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Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
no like, the 100th time -BJN
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Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
Can't help but to feel sad about this. More weight and combos please.
I'm "okay" with his weight. I mean, more weight would obviously be better but considering he's impossibly thin I think his weight makes sense.

I want autocancels/less landing lag and a consistent killing aerial. And other stuff but mainly that. Oh, and make jab 1 to rapid jab faster. More damage on FAir would be great tbh. Just today I realized they could take frames off dash attack which would also be wonderful.

His only buffs have been a slight hitbox size increase to Chef's pan and a knockback increase to DTilt (which was warranted). He also had some bizarre alteration to UTilt's launch angle (it's not in the files but it sends at a different angle than it did on release) and a nerf to Oil Panic's effectiveness in teams.

Game & Watch is better off than some of the cast but his matchups against the safe, fast top tiers are bad.


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
I am probably not okay with it and I made the mistake of timing my once a quarter visit to just the wrong time.
At the very least, one should get rid of the risque signatures before I have to blame kyo for not doing anything.
Isn't it weird when the guy with the Chicken avatar from a racing game is the most normal looking one in the userlist?


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
any images or vids from the awhoo video will be removed -BJN
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Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
I'm "okay" with his weight. I mean, more weight would obviously be better but considering he's impossibly thin I think his weight makes sense.

I want autocancels/less landing lag and a consistent killing aerial. And other stuff but mainly that. Oh, and make jab 1 to rapid jab faster. More damage on FAir would be great tbh. Just today I realized they could take frames off dash attack which would also be wonderful.

His only buffs have been a slight hitbox size increase to Chef's pan and a knockback increase to DTilt (which was warranted). He also had some bizarre alteration to UTilt's launch angle (it's not in the files but it sends at a different angle than it did on release) and a nerf to Oil Panic's effectiveness in teams.

Game & Watch is better off than some of the cast but his matchups against the safe, fast top tiers are bad.
I agree. GnW is not in a bad position at all, he just needs more ways to counter the faster characters. But this can also be applied for any other characters below the top tier.
Jun 8, 2009
gorls and boiz, this is how it feels to be in the receiving end of a raid

damages and death counts may vary~


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
Guys I found this hilarious video!!

mfw everything is exploding but I have to pretend that life is okay.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
In your mad quest for memes you've disappointed your supreme leader.

For shame.


Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
I finally got the guts to unwatch the CCI Thread . . . .

Looks like I might need to unwatch this thread too



Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
Afternoon girls, how's everyone do-

*Sees what went down earlier*

A-Anyway! Doing some more University work, and I went out with my Sister, her boyfriend and her friend to one of the coffee shops, had some tea whereas my sister had a cappucino, her boyfriend and her friend had hot chocolate with marshmallows. :yeahboi:

Shame was, it was raining as well; so I didn't bring my waterproof coat with me. :V
But we went down to this resturant that my sister and her boyfriend wanted to book, so it's all good.



Goddess of Storms
Jan 2, 2014
Soul Realm
south park is garbage and shakira memes are ok and @Ffamran is the hero we need

also @Ffamran it's a prebuilt from best buy my mom got like two years ago for cheap so the answer is somewhere between "i have no idea" and "no"
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Eddie The Pacifist

Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2016
Zelda Social
He comes back here because there are people here that he's cool with

That and well, it's a social thread so whether you hate Sm4sh or not, anyone's welcomed here
That's perfectly fine by me. I'm not one of those people who insult people who don't like Smash 4, because they're hypocrites. Nice to meet ya and I hope you didn't take offense. :)

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Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
I finally got the guts to unwatch the CCI Thread . . . .

Looks like I might need to unwatch this thread too

I unwatched CCI and then started watching again last week. :(

There's no escape, brother.
I've failed 2 classes and one of them I genuinely wanted to do well because I liked the class, but -- don't want to use this as an excuse -- depression killed the class for me. It was fairly difficult since it was my first course where I had to read a crapton of scholarly articles -- think I had 80+ pages per week --, but it was on the Caribbean and Latin America. Early formations; Haiti being the first colonized nation to become independent and under Afro-Haitian leadership not independent, but still influenced by Europeans and how Mexico's independence went. Yeah, I don't remember much of the class. The other class, I retook 3 times. First time, I was being a lazy dummy, second, I figured I wanted to be doing something in game development -- somehow my stupid self never realized how goddamn broad computer science and game development are --, and third, I just stopped caring. Probably wasn't in the right state of mind after watching my mom die from pancreatic cancer. Realized that I don't like programming. I really don't. Probably should have popped into my head considering I don't like math. I like what you can do with it, but I don't like doing it. That's one thing I remember when I attended a seminar by one of the animators for Frozen. He worked on the back end; he and his team figured out how to make snow look like snow; he programmed. The end result was the ability to create tools for the animators to use. Probably should have realized that I cared about that since I didn't really care about what he said with the formulas and stuff.

