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Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2012
I hate Tr4sh
I've been getting lots of likes on this thread recently.
I'm famous on this thread now.
actually lol forget kappa
Welcome to the Zeldawful boards, the place where 85% of your posts will be liked! :D

The more you give me, the easier it will be.

Edit: in a less creepy way than previously implied O.O
Next time on Stalker

I'm quite reclusive, don't enjoy being outside unless I'm downtown, has an obsessive love over Taylor Swift's music, left-handed, currently likes a blonde guy in the uni acoustics class, stays up until 4am on Smashboards because #rebel, has a decent-sized vinyl collection, eccentric, hates tumblr.

And cries to Toradora
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
I was thinking of Malcolm because of the whole Meta Knight and Marth being "trash tier" now. So, if we need a trio, then they have to have names starting with the same letter, yeah? And no, Meta Knight is not Blue Kirby.
Malcolm in the...Bottom?

Iunno, I think MK still has a chance at least. He still has (kill) combos and rewarding B moves/fsmash, he just has a lot more end lag on things than he should.
Jun 8, 2009
Once the Links find a solid way for KO'ing with Link, I guarantee you guys that Link will be feared but for now, I'm kinda irked that Link lacks ways to land a solid KO unless it's an off-stage gimp or stage spike with b-air. Everything else about him is really solid, except his up B recovery

Falco is fun btw. I'm usually grounded but at least I have great ground normals to work with. Not jabbing Zelda but damn, I wish her moveset was just more reliable in general :|
Things change fast.
For you, I guess

Also, what happened to H.Candy? His last activity was at January 3


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Malcolm in the...Bottom?

Iunno, I think MK still has a chance at least. He still has (kill) combos and rewarding B moves/fsmash, he just has a lot more end lag on things than he should.
That's what I'm saying. Marth is pretty much mid-tier, Meta Knight proves he has game and a fair game at that. Hell, he can Uair people 3-4 times before ending off with a Shuttle Loop. He's not broken anymore, but another fighter who still can hold his own like everyone else. Falco "Malcolm" Lombardi is anything, but low tier. He's at least a mid-tier, but people just dropped him like they dropped Meta Knight and Marth after they weren't Melee/Brawl Marth and Falco and Brawl Meta Knight. Ironically, people complained about Meta Knight being broken, but when he's fixed, people complain about Meta Knight being nerfed. Seriously? I wouldn't be surprised if that happened to Diddy Kong in SSB5 if he gets "nerfed". Different game, different play styles, different "characters"; you can't play SSB4 Mario like Melee Mario.

... HAHAHA!!! Falco "Malcom" Lombardi!!! His initials would be F.M.L.!!! :joyful:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
Once the Links find a solid way for KO'ing with Link, I guarantee you guys that Link will be feared but for now, I'm kinda irked that Link lacks ways to land a solid KO unless it's an off-stage gimp or stage spike with b-air. Everything else about him is really solid, except his up B recovery

Falco is fun btw. I'm usually grounded but at least I have great ground normals to work with. Not jabbing Zelda but damn, I wish her moveset was just more reliable in general :|

For you, I guess

Also, what happened to H.Candy? His last activity was at January 3
Oh he's moving so he can't really go on he said but he said probably next week. He left Lucy for marth.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
@ Macchiato Macchiato
Dude, you can't keep switching mains like this, at this rate every single character is going to be "totally mid tier" within 6 months. Then we would be literally nowhere. Just, get an attention span, I guarantee once you spend a lot of time on a single character, you will get even better than you were. Then you can worry about trying new characters.

Deleted member

Once the Links find a solid way for KO'ing with Link, I guarantee you guys that Link will be feared but for now, I'm kinda irked that Link lacks ways to land a solid KO unless it's an off-stage gimp or stage spike with b-air. Everything else about him is really solid, except his up B recovery

Falco is fun btw. I'm usually grounded but at least I have great ground normals to work with. Not jabbing Zelda but damn, I wish her moveset was just more reliable in general :|

For you, I guess

Also, what happened to H.Candy? His last activity was at January 3
Yeah, more often then not I find myself looking for a Jab to chain to Spin Attack or U/D-Smash, either that, D-Smash, or Uair are my go-to kill options with Link that aren't off-stage.

