Freaking had to bring her to another map because she was 7 exp off. Enemy Beruka, you died for her sins. Oh, and because Lucina's entire skill set costs way too damn much, I cannot afford Aether, Defiant Speed 3, and Spur Attack 3. I can get Defiant Speed 3 and Spur Attack, but I cannot get Aether at all. Aether is cool, but it has a cooldown of 5 and only does Luna plus Sol versus Astra which does 150% your attack or the AOE attack which... is an AOE attack. Hopefully, Ike can make use of Aether more or have a variation where it takes 4 turns instead of 5. Of the 5* units I've used and own, Lucina's probably the one I care least about. I love Eirika's ability to buff stuff and she's a pretty stable unit unlike glass cannon, everyone in 9-5 wants to kill her Lucina, Effie's amazing, but she's a knight, Eldigan is also awesome, but his reckless style makes me worried sometimes, and Raven is one of my favorite characters, though, him showing up 3 times was not necessary. She is still my only anti-dragon unit, so she is still a valued member of the team. Edit: Forgot about Hawkeye. Eh. He's all right. Hits hard and makes magic look like a joke.
And then the following map where I figured I'd spend the remaining 8 stamina had 2-3 units with Wings of Mercy. Freaking Merric couldn't kill the mounted archer, red knight drops in and murders him, other red knight almost killed Sharena -- didn't want to bring in a flyer because of the archer and 4* Corrin was underleveled; we do not speak of the sin that is called Odin -- because her defense sucks, and then I think another unit had Wings of Mercy just teleported around forming a garrison around the archer. The only unit who didn't pose a problem was Olwen who promptly took a Hawkeye axe to the face as my last act since Sharena dying meant the map was unwinnable. Freaking Wings of Mercy... Hilarious part was that despite being the super buff guy he is, the red knight only took one round to kill Hawkeye while the 5* Raven who is 2 levels below him and has low defense, high resistance took 2. Goes to show that wearing nothing to battle does cost you. Hey, at least you died sexy.
That aside, F!Robin or Tiki will end up being the next level 40 unit. Probably F!Robin since she's level 39 while Tiki's level 38.