I've got 115 hours right now, but I've also only completed two Divine Beasts (Zora and Goron ones). I still have over half the map to explore, too. I'm thinking that I'll be completing the story around 300 hours, but we'll see.
Also someone pls give me tips on the horseback archer drill training, I need to hit 23 for the final horse thing and I've broken all of my bows + used up all of my arrows
In other news I got Wolf Link for $1 and he's super great, I wish I had him earlier on. He's really good for hunting animals and allows you to collect a ton of resources from animals without having to do anything. Plus, he'll basically destroy all weaker enemies so you don't need to waste your weapon durability or spend time setting down bombs against them.
His AI is also really good, he's able to follow you basically anywhere because his stats are more similar to Link compared to a horse, so he's not getting stopped at every slope and things of that sort. Plus, he can use his Midna hax to teleport to you if he gets too far away or has absolutely no way of reaching you. I'm guessing this is why you're not allowed to tame regular animals, too.
Combat-wise is where things start getting a bit problematic, though, and change how you need to approach things. Wolf Link has around 15 defense, so even with 20 hearts, he's taken out really easily by the stronger enemies in the game. For example, one hit from a White Lynel will leave him with around 4 hearts. Plus, in skirmishes where there's a lot of enemies chasing you (ie: if you bum rush an enemy camp), he's much more likely to get attacked. This isn't a terrible issue given that you can tell Wolf Link to stay, allowing you to take out some enemies before you whistle him in, but it's a bit annoying because if you get too far away while fighting he'll just teleport to you and auto-aggro.
However, if you're more careful, he's really helpful. If enemies haven't noticed you, Wolf Link will be targeted as though he was a wild animal, so he can run in and distract enemies, allowing you to get into much better positions than you'd normally be able to. Plus, when Wolf Link is fighting alone, as long as there isn't a billion enemies, his AI is really good at avoiding getting hit. He'll circle around enemies until an opening is available, then rush in with the same attack that he uses in TP when you charge with Midna, which is completely invincible, so he can't just jump into attacks. Plus, in the case that there is multiple enemies, he'll attack similar to the TP thing and go from enemy to enemy extremely fast.
When you're noticed by an enemy, they no longer care about Wolf Link, which makes it much safer for him to run around. While I usually have him spend his time taking out the grounded archers, he's really helpful when fighting directly with Link, too. When Wolf Link attacks enemies that aren't huge (ie: Moblin and Lynel), he will temporarily "stun" them, because the smaller ones, like Bokoblin and Lizalfos, have those little hitstun animations. This means that when you're fighting these enemies, Wolf Link can create a ton of openings for you to attack, or directly stop the enemy from attacking you. Plus, if you get an actual knockdown, he'll nearly double the time enemies are open by tossing them around even further.
Also, **** horses + wolf link. If you whistle they'll both run at you. Fighting through a Bokoblin camp filled with bomb arrow archers while your horse and dog are chasing you is terrible.
tl;dr 7.8/10 too much commas