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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Wait, why do people fall out of Zelda's Side Smash and Up Smash? Did someone **** up the programming or something?


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Jump and Speed arts are nuts. I don't remember if this was the combo exactly, but I remember messing around with Shulk near 3ds release and finding fthrow>run across 2/3 of FD>air slash was a kill combo around 110% in Speed.

I'm sure the combo games have advanced quite a bit past that at this point if that webm you linked awhile back is any indication though.

Down throw to u-air?
maybe I'm just drunk and missing something obvious but I don't get what
has to do with pikachu bashing
Jun 8, 2009
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Jul 7, 2014
maybe I'm just drunk and missing something obvious but I don't get what
has to do with pikachu bashing
Maybe it's because Mr. Hoo Hah beats Electric Mouse.

Lol rar nair to bair. Jump art Shulk is precise-inducing.

Why use Pikachu when you can Hoo Hah?

Why use Pikachu
because its pikachu and pikachu is pikachu so pikachu is pikachu
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
I have the book just for you.

It actually has nothing to do with solitude and is instead a very in-depth analysis of Mexican culture and how it grew in the last century but I instantly thought of this book with your super sad moderator life :'D
I only know Octavio Paz because I liked to collect the coins of 20 pesos featuring him :p


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I seriously don't know why it's called Hoo Hah. If anything, it sounds like "ACK ACK" aka monkey noises.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
Honestly for me it like never happens.
Liar. I fell out of your F-smash at kill percent the other day :p

Also, holy s*** @ Berserker. Berserker. that nair to f-smash combo does 35% damage. That's disgusting XD.

I'll be honest and say that I do miss using Shulk, but I don't feel confident enough with him to use him regularly, which only makes me more rusty with him and then vicious cycle :/

CONFESSION TIME the same thing happened to me with Sonic in Brawl. I tried picking him up because I hate him SO ****ING MUCH that I thought it would be fun to troll myself and I was actually doing relatively well with him for some time but then I stopped and I got progressively worse as time passed :p. I shouldn't let the same thing happen with Shulk. I actually like the later...
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Why use Pikachu when you can Hoo Hah?

Yep, definitely drunk.

Fair enough!

Though, even though I despise Pikachu, he's probably my favorite smash 4 character to watch high level matches of. Top Pikas are so aggro it's delicious.

Maybe it's because Mr. Hoo Hah beats Electric Mouse.
Character Competitive Impressions thread seemed to imply the opposite, actually. Advantaged against Diddy and even/slight disadvantage vs Sheik, iirc?

Pikachu can really capitalize on Diddy's poor offstage game and is about even onstage, if I'm remembering the points brought up correctly.

Also, percentage breakdown thus far:
:4dedede: 40%
:4greninja: 30%
:rosalina: 27%
:4jigglypuff: 1%
:4metaknight: 1%
:4luigi: 1%

Tweaked for current focus:
:rosalina: 70%
:4dedede: 12%
:4greninja: 10%
:4jigglypuff: 8%
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Jun 8, 2009
I'll use Palutena when TO's allow me to use Monado jump+speed with her

Otherwise, no
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
:4palutena:0% (HA. LOLNO)
Dang, shots fired.

I actually really like Palutena, but I can't play her at all. Having my tilts and smashes mostly be garbage is really awkward, but I don't think she's a bad character - she just doesn't mesh well with me. I also love the idea behind her invincible dash attack and bair.

I fought a good Palutena on FG the other day. I sorely underestimated how amazing her jab is.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Pie chart time?

:4lucina:: 40%
:4zelda:: 35% and rising again
:4lucario:: 10%
:4palutena:: 10%
:4bowser:: 3%
:4darkpit:: 2%
:4diddy:: -999%


Jul 7, 2014
Yep, definitely drunk.

Fair enough!

Though, even though I despise Pikachu, he's probably my favorite smash 4 character to watch high level matches of. Top Pikas are so aggro it's delicious.

Character Competitive Impressions thread seemed to imply the opposite, actually. Advantaged against Diddy and even/slight disadvantage vs Sheik, iirc?