Oh and F-tilt too.

Sadly those aren't the easiest to connect with.



Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Once the Links find a solid way for KO'ing with Link, I guarantee you guys that Link will be feared but for now, I'm kinda irked that Link lacks ways to land a solid KO unless it's an off-stage gimp or stage spike with b-air. Everything else about him is really solid, except his up B recovery
Does he really have problems killing? I thought jab>dsmash was a thing, and I swear every time I fight a Link I get surprise KO'd by ftilt around 120%...oh god that's a frame 15 ftilt how am I so bad that I'm getting hit by this constantly what the hell

That's what I'm saying. Marth is pretty much mid-tier, Meta Knight proves he has game and a fair game at that. Hell, he can Uair people 3-4 times before ending off with a Shuttle Loop. He's not broken anymore, but another fighter who still can hold his own like everyone else. Falco "Malcolm" Lombardi is anything, but low tier. He's at least a mid-tier, but people just dropped him like they dropped Meta Knight and Marth after they weren't Melee/Brawl Marth and Falco and Brawl Meta Knight. Ironically, people complained about Meta Knight being broken, but when he's fixed, people complain about Meta Knight being nerfed. Seriously? I wouldn't be surprised if that happened to Diddy Kong in SSB5 if he gets "nerfed". Different game, different play styles, different "characters"; you can't play SSB4 Mario like Melee Mario.
The only characters I've actually heard people call worse than mid tier are Kirby, Samus, and Mii Swordfighter. As far as I'm concerned, mid tier = low tier.

I haven't personally dabbled in Falco, but Marth seems booty and I don't feel like Meta Knight's much worse than the Mario Bros (who I also feel are being overhyped as of late, but I suppose if you just look at results strictly Luigi's been doing fantastic).

... HAHAHA!!! Falco "Malcom" Lombardi!!! His initials would be F.M.L.!!! :joyful:


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2011
Xian Du
Party up in here, man.

Woooow. I never noticed the drunk looking Yukiko in the back until now, haha.
Whole post. Liked. All of it.
Sup Kaz. :awesome:

Edit: In other news, I'm versing a friend, my Zelda vs her Robin; last stock, both in rage, I manage to snipe with Farore's but missed the ledge cancel by like. Half a molecule. Died first. The salt is real but I'm laughing omg.

@ Twili Twili *high fives Twi* :troll:
...Trolls, the lot of you!


allow me to have my favorites, nerd

you've fallen you say, I wonder why

also @ kaazers kaazers cause apparently he likes this stuff
That's my favorite penguin GIF, actually.

/.......discreetly likes post
Jun 8, 2009
That's the problem, Idek which one ugh

These are my possible mains

Whoever you're winning the most with is probably your best option BUT it's also important if you find the character fun to use
Does he really have problems killing? I thought jab>dsmash was a thing, and I swear every time I fight a Link I get surprise KO'd by ftilt around 120%...oh god that's a frame 15 ftilt how am I so bad that I'm getting hit by this constantly what the hell
Jab cancelling doesn't feel that consistent. Idk. Imo, I guess.

His f-smash comes out even earlier than his f-tilt. F-smash comes out at frame 13 while F-tilt comes out at frame 15. I guess F-tilt isn't really good for KO'ing since F-smash comes out earlier anyway. Maybe it's fine for spacing, I guess.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Can't go wrong with Pit. Great all-rounder.
I second this. I also think Peach needs more representation since she's such a solid character, but a very technical character. Oh, and Wii Fit Trainer too since y'know the flow and ****... I don't remember TKBreezy's line for that...

