print ("The kingdom of Niijuph is ruled by the fair but stricT queen, Mama BJN39. She and her people worship their K-pop goddess, Bagel. In return, the goddess blessT them with powerful energy known as the Sass Force. The Sass Force gives Bagel's gorls superhuman abilities. The rival kingdom Bourgeos, ruled by the irrelevant hag Irrelevina, has begun to invade Mama BJN's homeland. BJN and her team of super hero gorls must BAN these jealous heauxs from Niijuph!")
print ("BJN: Mopcina, princess of the Flatlands, why have you chosen to side with thaT heaux Irrelevina?")
print ("Mopcina: The Niijuph kingdom has hogged the sass energy all to themselves for too long. Once you are banned from this realm, we will be the fabulous ones!")
print ("BJN: HunTy, no amount of Sass Force can fix that mop.")
print ("Mopcina: Gah! Minions, destroy them!")
print ("BJN: Cute, trying to use the mops. Unfortunately, all they could do was sweep up our magic glitter as we deleTed them. Give it up, sysT.")
[When BJN or, myself, is talking to Rosalina about her "lackies," she's talking about the mops, right? That's what I went for when I wrote this.]
print ("Irrelevina: Never! I must use the sass energy to create an army of ultra powerful super girls! You will either surrender this power, or be destroyed.")
print ("*Sassy GIF* Remain pressT.")
print ("Irrelevina: So be it. Your goddess Bagel won't be here to save you from my wrath.")
print ("Mopcina: ALl your Sass force are belong to us!")
print ("Irrelevina: ALl your Sass force are belong to us!")
print ("Mopcina: Nooo! Retreat, lackies!")
print ("*Mopcina and her lackies flee like little girls*")
print ("BJN: thaT's what happens when you mess with the Sistren of Niijuph!")
print ("BJN: Alright ladies, let's move on to Irrelevina moon castle!")
print ("Irrelevina: Me? Defeated? Impossible! ")
print ("BJN: You lost as soon as you dareT to attack my Sistren. Enjoy your ban!")
print ("*BJN rips Irrelevina's wig from ha empty skull*")
print ("Fuujin: HA IMPACT!")