Oh I didn't think it was that hard to read...
idk what board style most people use, but on the default orange/black one I can only read your font color if I'm on a computer and highlight all the text, yeah.
What, FE Warriors isn't gonna complete itself.
You had something like 500+ hours on three separate games, iirc.
I was worried you had become a shut in like
Antisocial-Karen, bringing her switch to rooftop parties, only to be cruelly rejected and never seeing the sun again.
Also, big news for us that play Duel Links! (Well, only myself and
) But Tristan Taylor is now here!

Finally, the Legendary Duelist we were all after is finally here.
I like how it definitively presented the Yugioh pecking order. Tristan is an april fools joke, and Syrus is just another duel-a-thon reward.
That said, I finally had a chance to farm a little of Jesse's event. So far, I'd rate it in the middle of Marik and Crowler. I like that they're trying new things and the idea of them letting us place against Zane and Jesse at the same time is nice along with normal units adding to the event score (even if it is peanuts), but for an event with better Card Trader rewards it really wouldn't cut it.
You can't both have an EX card trader with a "Play X Character 40 times" quest, and have X Character be Duel Link locked. ~50 EX orbs aren't worth card farming the lvl 40 deck.
So it works, but only because it's Jesse and his archetype is both (a) **** and (b) really small. They only added like two cards since his duel-a-thon event, and even if you don't get more than a single Pegasus his gets ~2-3 on level up along with almost everything else he can drop. Crowler eats him for breakfast. Just get Ancient Gear Beast on the field and GG.
I would also suggest using reposition on all of your units (minus Aqua obv) because I find it a lot easier to maneuver around the map since terrain doesn't affect fliers, but I guess that's just personal preference.
If you're really serious about increasing your arena score, and it's fine if you aren't, then the biggest problem with this team is how it's basically impossible to merge any of the units aside from Caeda. Merges are the easiest way to increase your score, and you have 2 seasonals and a 5* exclusive.
The various assist options (Draw Back on Blade Mage, Pivot on Blue Wall/Nuke, etc) work with this team in particular, though it's always possible that given my arena score (and general difficulty of top level TT that I also use this team for, hence the Renewal 2s) I just don't fight teams that require it. On a non-mage flier team reposition would definitely be more important on everyone, imo.
I suppose my desire is what I accomplished this week. Like, if a unit that I have all built up is on rate up, then I should score-wise be eligible for Tier 19. That's what I used to be able to do months ago (and the knowledge that I
could if I
wanted was part off why I never bothered doing it/staying there). It just seems like the best sweet spot to be in with regards to Arena in general; can be a nice challenge, but it's not too high level where variety in enemy team composition suffers for it. I fight my share of armor teams, but I get a wide range of other stuff too.
I can actually merge a bit (3 S!Camillas,2 Aquas, 4 Hinokas in Barracks) but I'm not sure low merges are even very noticeable on units who already have so low BST and, given my preference for fliers, Hinoka's as valuable as Hector is in terms of potential fodder.
Like, if I optimize and fully merge everyone including Caeda who can actually be +10 with feathers, do stupid things like give Hinoka Aether, the calculator says I get a max score of 702 to 716. I have no idea what that means because my score has been relatively static for a long time now. I don't know where an average score of 709-710 actually puts you, but that would be the max average of this team.
Eventually, Sophia would like something along the lines of Owltome+CC or Tharja's Candelabra+,
Idk about CC cause I only have the one Takumi I can fodder away, but Owltome sounds like it could be nice to try out if it ever shows up on someone who isn't 5* locked and comes with a more desirable fodder skill (i.e Swift Sparrow).
Though who knows, maybe Sophia will get the Soren treatment and end up with her own prf Owl tome...assuming that's not what they're about to do with Lilina.
Sorry for the massive wall of text lol
Nah, this was all really helpful. Thanks for taking the time to write it all, I appreciate it.