Bravely Second is so fun. I've been binging on that since it came in the mail yesterday. It's been a while since I've played a turn-based RPG. I think FFX might have been the last one and that's what? 6-7 years ago? Anyway, Edea and Magnolia are my favorites right now. Both are awesome; Edea's funny and Magnolia's dorky. Yew is all right. Michael Sinterniklaas's voicing for Yew reminds me of Tidus if Tidus was more of a dork in the beginning with an obsession with gravy of the game instead of an insufferable guy with daddy's issues. Tiz is well... Tiz. He's supposed to be an everyday guy, right? Yeah... I keep thinking of Raven whenever I hear him speak because Bryce Papenbrook voices Raven and Tiz.
The only problem I have with the game and RPGs in general which I think this stems from my problems with RPGs in the past is that I have a tendency to overlevel and try to 100% everything in fear of being underleveled, underequipped, and screwed -- Dark Cloud and both FFX and XII haunt me when I was a stupid kid who barely managed to get by playing them. Thankfully, you can set it so you never gain EXP, but there are times where I still feel like I'm a bit too strong.
Edit: Forgot about this, but it's neat how "Hiding a Breath" from Bravely Second is Final Fantasy IV's "Into the Darkness". First time I heard it while listening to the OST of the game, I felt like I heard it from somewhere and lo, and behold, it's FFIV's dungeon theme. Still, I'm reminded of Folklore and I think it might be another track from Bravely Second.
Late replies.
I guess an archer would be OK for fliers. Except there aren't many fliers worth using only because they move 2 spaces (and there's not much for them to take advantage of terrain wise outside of PvE) and they're x2 weak to an ENTIRE group of gray units. Whereas other x2 weaknesses are tied to specific weapons within groups (armorslayers or Falchions or Naga). So maybe your original gorl is the best choice. Either that or just skip a blue unit entirely until you get Nowi, Ninian, Oboro, or Robin. Buuuut with the skill inherit thing, Ursula will be very useful in the long run. Everyone's going for teams of 2~4 super powered-up cavalry units for the 3 move.
But Setsuna... ;_;
Apparently Setsuna has some ridiculous special lines, so I really want to get her not just because I like her, but because I want another "You're just a stain!" moment like I had with Felicia. Virion is good, but I just want options, especially an archer who can cover mages like how I have Felicia for mages and Jakob and Gaius for physical or anything in general should they manage to survive. I'd be fine with Niles, but I would much prefer Setsuna or Jeorge or Rebecca because I like them. Klein would be fun for high burst damage -- Cain's "ATTACK!" is getting to me -- and he'd still have decent enough resistance and overall defense to be an all-around unit unlike Virion. Gordin would be a complete no since his resistance also sucks and Takumi I don't care, but if I get him, then whatever.
I think now with an average 4* F!Corrin, I'm okay with what little blue units I have. Catria and Subaki are fine, Sharena I just need to either patch up her defense with Escutcheon or Pavise or make her an even stronger glass cannon, and Effie's stupidly powerful, but slow in speed and movement. I was able to throw Effie into Ninth Stratum when she was level 33. She's level 38 now since she basically did everything even against anti-armor, green units, and mages. It was kind of hilarious and sad seeing her tear everything up. Ursula's probably going to be my obligatory mage mostly for the eventual Xander map. Odin's stats are just... Ugh... I get that he gets extra attack from being buffed, but that's the thing, you have to buff him for damage. Nino does fine without. Yes, she's a glass cannon, but that's much better than being a I don't do anything cannon. Henry's lower attack than Odin is made up by Henry being a tank and being effective against colorless units and Olwen is basically a Brave tome user who barely is slower than Odin despite the -5 speed penalty. High attack Odin might not even cut it... Ursula's still stronger and she has Death Blow. Giving Death Blow to Odin would mean having to sack Effie, Hawkeye, Klein, or Ursula and those are all just better units in general not to mention being rare or limited in the case of Ursula. If we could sack Alfonse, then the
nightmare game would just be over.
Edit: My Lucina has low HP -- Really? AGAIN!? -- for high resistance. Figured this out by checking her max stats to the stats she has right now at level 39. Attack, defense, and speed are off by 1 point to her average; it's impossible for her to get 3 HP for her 43 average, and she's already at the high cap for resistance at 22. Still pretty crappy resistance, so she's still frail as usual. Probably explains why she died a lot when I used her. Either she killed everything while barely alive or she instantly explodes.
I think I can figure out Hawkeye's stats... Low HP again since he's got 6 levels left and he's currently at 38 HP meaning it's impossible for him to get 45 HP. I don't know what his high stat is. Attack, resistance, and speed are the only ones that can reach the high caps if they go up during his remaining 6 level ups or go over it in the case of resistance. Defense would not reach it -- off by 1 point.
The feathers are dumb. They should cut the stupid costs in half.
It's like we're dying of thirst in the desert, and they only send us trickles of water. Great Badges are annoying to get, too. As if putting ice in our water was too much to ask.
The developers have to keep you getting powerful units too fast, however, the cost and benefits from going from a 4* to a 5* at times is really skewed. Some units don't get much other than higher stat caps while others become better because of increased raw strength (legendary weapon users) or having limitations removed (Brave weapon users). That itself is a problem like not getting a 5* Chrom, but a 4* one and being locked out of his Falchion until you manage to get 20k feathers which could be spent on ten other units for ten 4* units. The problem now is that with the increased amount of feathers you can get from daily quests and arena, you can get 3* units to 4* even faster, however, now you have to factor in Inherit Skill which benefits from 4* units being used and 5* promotions are still expensive. Halving the cost of getting a 4* to a 5* would be nice.
Badges are kind of weird. In my opinion, they're pointless, especially regular ones which you can amass quickly from training. Great Badges are rarer, but for me, quite abundant since I could never afford nor do I really want to promote any 4* unit outside of Sharena which is pointless to me since my blue units are much, much weaker than my red and green units in not just raw power, but diversity and options. It was only recently I got a 5* blue unit, Effie, but as a knight, her movement really limits her unlike having a regular infantry for all-around use. So, I'd rather spend them on one of my two mages, maybe another flyer, and Jagen than just on Sharena. Would have debated on spending it on a low speed, high defense Corrin, but the Android freebie, average 4* Corrin was a thing, so I don't have to.
Badges are just another resource that you have to use to promote units. Without them or without feathers, it wouldn't change much. Well, without feathers, it might be easier to promote units seeing as you only need 20 of them, regular or great, rather than 200, 2000, or 20,000 feathers.
Not late reply!
I forgot to post this
Fuujin is my standard horseh that I always use
BigFuujin is the special giant horseh
GorlFujin is Zelda's horseh
I look forward to finding and collecting more Fuujins.
Also a 9 character limit for names wtf is this Nintendo, the 90's?
I love how the temperament is wild. Quite fitting.