Anyway, pick a character who suits your play style, who appeals to you, who challenges you, and/or who you're just interested in. I chose to main Falco out of pure rage against people saying he's trash, wanting to prove something, and because he challenges me unlike Dr. Mario, Yoshi, Ike, or Pit who I can pick up and play; I had to learn with Falco.

Does he really have problems killing? I thought jab>dsmash was a thing, and I swear every time I fight a Link I get surprise KO'd by ftilt around 120%...oh god that's a frame 15 ftilt how am I so bad that I'm getting hit by this constantly what the hell

The only characters I've actually heard people call worse than mid tier are Kirby, Samus, and Mii Swordfighter. As far as I'm concerned, mid tier = low tier.

I haven't personally dabbled in Falco, but Marth seems booty and I don't feel like Meta Knight's much worse than the Mario Bros (who I also feel are being overhyped as of late, but I suppose if you just look at results strictly Luigi's been doing fantastic).

Well, comments being comments and first impressions being first impressions, Falco was labeled the worse character compared to Marth and Meta Knight. Why? No short hop double lasers, no chain grabs, and his Dair is slower. Okay, first off, is that what defines Falco because if it does, then it's kind of sad since it ignores Falco's other traits. Projectiles were toned down in this game, chain grabs were removed, and Dair changed for balancing reasons, but then you look at other Dairs... Anyway, Falco gained a functioning Fair, his Reflector and Ftilt remain good spacing tools, his recovery improved like Fox since Phantasm no longer leaves him in free-fall, Bair remains a powerful kill move, and Side Smash gain some start-up, but remains a powerful kill move. Falco's just different, but remains a solid character because of his strong attacks, strong footsie and spacing game, and good off-stage game. The issues are still the same from the past games: poor mobility. Falco was never faster than Fox and nor was Wolf, but that never stopped Falco and Wolf from being solid characters.

As for Marth, people say he benefits from fundamentals and while he can't short hop double Fair or whatnot - I don't know much about Marth -, but he still remains a solid character. Pretty much everyone is viable in this game and I do feel like there might be only three tiers or the tiers have really small gaps. It's just people judging characters from face value and not dedicating time to them. Granted, not everyone has that time or patience.

Results attracts people and that means a lot of technique will be found. Characters who haven't shown results or aren't that popular will lag behind in techniques and discoveries. People just found out about frame canceling because of Falco and Bowser Jr., someone just found out about Falco Phantasm meteoring or the fact that Falco Phantasm (and probably Fox Illusion) have a hitbox from the end if pivoted. Dr. Mario's Doctor Tornado for edgeguarding? Recent. The game's meta is young, but popular characters will have findings much sooner than others. Who knows, maybe Marth has some sick stuff that people just don't know yet.

Oh, and I guess I amuse myself fairly easily. FML... Heheh... Falco "Malcolm" Lombardi. FML... Heheheh... :seuss:


Jul 7, 2014
Thunder Wave to up smash confirmed best set up no regrets.
....Link has a hard time KOing wat. I still don't get what "footsie" means.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Jun 8, 2009
Narrowed down my list to

:4kirby: If you're winning with Kirby, it's fine. I guess
:4lucina: You're better off with Marth if this is the path you'll choose
:4wiifitm: If you're winning with WFT, it's fine. I guess again
:4peach: Very technical but she's really good
:rosalina: The easy way to placing high among your list

I wouldn't mind if you picked up Shulk though :>

Then again, he's hard to pick up because you're probably going to take a good 2 or 3 months trying to actually get used to him then the months after will be you mastering the character and getting MALLC down. Some people just don't have the time for that.

@ Ffamran Ffamran I almost forgot to tell you about your input on Shulk, Shulk's b-air is amazing. Like his only moves that I don't use a lot are his u-air and d-air but that might change since I found out you can combo n-air into d-air easily in jump art


Jul 7, 2014
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Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Narrowed down my list to

I think you could probably stick to 2-3 characters as mains while having the other characters on the side. I too have a similar situation where I have a lot of characters I want to play as, but I have Yoshi and Greninja as dual mains with Doc as a possible third (maybe even 4 with Zelda tbh, but that's a bit of a stretch).

