They made it so using the ult charge thing while your teleported is up tells your team how many charges the teleporter has left. While it's not really a buff, it's still super useful.
Genji, Zenyatta, and Lúcio nerfs are gud
Mercy and Mei buffs are nice
I'm excited for the patch to come because the stuff in the PTR is great
People will almost always use the tele anyway. "OH! I'm or S76 or Tracer? I COULD boost/sprint/blink to the point and be there in 10 seconds or less so a slower character can use the limited charges... BUT NAH!"
She needs range buffs because literally anything personally counters her. And her turrets lack the range to stick damage on flankers. 12m sentry range and 6m-7m range on her beam would be nice. Faster low charged alt fires would be great too.
Zenyatta can heal, debuff, AND toss out infinitely ranged projectiles. Meanwhile Sym is all "Hi imma lock down dis 1 out of 3-6 flank routes ppl dun evn nid 2 uze! i sur hop nobodi is using dva, reaper, winston, reinhsrdt, roadhog, tracer, genji, soldier, pharah, junkrat, lucio bcuz they can destroy or bypass my immobile room of deth ez!!! also enjoy my useless e buff and frail teleporter"
Also her tele and sentries need to be invisible on kill cams unless they're in LoS during the character's death. It's total BS.
I love Sym and all. But if it weren't for her teleporter she would be even a worse pick than attack Torb.