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  • Chaos, Im disappointed, giving up so soon. You obviously didnt want to be part of HOR if this is how you react. I was expecting more of a fight
    Hey i just wanted to remind u that u only have 2 days left to get ur match done for my tourney
    I already did. That was something truly immature you pulled. I hate jokes like that with a passion. You need to grow up a little and stop pulling idiotic pranks on people.
    I dont hate you, you annoy me, but I have no ill wish towards you. Im simply saying this so you understand whats wrong with how you act and such, and why it would not reflect well on us at all.

    Get off this bus:

    and get on this bus:
    No I don't think I will thanks. You not minding your business is what started this whole situation in the first place. Joke or no joke, it was a very immature thing to do, and quite frankly I can't stand immaturity.

    I think I'm done here.
    Rumors, how is seeing your "antics" multiple times (Marthage would be able to name them all probably) assuming rumors. Your in denial, shape up, or give up, its simple.
    lolwut? What's wrong with Zero's avatar?

    (yeah I'm being nosy, just like you were)
    ....How is having an avatar of a girl immature. Your saying probably 2000+ people on this forum are immature because they maybe like a female character enough to avatar them.

    You see, this is exactly what Im talking about Chaos, please stop digging your grave further
    Do you think I care if it was a joke, your posts and threads and such are all still ignorant, are they all jokes to.

    Lulz, beating people in a FFA means absolutely nothing
    Chaos, let me inform you of something quite simple, I really shouldnt before the testing, but you need to hear this if your tenure is gonna on SWF is gonna last much longer.

    You have essentially a 0% chance of getting in, Ive heard your skill level from multiple people is low, and I do mean quite low, as well as your intelligence and posting level rivaling that, I mean seriously. Your hitting on my ****ing avatars, and breaking friendships over a conversation that does not concern you, as well as making some of the dumbest threads and points Ive seen on SWF in a long long time. Its simple, start posting like a normal human being, without the stupidity, and get a heck of alot better at this game, or you might as well give up now. I only hope this helps you see that you need a major additude revisal, and fast
    That's :toonlink: dair :p

    And you of all people should know what happens should that miss when used offstage ;)
    Yeah I realized that after you told me you weren't actually banned.

    Kicks are more epic than dairs. Why do you think there is a pause when they connect? It's so epic that the game has to pause in order for the move to take effect. :p
    Oh God come on! I wake up in the morning and check the boards and see "banned" under your name. I panicked :(

    x10 Lightning Kicks for that :zelda: :mad:
    Yes, I'm Knubs. on smogon. The dot is what I do after Knubs usually.
    Lets do that match. Go to my chat room.
    No, I remembered. That's why I challenged him in the first place. Though we're gonna have to do it later on.
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