From what I've read in the thread, I think that Kirby, WFT, and Peach would be good choices for you, but I've never seen you play, so I can't know for sure.
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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
:4kirby: If you're winning with Kirby, it's fine. I guess
:4lucina: You're better off with Marth if this is the path you'll choose
:4wiifitm: If you're winning with WFT, it's fine. I guess again
:4peach: Very technical but she's really good
:rosalina: The easy way to placing high among your list

I wouldn't mind if you picked up Shulk though :>

Then again, he's hard to pick up because you're probably going to take a good 2 or 3 months trying to actually get used to him then the months after will be you mastering the character and getting MALLC down. Some people just don't have the time for that.

@ Ffamran Ffamran I almost forgot to tell you about your input on Shulk, Shulk's b-air is amazing. Like his only moves that I don't use a lot are his u-air and d-air but that might change since I found out you can combo n-air into d-air easily in jump art
Honestly I pick Lucina over Marth because I don't like precise spacing. I want to throw a killmove without worrying if its gonna be spaced perfectly.
Jun 8, 2009
Honestly I pick Lucina over Marth because I don't like precise spacing. I want to throw a killmove without worrying if its gonna be spaced perfectly.
Not worth it either way. Lucina's attacks are unsafe on shield and that's a really big deal

Deleted member

The only character I use in Smash 4 is Dedede, but I used Dr. Mario before. I need to practice a lot more, however. No Zelda though. :troll:


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
I really want to recommend Peach, and yet at the same time I feel she's so technical that you have to know you want to play her if you're going to commit to learning her.

Otherwise I agree with what @ Berserker. Berserker. said.

Shulk comment included.

though if you're picking Rosalina I'd rather it be for love of her/puppet characters than just because she's higher on the hypothetical tier list than the others (well, Peach is probably close).

Well, comments being comments and first impressions being first impressions, Falco was labeled the worse character compared to Marth and Meta Knight. Why? No short hop double lasers, no chain grabs, and his Dair is slower. Okay, first off, is that what defines Falco because if it does, then it's kind of sad since it ignores Falco's other traits. Projectiles were toned down in this game, chain grabs were removed, and Dair changed for balancing reasons, but then you look at other Dairs... Anyway, Falco gained a functioning Fair, his Reflector and Ftilt remain good spacing tools, his recovery improved like Fox since Phantasm no longer leaves him in free-fall, Bair remains a powerful kill move, and Side Smash gain some start-up, but remains a powerful kill move. Falco's just different, but remains a solid character because of his strong attacks, strong footsie and spacing game, and good off-stage game. The issues are still the same from the past games: poor mobility. Falco was never faster than Fox and nor was Wolf, but that never stopped Falco and Wolf from being solid characters.
The main problem with Falco now is that poor mobility combined with the blaster nerf adds up to a character that's both bad at approaching and not as good at forcing approaches as he'd like to be. He has good reward per hit, but it isn't on the level of characters like Luigi (combo strings) or Ganondorf.

My main problem isn't that he's bad, but that he just isn't as good as everyone else. I don't deny that it's early in the game's life still and that things could change, but I'm not seeing anything to suggest that he isn't near the bottom so far. Even if the entire cast is good, someone has to be bottom.

As for Marth, people say he benefits from fundamentals and while he can't short hop double Fair or whatnot - I don't know much about Marth -, but he still remains a solid character.
Marth's problem is simply that his numbers are worse. Tipper fsmash is disproportionately strong (but substantially lost range), but that's about all that's remarkable in his kit still, and it's a heavy commitment.

someone just found out about Falco Phantasm meteoring
this has been a thing since melee lol

But yeah, I get where you're coming from. In a cast of 51 (soon to be 52) characters, it's a given that many characters are going to remain less explored than others.
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