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  • I'm just here to see what it's like to talk using the visitor messages =x
    I'll let you know how it is. I'll recommend that you try it if it's amazing. Which it probably will be.

    I picked up Wario btw. I forget if I told you or not. We'll do some friendlies next time we meet k

    But seriously, I made $100 in tips tonight alone, and I work a lot more now so.....
    Btw, going Bungee Jumping tomorrow. So exited lol
    ahahaha xD

    I don't care about my cologne anymore actually :)
    I can just buy more. And if I get it back someday then that's cool too lol

    Good stuff, good luck buddy, I'm rooting for you, for some reason xD

    I think you can take top 3 at this
    Maybe :pNot really

    You have people brawling at your house right? How's that going?
    You gonna win some money tomorrow? Who you gonna use!

    *Predicts MK*
    I forgot about my cologne lol
    I won't be attending apoc, and sou kawaii is still in the air. I might go to it just for friendlies and bring my own stuff, maybe
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    Ok. Well, aside from that, Mike is a beast not only physically, but mentally.

    lol I was talking to him and hanging with him pretty much everyday since sunday. I met up with Colin today at school and the two of them are taking honors mathematical physics. Freakin' hxc intense, but that's not the amazing part.

    The amazing part is the fact that Mike was one of the 4 people to make the engineer's handbook, which is like an agenda. In it, Mike added a bunch of hilariously geeky stuff like Tetris' 26th anniversary as well as Hug-Your-Pokemon Day (which is his birthday lmfao).

    Oh, and we had an engineering session where everyone came in and some engineering student union whatever guys came in and talked and stuff. They were all faily appropriately dressed, where as Mike's rockin' his Bullet Bill shirt. Freakin' amazing.
    Eh I suppose I could tell you now.

    Before I start, I showed you the vids of Mike's wushu martial arts right? I forget if I did or didn't.
    heh. I suppose you're right.

    ps. Mike is more amazing than you know. I'll tell you about it when I have time. =P
    I dunno. If I added a random letter to the end of my name, it'd be awkward.

    Though I guess it's nicer now since I don't read your username without having to to abruptly stop after the n.
    hahaha thanks xD
    I actually stole the avi from TSM lmao xD

    It was too good not to steal
    Oh lol you watched it? I was thinking about it but decided against it because of the quality.
    Luke. You're never gonna get your melee disc back unless you come over when I get back to edmonton. (:
    rofl xD

    But really, there's nothing important in that group. Just stuff I wanted to keep track of for later.
    It's more like my file folder. Nothin special
    y u need my msn? i'm never on srry unless u want my facebook.which i'm never on either. my msn is magica_fiend@hotmail.com and my gmail is magicafiend@gmail.com. Use the gmail if you want me to respond.
    I hate online Snakes.
    Online Falco is basically the most nerfed sorry excuse for a character ever.
    Lol I just go in and out.
    Most of my time is spent in blogs or just checking the Shack.

    I main Falco too man, you don't need to remind me that wifi sucks. :(
    lol I don't think Tori is a girls name is it? Cause DJ Combo in Washington's name is Tori iirc.
    Yah...... and I like meeting new people. :) That's why I'm doing friends.

    Social groups was purely for the record.
    Becauuseee... it's a secret.

    *looks at my # of groups* *loops at my # of friends*

    I'm a *****. Q_Q
    kinda? lol, remember, I was the guy sending random friend request and u lol'd when I was arguing wit sum dude. I was real new to SWF, but not no more. So how's it going?
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