K I'ma just critique this while I watch it (having 2 monitors is so awesome!)
- at the start of the match you put your self in the position where you could have started over powering him with your suit piece's I feel like you would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for that meddling Waldel XD. In the future don't Put up with their crap just smash them with pieces to get rid of them If D3 approaches it you can laser him or grab him since he will most likely need to shield the suit piece before it stops bouncing.
-Around 30 Seconds when you got the downsmash on the moving platform on D3 I could have sworn I remembered hearing D3 gets air released when grabbed out of Dsmash you could have held onto him forcing him to air release-> follow up with fair or air release him to regain control of your pieces.
The up air was good but you forgot your suit pieces were coming back down. If you grabbed him I'm fairly certain they would have landed by now
-0:53 the triple up air was super sweet without the greed (although the side b was a little greedy) in situations like that where hes going to be landing hard you could have up smashed him or tried to just pivot grab (since he was sucking you up you more then likely would have got him since he would have pulled you to him a bit.)
-1:08 seconds that was severely greedy trying to Bair him but if you absolutely wanted to try and net your self the kill you definitely could have downb spiked him from the ledge.
-1:25 after you got the up airs on him looks like you fast fell down to try and punish his landing. Always try to remember most characters can't really just absolutely destroy you when your below them try to use more of your up b to harrass for that little extra damage the soft up b spike could net you a free Bair or up air and the super spike forces them to tech or flat on their face on the ground.
-1:38 for the next 5 ish seconds looks like you want to launch him with side b and wear his shield down at the same time. He responds by punishing you for the spacing try to wavebounce your side b's so people can't just dash grab you sometimes they just mess up their own spacing because of the wave bounce and get hit by the side B hit box 1/2
-By the 2 minutes mark you look like your doing something I feel like im famous for. Becoming extremely over zealous and trying to force that kill but hes only at 1:32 so that won't be happening unless you set it up properly.
-2:30 Honestly don't feel bad about missing that punish D3's dash attack gives me bad memories of when I lost a set at Impulse both last year and this year to a D3 Dash attack.
( the first year I tripped into it and second year I rolled into it, They were 2 different D'3 and I still am missing a part of my soul from those 2 occasions)
-3:04 damn dude that really sucks xD but you kinda asked for that you are better off just going for dsmashx2 -> re Dsmashx2 - fair In the future if you ever want to dsmashx2 -grab it should just be a standing grab IMO I've never really missed that unless I grabbed to late.
-3:30 you definitely were in the prefect position to just downsmash that D3 after his downsmash due to the end lag (not trying to pester you it's just I kick my self all the time I do something like jab or dash attack just as a punish which hell you got a punish but 39% basically from 1 downsmash landed is a big deal)
-4:13 I make that exact same underestimation of opponents characters and their DI due to being in the same position you are (kill percent and rushing to get that kill) This only hinders us you needed 1 more downsmash to finish him or you could have tried downsmash X3 -> upair since it might have been un fresher.
-4:48 Beautiful wait for him to get hasty and then finish him off well played.
Sucks he kills you seconds after but here is what you can consider for matches like that in the future.
B-reverse laser -> down b under the stage and boost jump to the other side so you can tether the ledge and their invincibility is over. I Found my self doing that cause I was making frequent mistakes getting my self killed as soon as i got a kill and had a lead.
Ok next match
-5:33 you were off to a decent start with your pieces but you still lose them rather quickly and got greedy for that last hit on d3, Like I said for the last video I went over for peace pretend Samus is on a deserted Island with no idea when she will be rescued Your suit pieces are your rations use them well and make them last you for as long as possible.
You pull the Ryoko "I think I can down B kick onto stage and him them for being a jerk" It should never really happen unless they are stunned or were hiding in shield to begin, I know it is hard to respect and acknowledge but When you get knocked off and they do something like that instead of chase you to end your stock Just take the easy out and down b foot stool The kick can cause you to lose early stocks far more often the not.(sad thing is I still see my self doing it Zzz)
-6:00 when he misses that dash grab Punish him heavily for that mistake (without being to greedy) If you have enough time to downsmash do so if not you could have pivot grabbed him and tried to down throw your way to some free up airs.
(Same thing again a few seconds later he up smashes and you dash attack Your follow up with Dtilt and potential Fair was good though)
-6:17 that dash grab attempt was not the smartest choice I swear I heard D3 has some insanely broken spotdodge or something.
-6:22 take this with a grain of salt but I'm not sure if you knew you'd footstool him or not but if you did it might have been worth it to just dair his ass and kill you both resetting the match. (I assume with how huge he is it coulda worked out) Lol.(sexy patience-> upb spike reset you did on him a few seconds later XD)
-6:38 That type of side b is the one you want where he will get hurt or not be able to punish you so try to enter wavebounce city in the future :D
-7:00 beautiful spacing for Bair I know you rather would have gotten the down smash from earlier but this is just as good 11% free is always a good thing
-7:20 Same Mind set that I have at times but we both have to work on it better "I'd rather get grabbed them killed by a ground kill move" but you were gonna fall for it a 3rd time had you not up'b If you could tell me what you were going for i might be able to understand the circumstances better lol.
(very important I re-watched that part and see that you didn't notice the platform to your left that second or even first time he grab pummel released you, You could have done a GTFO down b platform cancel kick onto the moving platform and pray he didn't react in time (I say that Just due to the fact that sometimes you can miss the cancel and be stuck helpless on the platform or miss the platform entirely T.T)
-8:10 good job getting out of that sticky situation but try to remember to hold down so you don't wall jump ( obviously situation based) cause I feel like he could have still made it back to the ledge and cancel your tether.
-8:40 You look like you panicked cause he was flustering you with his camping and got your self killed when you might have survived for a bit longer because he got punished when he rolled instead of kill you.
-9:00 excellent punish of his up b again.
-9:27 Your at like 50% your in no position to risk down b kicks especially when they are at low %s like that.
end of game he killed you cause you were spacing to far from him allowing him to pressure you with waldels and tilts if you ever got close.
I think you did fairly well especially game 2 But the few things I think you need to work on is The awareness of when hes far enough to not be able to punish you. Since he liked throwing Waldels all the time you probably could have just spammed downsmash on them to make downsmash as weak as possible and set your self up for a limited downsmash lock on D3.
-Work on Tech skill so you can add more options to what ever it is you want to do.( your b reverses were pretty sexy)
-Match up knowledge
-Extremely important Although I was telling you about your punishes (aka missed downsmashes /potential downsmashes) I do agree with V115 saying to play Zss you should be ok with getting small punishes but it all depends on how you want

look at it.
You should Also consider a different counter pick I know since he's a "Red bull gives me wings type character"
-Stages like halbert and delphino are probably out for obvious reasons But stages to consider could be Castle siege (No waldel camping in statue transition) Yoshis Island (awkward platform for him to get trapped by upb/upsmash + Shy guy cover once in a while) BF is ok I guess but its like W.e really I usually Counter pick there but when I'm using Strategy I try to go for stupid things like
"I know ill Counter pick halbert/delphino so when they try to shark me I'll use that to my advantage and downsmash -> dair spike through platform"
As silly as it sounds sometimes those stupid things work And I actually just had a good idea here watch this set of V115 vs a D3 at skatar
Hell you can also use his idea of going to FD I rather hate just straight up fighting people cause my zss is clearly still insecure XD
But enough of the life story this post is long as it is hope this helped you a bit.