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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe

Jun 8, 2009
MvC Infinite being 2v2 is a good change of pace imo

now all they have to do is to remove phoenix and add jake muller :^)


Goddess of Storms
Jan 2, 2014
Soul Realm
It's been an hour and we're only now getting to the second set for Capcom Cup Top 8.

MvC Infinite being 2v2 is a good change of pace imo

now all they have to do is to remove phoenix and add jake muller :^)
yeah, 2v2 is amazing for vs games

I'm hoping that the roster's good
Jun 8, 2009
at least with there being only 1 assist, the balance team can't be all like, "EVERYONE CAN BE GOOD. JUST HAVE THE RIGHT ASSISTS."

also, last of us part II just got announced :o
Jun 8, 2009
wait a min

xmen wont be in mvc infinite

which means phoenix is gone



Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
I already have about 40 hours put in to PW3. Whoops.
PW3 is without a doubt more complicated than Hyrule Warriors, but I'm not far enough to say which is more difficult. PW3 in general has more moves for every character (I know I've said this already tho) and there's a lot of small nuances; there's a lot of different status effects and they're all tied to just 1 or 2 characters each. They all have certain characters that you can't affect with it too. But from what I can tell, if you jnow hiw to do these things you're set. You can probably get by even if you don't. HW leans more towards learning basics about the game, but you need to MASTER them for the later missions.
Favorite 5 characters so far (and I still have 6 left to unlock) are Sanji, Robin, Perona, Marco, and Sabo.
  • Sanji is a hot blond guy who can cook. He kicks stuff. He has actual combos unlike Linkle's Boots, and he's noticabely quicker too.
  • Robin has hands. They grow out of the ground and slap, smack, spank, squeeze, pound, and high five everything. She's a bit technical but that and the "what is even happening" factor are what I like in characters. She also has some obscenely powerful moves.
  • Perona is a good contender for worst character in the game, but it's done right because there's a reason. She relies a lot on a gimmick. What is it? She makes the enemy feel so depressed at how bad of a character she is that they just give up. It actually seems really powerful if you play with a second person, have Perona make everything depressed, then have the second character murder everything with no problems. She is also super sassT and has some anger issues (probably from how bad she is) so she basically is Zelda.
  • Marco is a birb man. He's like Medli if Medli was a fantastic character.
  • Sabo is Volga but younger and wearing a black suit and top hat. And instead of a huge over-the-top spiky spear, he has a metal pipe. Like, he just went into the sewers, found a pipe, and said that was his weapon. But it can ignite itself so it's fine. Sabo also has a dragon claw hand except he can actually grab things with it (smh Volga you have a huge claw hand thing but you just use it to slap or swipe at people, you could be better even tho you're already the best character in the game).
Oh and the best part, no character limitations. So I could use these 5 characters throughout the entire game, no problem. More inportantly, if I never want to even consider playing that freak Buggy, I don't have to.

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
Please don't look in my window.
You didn't say looking at you directly was undesired, though. :bubblebobble:

