work now >__>

    Later :)
    haha the truth. I dunno, I never gave it much though. I kinda wanted to be a math teacher, so I figured I could go to engineering and teaching could be a safe back up or something I dunno.

    At one point I wanted to be a doctor but I hated Bio after taking bio 30 xD
    Yeah, give it some time. I decided to become an engineer pretty last minute actually xD
    Nah. Everything is dependent on the teachers. Not to mention the subjective marking system. Way too many factors that are just not consistent enough. If there isn't an absolute answer, then it's not worth my time, especially with something as important as my studies.

    oh, you can't go into engg then. Go into arts or something then if you think that.
    You're taking math 31 next semester right?

    lol no its subjective to all hell. Honestly, my friend is majoring in english it's ridiculous. The question was literally "Articulate the emotions you felt after reading this piece." Oh yeah ok.

    And no you can't, and even then you're not guaranteed anything. We're engineers, our brains work intuitively xD
    lol well that might or might not be a problem I dunno. Everyone loves math and during the math lectures, no one takes notes or anything. I just go on smashboards and facebook xDDD

    You should maybe go into sciences or something, or even Engg still. The Math isn't very intense. It's just derivatives and calculus and stuff. Really easy.

    lol SS is lame, but yeah I took Economics cause politics interests me as well.

    lmao English. Whites guys seem pretty good at english. All us engineers joke all the time about how much we suck in english. xD
    loooool. You'd be surprised. It isn't as free as arts is, but answers are concrete and the amount of intuitive thinking is ridiculous.

    Also, you have to be creative as **** in physics and math omg. Carl can tell you about it, it's crazy and a lot of fun.

    Well no, generally it's pretty much just arts, sciences, nursing or engineering so there's not too many choices in terms of faculties. It's your choice though, if you like math engineering is the best choice imo. I'll show you more about it when you come tomorrow =P Jim has my number btw.
    lmao. So did you decide to go into engineering? Or is this something you wanna do so you can see what it's going to be like?
    ahahaha. You're actually gonna come with Jim and Mark? Exciting. Don't worry, if anything, you can pretty much guarantee you'll find me at uofa, especially between the hours of 9am-11pm daily. xDDD
    haha I'm sure I can take on most people with Luigi. He's only on a slightly lower level than my Peach, imo. I'm still working on him though
    Seriously? xD

    I'm going to try and make it to the next one :)

    I'm trying to pick up IC's btw(Again). But more serious this time. They'probably never be tourney viable though lol so there's almost no point. They're just so hard to be good with O__o

    But they're fun and I can at least give you guys some experience against IC's
    I also might bust out Luigi at the next tourney
    Ganon may have that bulge down there but C.Falcon has golden nipples. I don't think anything can beat that.
    Dan is too good! But I think you can beat him.
    Maybe O__o

    Great job though. I gotta brawl you sometime soon. It's been too long lol
    haha it's no problem lol
    I saw it coming of course, but it's just a PR

    Thanks for letting me know I guess :)

    Btw, how'd you do at SK5?
    ah, That was my mistake. Every post on from like, 3am was from Brad cause I went to sleep and I forgot to log off >_> So sorry that he banned you lol.
    loooooooooooooooooooooooooool. Real nice Luke. Yeah, you're telling me. I haven't smashed or even touched a controller in agesssss.

    Really? You don't like the community? I guess we do push your buttons sometimes, but thats just cause of they way you are sometimes.

    cept for me? <333 ^___^ I'll see you at SK5 then. Play Melee with me more ):< I'll play brawl more with you too lol. No Ganon vs falco plz tho.
    woooooooooooooooow. Talk about johns man come on. XD Brads coming though, you should take him out!

    I don't understand how Melee affects your brawl game lol.
    Thank you Luke, I'm glad to hear that. Victreebel is pretty sexy. I was thinking of using Metapod too, he's my fav. Are you going to Sid's tomorrow?

    Also what happened to your blue name ):
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