do you have Hinoka? She's amazing on teams that are half Infantry/Flier. This way Caeda can have a buddy and F!Corrin can have warping. It means you can open up your 4th slot to a green magic user instead or I guess any other green Infantry unit. Angry Boi Raven is a very good high SP option if you're looking to bust through heauxes. Boey with an Owl Tome and DD x2 can handle Reins/Bow Lyns so the other gorls can ez handle everything else. You can also give him a Raven Tome and don't use TA3 to ez handle any Bow Lyn, but Owl > Raven in terms of sp. My Boiey is +5 so I can do w/e I want lol.
But since merges >>> sp > bst in terms of score, you can still do very well if you have your core gorls merged. My Micaiah is +3 somehow and Tiki is +2. But to be fair Micaiah comes with a 400sp assist and Tiki is basically maxed out on high SP abilities. So just toss in a bonus and some other gorl and it's T20 for me aaaaaay.
tbh I kind of regret +3ing Micaiah since she was my only source of DD. So I can't build a DDx2 Boey. Close Counter works for now I guess. IS pls give DD on the Legendary Banner plssssss. But I really want more Gunnies/Fjorms for better IVs. +res for both is acceptable, or +def for Fjorm. I hope one day the Legendary Banner will include 2 Legendaries and 1 limited from a certain point onward.
I only have 40 orbs atm. And I am so not buying any because I am a pure innocent reformed f2p gorl yep yep yep indeedy.
Me irl praying to Feh for mercy on my soul/orbs:
A lot. So I'll break it up ez.
New Gorl On The Block:
Brigitte is a stronk gorl with a mace and tiny shield. She has a 6 second stun and a 4 second whip. Her damage is so-so, her healing is pretty decent but not consistent like Mercy/Ana. She's the anti-flanker Support unit, crushing Gengus and Tanks who think they can get away with barreling through teams. Essentially an answer to overly strong holds on defensive phases (her shield bash can stun through shields) and a much needed answer to uncontested Bayonetta-tier characters/flankers like Tracer/Gengu/Soldier to some extent.
On the PTR:
Also Mei is getting a buff so her ice beam can penetrate enemies, but not shields. So that makes her better at killing what she should be killing (flankers loloops).
Reaper is getting a buff to Wraith Form where he can cancel it whenever he wants now and he moves 8.25mps instead of 6.75mps. He reloads after using his Ult too. So once he wiggles in, he's there until he's dead. (Hey, how about making Symmetra like that since she's a worse Reaper, eh Blizz???)
Sombra got her hacked nerfed. It will probably be reversed for all we know. If it gets canceled mid hack she has to wait 2 seconds to use it again. Stricter LoS. Kinda bad change tbh.
Zenny lost his high burst dmg potential with his RMB. The charge is 15% slower so he can't just duck for 1 second and fire 200+ dmg like he's babbee boi hanzo.
D.Va's Micromissiles now deal less splash damage but the same for direct hits. Her burst was a tad too high so they're making indirect hits less powerful so she can't wipe out 2+ people ez but leaving direct hits alone.
Future Event:
Year of the Doggo is over. Uprising 2018 is coming in 2 weeks. So that means dance emotes will be available for the new gorls (hopefully) and be 250 for the old gorls. idk about the Co-Op PvE mode. Chances are it will be an entirely new one or just a revamp of the old one (like how the Halloween PvE was). Like maybe Stage 2 of Uprising, after they bust into the Factory they now go through it to get the hostages? idk, just a theory, I can't wait for it tho because it's super fun even if the robots had stupid good aim with their projectiles. >:^(
In Development:
Hanzo is getting Scatterarrow removed, but they're working on which ability to get rid of it. No cheap shots. So the only cheap shots will belong to Gengu with his Fan Shurikens + Swift Strike combo. Only 1 Sheemadder can be annoying/unfun to fight, not both. :^)
Symmetra 3.0. Because they finally acknowledged she is still Zelda. And instead of giving her things like, oh say, burst heals with shields (went to Brigitte) or a longer beam that requires more accuracy (went to Moira), they're going to do something else! Something much worse, I'm sure. :^)))))))
Genji's place:
So Genji isn't really OP, just like how Tracer isn't. So instead of changing them, Blizzard is changing their counters to be more effective. With more effective counters means harder usage. Genji will still have Bayonetta levels of power in terms of his kit, but now instead of fighting vs 3 Zeldas and 1 Diddy (Winston huehuehuehue)... He's fighting Diddy, Fox, Marth, and maybe Mewtwo (Symmetra if she gets her **** together in 3.0). So in other words. Fair fights. Not ez-get-away-with-everything fights.
dis is a good thing ofc