I already have about 40 hours put in to PW3. Whoops.
PW3 is without a doubt more complicated than Hyrule Warriors, but I'm not far enough to say which is more difficult. PW3 in general has more moves for every character (I know I've said this already tho) and there's a lot of small nuances; there's a lot of different status effects and they're all tied to just 1 or 2 characters each. They all have certain characters that you can't affect with it too. But from what I can tell, if you jnow hiw to do these things you're set. You can probably get by even if you don't. HW leans more towards learning basics about the game, but you need to MASTER them for the later missions.
Favorite 5 characters so far (and I still have 6 left to unlock) are Sanji, Robin, Perona, Marco, and Sabo.
  • Sanji is a hot blond guy who can cook. He kicks stuff. He has actual combos unlike Linkle's Boots, and he's noticabely quicker too.
  • Robin has hands. They grow out of the ground and slap, smack, spank, squeeze, pound, and high five everything. She's a bit technical but that and the "what is even happening" factor are what I like in characters. She also has some obscenely powerful moves.
  • Perona is a good contender for worst character in the game, but it's done right because there's a reason. She relies a lot on a gimmick. What is it? She makes the enemy feel so depressed at how bad of a character she is that they just give up. It actually seems really powerful if you play with a second person, have Perona make everything depressed, then have the second character murder everything with no problems. She is also super sassT and has some anger issues (probably from how bad she is) so she basically is Zelda.
  • Marco is a birb man. He's like Medli if Medli was a fantastic character.
  • Sabo is Volga but younger and wearing a black suit and top hat. And instead of a huge over-the-top spiky spear, he has a metal pipe. Like, he just went into the sewers, found a pipe, and said that was his weapon. But it can ignite itself so it's fine. Sabo also has a dragon claw hand except he can actually grab things with it (smh Volga you have a huge claw hand thing but you just use it to slap or swipe at people, you could be better even tho you're already the best character in the game).
Oh and the best part, no character limitations. So I could use these 5 characters throughout the entire game, no problem. More inportantly, if I never want to even consider playing that freak Buggy, I don't have to.
OK. So. Like. Is it actually more fun than Hyrule Warriors tho? I kinda wish they had a Fairy Tail Warriors instead of a One Piece Warriors, but w/e. Actual Anime Warriors is something I guess.
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Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
Morning girls. How's everyone doing? :4zelda:

mvci has a weird *** gem system
That's actually the Stone/Gem mechanic from Marvel Super Heroes if I'm correct. There were different Stones/Gems back in that game being Power, Soul, Time, Reality, Mind and Space. I am curious if they'll bring back every Stone/Gem, or if they'll all be character exclusive, or if you can turn off Stones/Gems just like in MSH.

The game looks like it'll be a mixture of MvC1, SFxT (The tag system I mean) and MSH.

Anyway, I'll be looking through to see what my 300 word essay is again, so that way I have a lead on what I have to write about.

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Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2015
Persona kids, Persona squids.
MvC Infinite being 2v2 is a good change of pace imo

now all they have to do is to remove phoenix and add jake muller :^)
Seeing it in action sort of made me think of TvC. I swear, if they're bringing back the Baroque Combo system and giant characters this'll be a day 1 purchase for me.

Captain Marvel looked nice in action, imo. Much better than how, say, Super Girl looked in the next Injustice game trailer.

Also, apparently UMvC3 is actually coming to PC in 2017 as well with all the DLC (except one of Magneto's alt skins). My most used X-Men character was always the one with the least chance of returning (X-23), so I'm happy I'll still be able to play with those characters in some form.


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Tbh I thought that the team skull grunts looked pretty alright. (Tbf anything after the hideous flame grunts was bound to look acceptable)

And the "punk" trainers who look like the grunts w/normal clothes actually look like some of the better characters/models in the game imo.

Skull's personality was also really great. They were like one big silly family. Grunts have never gotten so much personality.


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2016
Battlefield. These stadiums are really homey.
Tbh I thought that the team skull grunts looked pretty alright. (Tbf anything after the hideous flame grunts was bound to look acceptable)

And the "punk" trainers who look like the grunts w/normal clothes actually look like some of the better characters/models in the game imo.

Skull's personality was also really great. They were like one big silly family. Grunts have never gotten so much personality.
Especially in the last generation. So what do you gorls think the best generations are in order? Mine would be:
1. Gen 7
I don't think anyone would disagree with me, but I will admit they took out some stuff that was needed and was good, like fishing wherever you wanted to as long as it was in water. The teams were amazing and felt real, the new Pokemon are fantastic even if most of them are slow, and the story is the best in my opinion.
2. Gen 4
One of my favorites in terms of starters, Pokémon in general, the team, and my favorite part of the anime. This Gen will also never die because of Pokémon fan games. This part in the anime also had the best movies.
3. Gen 2
Best post game without a doubt. The Pokémon were great, and we get Team Rocket again. Anime was great like the first season, but sometimes went on forever before getting to another gym, having a bit too many random challenges along the way in my opinion.
4. Gen 1
Can't say much here. Better than the ones below, but not the ones above. Anime was great. But this one didn't have a rival, and don't say Gary Oak becauase he doesn't count and you know it.
5. Gen 5
Ok, here me out. I didn't think the Pokémon were great; They were probably the worst, but the story was amazing. I don't remember a story that went as long with the team or a team like this in general. Yes they were kind of bad, but I still some what liked them. This was the worst part of the anime.
6. Gen 6
Ok, so the reason I'm not putting this in last is because it added so many things that actually improved the game that were taken out. See this to know what exactly I'm talking about:
Also being able to tiptoe to catch stronger Pokemon was pretty cool to me. Thw anime was pretty good at this time.
7. Gen 3
So yeah, this gen is at the bottom. If I wasn't thinking about story or additions to the games outside of Pokémon and gyms and other things like that, this one would be number 5. I did like the teams, and the Pokemon were good, but nothing really stood out to me here other than the fact that there were two teams fighting against each other. This part of the anime was okay as well, but again, nothing too bad and nothing too good.

