, is there any specific unit you'd want a Wo Dao+ on? The answer I got was that pretty much anyone without a legendary weapon would want Wo Dao+ because it's such a good weapon in general.
No one in particular. My sword units at 4 Stars are:
Navarre, Fir, Eirika, 2 Hinatas, Eliwood, Caeda (not that great of a nature, I think it's +Res), and Palla.
My 3 Star swords are Navarre, Olivia, Hinata, Selena, and Draug.
Best guesses for picks would be Fir, Palla, Olivia, or Selena. But again, I'm not terribly interested in any of them, to be honest. Corrin is my 3rd 5 Star Sword unit, and my 4th 5 Star Red unit. I think I'll live without investing in another Sword user. Tbh I'm thinking about just keeping my Karel and hoping for Shanna, maybe give up one of my Navarre for Desperation 2
Edit: Palla is +HP/-Res, Selena is +Def/-Res. Can't check Fir or Olivia cause they're not level 1 or level 20, maybe kill level them and check tomorrow
Also, I got Florina to level 20 and promoted her. Before I deleTed her for skills, I checked her nature cause I was curious and
+Def/-Res. Ew. Ewewewew. DeleTe that heaux
Now I have Darting Blow 3, and so I'm thinking about whether to give Corrin Threaten Defence or Speed. Defence would help him hit harder, but Speed would let him double Lucina after one turn, if I'm not mistaken
Edit: Wow, seals are great. Corrin with the Speed +1 Seal puts him at 46 Speed after Yato and Darting Blow, which lets him double Life and Death 3 Speed Boon Lucina. I dunno how common that is but that's cool. I think that might make me lean towards Threaten Def.