Saving grace to all of this was I took other classes I really was interested in. General studies, but the weird and interesting stuff like an intro to Daoism and a course on Caribbean dance and music and how it tied into the political and social formations of the Caribbeans. Listen to Caribbean music like calypso, merengue, reggae, reggaeton, ska, and zouk. Now I'm planning to take course on Brazilian music, game design, hip hop and martial arts' interaction, maybe that manga course -- offered regularly, but not the other classes --, samurai - yes, there's a course on freaking samurai. Still don't know what I really want to do. Maybe an animator, but I'd have to take a lot of art courses, take courses at another college while attending the one I'm at, or transfer to another branch. Maybe an audio director or whatever it's called. If everything fails, I might be a librarian since I'm kind of addicted to information and learning about databases is neat. All of this just amounts to general studies or pure credits in the case of game design -- it's an ad hoc seminar thing --, but it's kind of progress and as they're different subjects, I just get to explore and try to figure out something. Shouldn't be messing around since I'm not rich, but it's some kind of progress.

Hmm... I guess what I'm trying to say, and it's probably a cliché, is that failing is a part of life. How you deal with it, is up to you. I can't take back my failures of not realizing my mom had that little time left or that I wasn't a great son to her -- I was distant even though I lived with her my whole life. I also can't take back that I really didn't know what I was doing in college and jumped into a major hoping things would work out and I can't take back that I shut down and didn't try to do anything until the last minute. What I can still do is try to make good in life to the best of my ability. Life isn't easy, but why should it? If it was, it would be boring. Successes won't happen all the time, but that doesn't mean it should stop happening. College sucks -- there's nothing else that can be said about it or elementary to high school --, but don't let it get even worse. People probably told you this already, but take courses you like and interest you. Don't take courses just to fulfill requirements unless it's absolutely necessary to your major whatever that is. That being said, do talk to your advisors or counselors to figure out what courses to take so you don't end up wasting money and time -- I'm likely to be a 5 to 6-year student because of my screw ups. If you're failing or struggling, talk to the instructor or TA immediately. Go to office hours. Really. Go to them. If it's the case of disinterest in the course or you signed up for too many, then try to drop it, but if it's because you're trying and not doing well, talk with them. Better to try to get help than try to struggle by yourself.

For tournaments; can't help you there. Could try to find an alternative outlet like some club or something. If you did read this, hope this helped in any way.

For the CCI, yeah, it's kind of addictive since you get gems like people seriously don't realize that pivot grabs are intended to be hilariously disjointed: http://www.smashbros.com/wii/en_us/howto/technique/technique10.html. Yes, some of them are more disjointed than others, but that's the point to be able to catch someone running toward you or away from you. No, Bowser's pivot grab isn't broken; it's perhaps just a bit too disjointed and Link's st. grab has a hitbox that doesn't really match -- freaking claw enters your body and there's no freaking hitbox, but the chain has it. Lately, the CCI is like... McDonalds. It's heavily populated and you can get cheap stuff from it, but it's horribly unhealthy for you i.e. it will kill you and it's addictive. Biggest problem is that it might be the only source for people to get their information on the game which as sad as it is, McDonalds does too 'cause other food really out of budget for some people. Just don't post there if you can and maybe try to wean yourself off it the CCI thread. Me, I just got fed up and actually find it boring. Same thing happens all the time, but with different names. Some things do trigger me like who the hell said Falco has theory? That's like saying Ken is a zoner in Street Fighter V. Oh, wait. He's not. Ken's a freaking footsie and pressure-based character.

There's also this weird witch hunt that happens all the time in the CCI thread -- happening right now to this fetus, rabbit thing called "Mewtwo" --, but hypocritically, people ask for over-tuned and broken options -- Shaya just posted about that in the thread. Just today, patch 1.1.6 is announced and someone made a thread in the Falco boards asking for the community to petition for Falco's SHDL. I feel like, and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, that the Smash community is immature. That's not a bad thing as communities do have to start somewhere and I'm not trying to say other fighting game communities are wizened, gentle communities, but the problem is that the Smash community has a habit of loving and hating broken things which leads to rejecting any notion of reasonable re-tuning to characters and worshiping -- might be the wrong word -- broken tools like 64 Fox and Falco's Blaster and Melee's Shines. When buffs are brought up, it's usually aimed at making a top tier. No, not a high tier or mid tier or just improving a character, but outright making them a top tier that probably would be overwhelming for other characters. Buffs like Falco needs his SHDL. There is never a notion that lower overall recovery could work like... Guile's Sonic Boom, King's Venom Strike, or a ton of other projectiles in Smash and other fighting games. When nerfs are brought up, they're usually severe to where I'd say some characters would just drop to bottom tier. It's not even things like, using Mewtwo's Fair, it should be re-tuned a bit like maybe it shouldn't do 13% and it should do 12% or maybe the knockback should be adjusted like 10 less base or something. Nope, it's straight up let's freaking kill Mewtwo's Fair so it's worse than Zelda's sour-spot Fair -- exaggerating, but you get the point.