Pikachu can really capitalize on Diddy's poor offstage game and is about even onstage, if I'm remembering the points brought up correctly.

Also, percentage breakdown thus far:
:4dedede: 40%
:4greninja: 30%
:rosalina: 27%
:4jigglypuff: 1%
:4metaknight: 1%
:4luigi: 1%

Tweaked for current focus:
:rosalina: 70%
:4dedede: 12%
:4greninja: 10%
:4jigglypuff: 8%
Pikachu beats Diddy? I thought it was the opposite.
Not sure about Sheik though.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Lucario was actually one of the characters I was planning on maining going into 4, or at least having as a secondary

but he feels really awkward and clunky to me. The character almost feels like "Aura Sphere until you see an opening to Force Palm or bair with high aura because the rest of your moveset is too laggy and short-ranged" when I watch tournament matches and fiddle around with him in the lab.

Though I will say his combo game seems pretty decent, I was just trying the wrong moves earlier in the game's life and didn't understand what he could get off utilt, throws, or fair.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Well now I have to ask,

how do you feel about Lucario in this game?
I think he's really good; but I had some problems to control him (specially in the 3DS version) and I neglected him for a while because I wanted to try the new characters. But overall he's way better than in Brawl IMO but it's harder to dominate


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
Pie charts~

:4zelda: 85%
:4falco::4ganondorf: 10%

Wowzers. I actually use Zelda a lot more than the other sisterns here.
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Jul 7, 2014
Diddy is the clunkiest character.

Brawl Pikachu social thread is also a top tier in clunkiness. "wow z0mg da new bords iz full of neu userz"

Anyway. I have no pie charts.
My interest on a character depends on two factors.
1. Boredom.
2. "I want to main/secondary this character!".

It's mostly the first one though. 2 is only for Pikachu and lol i still don't have a secondary


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Many pages.

Many... many pages.
I don't remember much, but from what I saw, I wanted to post my own Pokémon gen chart.
Silver was my first game, played on an emulator when I was too young to know what an emulator was, and so Johto will always be my home region. Six was my first legit gen played on a real handheld console; I bought my ALBW 3DS bundle in December of 2013 at age 19 as like a birthday/Christmas gift to myself, as well as Pokémon Y and I honestly loved it. First gen will always be high in my mind for being the origin, and I also enjoyed third gen very much. As such, they're equal in my eyes. Fourth gen I like a good number of the Pokémon designs, even if I haven't actually played any of the fourth gen games. Fifth gen.. I played White for a little while and liked it well enough, though I just don't like many of the designs. Think me shallow if you want; I'm a very aesthetic-based person. I don't play Pokémon for competitive, I play for story and immersive experience.

Also @Mocha I hope all the best for you, that you find a new job and get things back on track as soon as possible. :(
I'm about to quit my own job soon, since even though I've been moved to pharmacy where I'm much happier, it turns out there's not enough hours for me to work solely over in that department, and so I'm being double-coded and moved back to front-end cashiering for 1/3 of my weekly hours now. I'm being put back into the place I hate the most, where no one cares about you, especially not the managers. It's pretty biased and corrupted here, which sucks.

Pie charts?
:4zelda: - 40%
:4pikachu: - 30%
:rosalina: - 25%
:4lucina:/:4marth: - 5%

The "subs" list in my sig shows others I like and use from time to time even if I have no real experience with them, but I think :4myfriends::4charizard::4darkpit: and :4duckhunt: are pretty fun, Ike and Charizard especially.
... I love naming spoilers now..


