kick kick
How have you guys beaten the Lunatic Navarre quest?
Hmm...I like that second one. I've had a lot of success with my m!Robin, so a red version sounds cool.Lorde , I found the Michalis build. Starts here after someone asked about what skills a 5* Michalis should get: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/70033-skill-inheritance-discussion/&page=38.
There is also a Camilla build on the previous page -- top of page 37, but you'll need to scroll down a bit since it's a large post split between 2 builds for Camilla. I remember people talking about Camilla and how with Skill Inheritance, she now has to compete with the other Wyvern Riders who are now much stronger because of their expanded options. For one, Cherche is arguably the best Brave Axe flyer because of her massive attack; Cherche's neutral base attack is 38 to Camilla's 30 and with attack boon, you're looking at 41 base attack for Cherche which with a Brave Axe+ puts her at 49 attack to an attack boon Camilla with 41. Brave weapons are more player phase unless you have a very tanky and high attack unit like Effie, Frederick, Gunter, and pretty sure Donnel and Oboro with Quick Riposte to abuse. It has to be both which explains why a proposed Draug build urges people to get rid of his Brave Sword since Draug only caps at 33 with attack boon.
And as a normal unit, Camilla's stats were compared to Minerva's who has similar-ish stats -- lower resistance for defense and HP and 1 more attack, defense, and speed. Minerva also comes with Life & Death which makes her even stronger as an offensive unit.
So, the response is from what I remember is to make Camilla a flying mage killer.
Also, Beruka build that was quite recent: https://serenesforest.net/forums/in...ce-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=4779660. Four posts down, is where one user mentions the whole if you're doing a flyer team, then Beruka is easier to work with, but if you don't then it's more difficult.
Burgundy , 2 Sophia builds: https://serenesforest.net/forums/in...ce-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=4767108.
Anyway, apparently one of Bunny Lucina's special quotes is "Bunny blast!". When I saw that, all I could think of was Terriermon from Digimon.
The other thing is that Lachesis has a personal weapon: the Earth Sword, which her daughter inherits. Man... really? There are a lot of sword units, but come on, her official art shows her wielding a sword while her daughter is the one wielding a staff.
And I 100% would sack nasty Tharja for sweet lil Sophia. I've already considered deleTing Bunny Camilla to give my f!Robin Green Egg+ for funsies.