I like it too- I just realized you quoted 3 people and answered with "I like..." to all of them. I bet you like everything.
I don't like Ben Stiller. He's not funny. I don't like Amy Schumer. She's not funny. I don't like In Bruges. I thought it was boring. I don't like Jurassic Park or Indiana Jones, I think they're both boring. I don't like Pokemon. I think they're childish. I don't like the IT Crowd. I think its poorly written, poorly acted and poorly directed. I'm not a big fan of Sean Connery. He seems to play himself in every movie he's in. Same with Michael Caine. I haven't seen the US version of The Office, but every scene I've been shown plays out in a very uninteresting and unfunny manner. I look down on people who have numbers in their email addresses, especially if its the year of their birth. I don't watch cat videos and I think little of people who do and less of people who joke about doing it, whether they actually do or not. Superhero movies suck, including all of the Avengers franchise. There are only three or four which don't suck and they haven't been made recently. Guardians of the Galaxy, for example, was tedious and so uninteresting I turned it off after they made part of a prison fly away. Pacific Rim is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. No argument I've seen in its favour has convinced me otherwise; it just sucks. I haven't seen the new Star Wars movie because I have no interest in it. Looking at pictures of actors or actresses outside of the movies they're in seems unnatural to me and I don't know why people do it. Looking at a smartphone screen while on the toilet or waiting for a bus is not preferable to looking at the wall or the horizon. People who throw birthday parties for one year old children make me queasy. People who complain about people who iz joek believe in a religion are worse than people who believe in a religion. I think that if there are no good movies "out now" you should find a good one that was made a while ago and watch that. I've never read any Harry Potter books because I'm not interested in them. I did see the first movie, but I thought it wasn't very good. I realise the books and movies are different, but I have no interest in either anyway. I also saw the first Lord of the Rings, but had no interest in watching the others or reading the books. Same with the Hobbit. Just doesn't interest me. The TV show Firefly seemed to be filled with clichéd, uninteresting characters in uninteresting situations, so I stopped watching it. I think people who fawn over things that Joss Whedon does need to grow up or learn how to control themselves. Family Guy is better than American Dad, but both are awful anyway so its not really a competition. Pets aren't interesting. You can just buy one at the store whenever you want to. People with neat houses are generally boring people. Coldplay make music for old ladies who find U2 too challenging. Bill Murray is only sometimes funny. Steve Martin is only sometimes funny. Two for the price of one is the same as buy one get one free. I don't understand why there are two terms for the same thing. If you wait in a long queue and aren't sure what you want when you get to the counter, you should be kicked in the nuts until you die. Rich people are generally unpleasant to be around. If you potentially extend your life by eating some unnecessary diet that makes your quality of life worse, why would you bother? You can do sit ups, star jumps and most other exercises at home. You don't need to go to a park. If you wear pyjamas to a supermarket, to after 9AM or before 9PM, there's something wrong with you. If you do that to get anything greater than two items, then you should still be ashamed. Coffee is a drug. Saying you need it in the morning or you just can't function because you're just not yourself is no different in tone than if you replaced the word coffee with the term heroin fix. If you're at that stage, your brain is using you to get itself coffee. Not eating chocolate for three days doesn't mean you're on a cleanse. The last question on a high school exit exam should be to name the difference between their, there and they're and you're and your. If you don't know what they are, you should be embarrassed and ridiculed. It's not a hugely difficult concept to grasp and you shouldn't be allowed to call yourself an adult if you can't even grasp that. If you don't know how something works, find out. If you have to ask someone, listen to them. If you're wilfully ignorant, you are undeserving of help. If you tell anyone except your own doctor what you did in the bathroom, you should have your mouth stapled shut until you can learn to be a bit more selective with the topics of conversation you think are appropriate. Those pictures people hang in their houses showing geometric representations of deer heads aren't art. They're only one step removed from being as tacky as a plastic mounted bass that sings when you clap at it. If you get gilded, don't edit the comment with thanks. The original comment was what got gilded, not the original comment plus some other praise be unto anonymous strangers garbage that's tacked onto the end. Have you ever enjoyed reading one of those edits? No? Then don't add one to your own comment. They're detritus and you should be able to revoke the gilding if some prickwit who is so devoid of attention feels like he has to thank the ether that he was recognised.