I got someone to call my Game & Watch a spammer on FG. I feel so accomplished. I mean, in retrospect, I'm not entirely sure what they're referring to. Possibly my use of USmash in neutral, copious use of dash attack as a punish, or my repeated use of BAir to edgeguard. Hey, I'm sorry that you kept running into my attacks.
Well, I think we got the worst change ever: lower run speed for Corrin. Was that even necessary?
I don't really like Corrin. I'd much rather have another character as part of the final DLC than another Fire Emblem protagonist (FE is tied with Pokémon for the second most number of reps, and all of them use swords. Not to mention three of them basically have the same moveset). But I think release Corrin was probably at an optimal power level for this game. Strong design with powerful options but clear weaknesses too. I'd the main things I'd nerf are Counter Surge's knockback and maybe take off a smidge of range on FAir, NAir, and UAir (I swear there's some invisible disjoint at the end of Corrin's sword). But overall I liked the character's design and power level, and would rather have other characters buffed to roughly that level rather than nerfing Corrin (however slightly).
Instead Sheik got nerfed again, ZSS got the combined Diddy/Falcon nerf treatment (while Flip Jump remains untouched), and Meta Knight lost one of his greatest strengths. Cloud also got slap-on-ths-wrist nerfs that really won't impact his gameplay (Finishing Touch nerf is kind of big but Limit Cross Slash is dumber anyway).
And Link got more KO power, just what he needed.