So when I talk about the generations, I'm not really factoring in remakes, only games about that specific generation. What do you gorls think, good or bad? I might put gen 3 where I said I might later, but for now, I think the story and additions were too good to say they were the worst. Yet.
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Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
and then you look at things like bayo's frame 4 witch twist and frame 7 abk and then you cry bc zelda is garbage


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
But Zelda's gloves are elegant and every other heaux is gross.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
Seeing it in action sort of made me think of TvC. I swear, if they're bringing back the Baroque Combo system and giant characters this'll be a day 1 purchase for me.

Captain Marvel looked nice in action, imo. Much better than how, say, Super Girl looked in the next Injustice game trailer.

Also, apparently UMvC3 is actually coming to PC in 2017 as well with all the DLC (except one of Magneto's alt skins).
It is interesting that both titles are coming to Steam. So I might come out of retirement of UMvC3 and use my old team that some of you gorls were surprised to see me use.

Also, the reasoning behind Magento's ALT not being added is because it makes him look exactly like the King of Spain. Which is why they removed it.

If they do bring back Giant Characters. I wonder who they'll bring and whether they'll be balanced or not. *Glances over to PTX-40A and Gold Lightan being Top Tier and Bottom Tier respectively*


kick kick
Oct 2, 2014
I hate how needlessly difficult finding a Razor Claw in S/M is
5% chance on Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o
50% on Kommo-o but that relies on one showing up
Like why must Weavile be so impossible pls game


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
I'm not sure what it is about her, but every time I play as Mercy, I become a huge douchebag and start doing things like gloating whenever I kill someone with my little pea-shooter pistol

It's not even like a conscious thing, either. Like earlier today, I was playing Mercy and I got a double kill. Before I even realized what I was doing, I was furiously t-bagging their stupid dead bodies.


The Zelda We Need, But Not the One We Deserve
Dec 28, 2014
Gaylordsville Baptist Church, NY
I hate how needlessly difficult finding a Razor Claw in S/M is
5% chance on Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o
50% on Kommo-o but that relies on one showing up
Like why must Weavile be so impossible pls game
If your lead pokemon has Compound Eyes, Wild Held Item rates increase jsyk


kick kick
Oct 2, 2014
If your lead pokemon has Compound Eyes, Wild Held Item rates increase jsyk
I know, but there's no way I can keep my level 13 Butterfree alive and in battle long enough to see a Kommo-o. And I don't wanna grind levels just for this
Hopefully the GTS will come through for me :/
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
if it's like synchronize it probably works to just have the butterfree dead in slot 1

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
Tbh I thought that the team skull grunts looked pretty alright. (Tbf anything after the hideous flame grunts was bound to look acceptable)

And the "punk" trainers who look like the grunts w/normal clothes actually look like some of the better characters/models in the game imo.

Skull's personality was also really great. They were like one big silly family. Grunts have never gotten so much personality.
I agree. Even the Mom has more personality than before. She's super lazy like me. 6 months in my new place and I still haven't fully unpacked.

Team Skull was definitely my most favorite of all teams. Team Plasma wasn't too bad, but still 1 dimensional. ORAS was 1.5D, but Matt was just lololol andalsobaraman

BTW Male Swimmer is clearly the other embodiment of "when you're a manly man but also a Zelda main/gorl."

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