There's also a rejection of fighting game concepts, especially in regards to zoning which is just labeled as campy. Here's the thing, defensive play and zoning are usually never fun for the audience. People hate them in Smash, people hate them in Street Fighter, and people hate them in boxing and MMA. For the audience, it's boring, but for the game, it's just a style characters and players do. Guile, anyone? Or in context to Smash, Melee and Brawl Falco? Yeah, Falco zoned the hell out of characters, but he happened to be able to approach while zoning. If he didn't he'd probably be hated in Melee and Brawl too just like how people don't like Duck Hunt, Link, Rosalina, Toon Link, and Villager. Oh wait, Falco is hated in Melee and Brawl. People don't like dealing with a zoner who works like that and there's few if any zoners in any fighting game who can throw out projectiles while moving with little commitment. King can follow her Venom Strikes, but after going through recovery frames and running up not firing a laser, moving, firing again, and moving. Even stationary, few characters have that rapid rate of fire. Even in Smash 4 where his rate of fire is half that of Melee and Brawl, people actually do struggle against Falco as he fires lasers. This doesn't help that he fires low to the ground while Bayonetta upwards and her Bullet Climax's knockback is low enough you don't get stalled like Falco's Blaster. You're forced to jump and there wasn't a safe zone in Melee and Brawl since his lasers basically had infinite range. Anyway, I digress.

For Smash 4, there's also a reliance on miracle patches to raise their characters from wherever to the top. Yes, there are characters who need to be fixed because of dysfunctional issues, but that doesn't mean your character should murder the rest of the cast nor should you be complacent. People gave up in Melee and Brawl because there were no patches and the best characters were that over-tuned. People in Smash 4 look like they are giving up and depending on patches to save them. Yeah, some moves and setups are stupid, but could you at least try to figure out why instead of complaining and whining which I'm also completely guilty about? When was it... Someone figured out that you couldn't DI Witch Twist it was the opposite. Yeah. Someone figured it out. It would have happened faster if everyone chipped in. At that point, it would have been either given everyone the info to combat it more quickly or figure that something is that busted and the world needs to know. Emblem Lord pointed this out too, but there is a problem: Smash's training mode. Unlike in other games, you can't repeatedly test something without a partner since you can't set the CPU to do whatever you want. Maybe someone will figure out a mod, but it's unlikely. At the same time, if there's something that's really troubling to the community, maybe people should join up to figure it out... Should note that I'm not saying stuff should be figured out instantly -- that's another, more general problem: people expecting immediate gratification and results. Might feel hopeless at times, but players are people. They're busy and they're not all the same. Some players take more time to get to a high level and others don't. You can't expect, say, a Greninja player struggling to juggle a job, school, maybe even a family to immediately become aMSa-level and take tournaments left and right. It's sad since there are some really good players, but because they can't travel, they're just ignored. Scatt's a fantastic Mega Man, but he wasn't able to travel until lately. Or players like Hyuga and Mr. R. Just a problem regions and their players and communities have. You do get tunnel vision when there's nothing else new around.

I know; I lurk. :p

Does your PC have a PCI-e (PCI Express) x16 slot? Integrated graphics (iGPUs) shouldn't interfere with a discrete GPU. Most modern PCs have PCI-e x16 slots, so you should able to install a GPU. Should ask how much watts your PSU is, but since lower end GPUs don't use a lot of power, it should be fine. Just don't install something like a Titan or a Fury X or the older cards like I think the GTX 480 or whatever was power hungry.

Also, question: how much RAM do you have? If you've got 4GB or less, sure upgrade to 8GB or even 16GB, but if you've got 8GB, then that's fine.
Actually a super helpful lecture/rant dude. Unfortunately the class that I failed (History of Art and Design II) is required to progress in my major, since it's required for at least two other required courses later on. I'm trying to retake the class for the summer now, which should be better since I won't have five other classes going on, but the whole situation's still just so awful.


Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
@Lavani Giant boss mechanics were completely changed in Legends. If you did that in the Wii U version, the first full chain would be the same, but the second one would only deal half the damage. It may work with Hasty Attacks though.
Jun 8, 2009
That's perfectly fine by me. I'm not one of those people who insult people who don't like Smash 4, because they're hypocrites. Nice to meet ya and I hope you didn't take offense. :)
Don't worry man. I just want everyone to be happy. It's all

Edit: You just double posted :o
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