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
What the hell kind of monkeys do you listen to?
Regular, real, living ones, yes, I did search "monkey noises to find this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7aHOsxFP4w. :p

Here's my pie chart:
:4falco:: 50%; Gee, I wonder why?
:4myfriends:: 10%; Pretty much one of the more familiar characters because I used him in Brawl a lot.
:4ganondorf:: 10%; seriously, he's just freaking hilarious!
:4falcon:: 5%; he's fun and it's Captain Falcon, I mean, come on.
:4metaknight:: 1%; I don't know, I find him interesting.
:4yoshi:: 1%; it's Yoshi. He's so adorable and green. :)
:4tlink:: 1%; somehow, I like him more than :4link:. I don't even know why.
:4drmario:: 2%; I don't like playing as :4mario: for some reason. I think I just like the "oomph" :4drmario:'s hits have.
:4pit:: 3%; easy to use is the only way I can describe Pit.
:4wiifit:: 1%; from time to time, I'll use her and she works so long as she hits people.
:4peach:: 2%; she is a solid character. Seriously, more people need to use Peach.
:4greninja:: 1%; I find Greninja very dorky and funny.
:4samus:, :4zelda:, :4zss:, :4sheik:, :4palutena:: 5% collectively; basically, I was practicing with them. That and I love :4sheik:'s Down Smash.
:4megaman:: 1%; man's got a really unique playing style and it's Mega Man, I mean, come on.
:4lucina:/:4marth:: 2%; depends. Do I want tippers or do I want to listen to Laura Bailey.
:4luigi:, :4sonic:: 2%; every now and again I just want to mess around more than usual and they're fun to mess around with along with :4ganondorf:, :4falcon:, and :4yoshi:.
:4shulk:: 1%; meh.
:4fox:: 1%; Gee, I wonder why, Fox? Oh, that's right, your voice... If Jim Walker was voicing him, then he'd be at least 3%.
Everyone else: 1%.
The Koopalings, so not :4bowserjr:: 0%. I don't like how they're alts despite being somewhat fleshed out in Mario games and well, I just don't like the Koopalings. :4bowserjr:'s fine though.
:4wiifitm: and :4robinm:: 0%; I prefer :4wiifit: and :4robinf:.
:4miibrawl:, :4miigun:, :4miisword:: 0%. Unless I have to, then I won't play as them. I just don't like playing as Miis.

Edit: Derpity derp derp math derp.
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Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
no love for Wendy? She's the closest thing I can get to Birdo in smash and I've been meaning to give the koopaling move set a whirl just for Wendy lol


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Regular, real, living ones, yes, I did search "monkey noises to find this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7aHOsxFP4w. :p

Here's my pie chart:
:4falco:: 50%; Gee, I wonder why?
:4myfriends:: 10%; Pretty much one of the more familiar characters because I used him in Brawl a lot.
:4ganondorf:: 10%; seriously, he's just freaking hilarious!
:4falcon:: 5%; he's fun and it's Captain Falcon, I mean, come on.
:4metaknight:: 1%; I don't know, I find him interesting.
:4yoshi:: 1%; it's Yoshi. He's so adorable and green.
:4tlink:: 1%; somehow, I like him more than :4link:. I don't even know why.
:4drmario:: 2%; I don't like playing as Mario for some reason. I think I just like the "oomph" Dr. Mario's hits have.
:4pit:: 3%; easy to use is the only way I can describe Pit.
:4wiifit:: 1%; from time to time, I'll use her and she works so long as she hit people.
:4peach:: 2%; she is a solid character. Seriously, more people need to use Peach.
:4greninja:: 1%; I find Greninja very dorky and funny.
:4samus:, :4zelda:, :4zss:, :4sheik:, :4palutena:: 6% collectively; basically, I was practicing with them. That and I love Sheik's Down Smash.
:4megaman:: 1%; man's got a really unique playing style and it's Mega Man, I mean, come on.
:4lucina:/:4marth:: 2%; depends. Do I want tippers or do I want to listen to Laura Bailey.
:4luigi:, :4sonic:: 2%; every now and again I just want to mess around more than usual and they're fun to mess around with along with :4ganondorf:, :4falcon:, and :4yoshi:.
:4shulk:: 1%; meh.
:4fox:: 1%; Gee, I wonder why, Fox? Oh, that's right, your voice... If Jim Walker was voicing him, then he'd be at least 3%.
Everyone else: 1%.
My inner OCD with math forced me to check the numbers; if you sum everything you get 101% :p
Ironically I want to use :4fox: more to hear his screams more often
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