Lana(Spear): C5 Deku Leaf destroys crowds; C3 slingshot has huge AoE power and range, and can even be used to fling distant officers toward you for combos; standard string does huge damage and destroys WPGs while also having surprisingly good AoE. C1 tree is a good trapping tool for alleviating pressure or preventing an officer from guarding, though it's not guaranteed you'll get it. A single C3 will blow up all of The Imprisoned's toes and two standard strings will break the full WPG.
Lana(Book): Can do everything between C3 and C4, they're such versatile moves. Line clearing, AoE clearing, juggling officers, nuking giant bosses, setting walls, she does it all. C3-1 loops are ridiculously fast thanks to her god tier dodge cancel and abuse the hell out of lightning. C4 murders giant bosses as well as all form of crowds. Can also cut grass for items with C1 dodge cancels without having to stop moving. Special also feels stronger than average.
Young Link: Historically, Fierce Deity's never not been fun.
Ruto: Cute. Doesn't really struggle at anything, standard string destroys giant bosses while C1/C6 clear crowds and C1/C4 deal well with officers. C1's projectiles are just really good and water hitstun is always nice for slowing down officers and adding ticks to WPGs. Has a fun trick with C4 that makes the hitbox linger after canceling it, useful both for juggles and covering C1 startup.
Cia: Fast attack string, has her best combo moves on the early numbers so she doesn't have much setup time before getting to do things. Niche combo moves, but they do their jobs extremely well. Super armor buff is love for fighting gibdos and redeads.
Midna: C3 is godlike and does everything you'll ever need a move to do. Except apply her darkness buff, which C1 and C5 are for. S1 can be dodge canceled frame 1 and still put out hitboxes, useful for cutting grass without stopping or harassing officers. C3-1 loops for officers, C3-2 for giant bosses and room clearing.
Linkle: Extremely good standard string in all aspects. C2 has absurd damage output and shreds WPGs. C1 gives mobile crowd control as well as setting up juggles for free. C6 allows for mobile crowd clearing while also being decent against officers.
Skull Kid: C3 should be illegal, somehow manages to make Volga C4 look like butt. C4/C6 feel extremely satisfying and deal ungodly damage to both healthbars and WPGs, though the former requires somewhat precise spacing.
Zelda (Dominion Rod): Unorthodox, but standard string is really potent with statues and was one of the coolest items from Twilight Princess. Huge range and being able to backhit officers with statues is very useful. Special is super satisfying.
Lana(Summoning Gate): Unfortunately very random and unwieldy if not abusing summons, but with the exception of King Dodongo, powered up summons are extremely powerful. C1 Manhandla poison has a nice slow effect and does surprising damage, Gohma destroys crowds and bosses alike. Argorok is good for crowd clearing even unboosted, but is especially hilarious boosted when you fry a giant boss's entire health bar without even using a weak point smash. Really fun when the stars align, kinda bleh when they don't.
Zant: Unique and unorthodox. Spin2win is really good, meter gain is absurd so he can spam specials rather freely. Still learning things about him, has potential to move up.
Link(gauntlets): Really satisfying. A bit one-note, but its attacks are so over the top - especially the special - and does well in all situations.
Ghirahim: Satisfying to play, handles all situations well. Lock-on gimmick is interesting but feels like it should last a few seconds longer.
Twili Midna: Taught me that bridges make for suitable weapons.
Volga: C2
King Daphnes: He's the goddamn King of Hyrule. And he's a boat. Boat attacks seem really strong and inflict water status, C3 both rushes forward and sets up juggles, C1 attack speed buff is a godsend. Seems straightforward and kind of just average, but he's the goddamn King of Hyrule.
Fi: Flows very well thanks to 360° normals and a terrific dodge cancel, handles crowds very well with C4/C6. Sadly lacking 1v1 and against giant bosses, but she handles so well otherwise that I'm willing to overlook it.
Ganondorf(Great Swords): Extremely satisfying, but a little on the slow side and most combo moves only feel like they exist to charge C1's meter. C6 felt incredible at first, but compared to characters like Lana Cia or Skull Kid it doesn't feel that impressive for how long it takes to set up, and leaves you wide open.
Sheik: Versatile thanks to harp songs, just...spends a lot of time breaking gameplay flow to play the harp. Also kind of weak aside from C1 Bolero. Unsure how she does against giant bosses.
Link(fairy): Good damage and crowd control, just...animations take forever.
Link(sword): C1
Ganondorf(Trident): Rather fast and potent at 1v1; can start a WPG break on an officer from across a room. Also good at room clearing with Trident boomerang C4, but it leaves him wide open due to no dodge cancel or multihit (don't use it around anything that can guard or you're getting hit). Also seems to struggle with breaking giant boss WPGs.
Link(spinner): Not actually a weapon I've made an effort to learn properly yet. Quite mobile and has good clearing potential, seems kind of iffy at opening up officers.
Tingle: Amusing and effective. Not really a character I enjoy, but he gets the job done well. Kind of funny that he can jump up cliffs with C3.
Toon Link: Why do all his combos put him in the air?! C5 does alright damage but is bugged and refreshes WPGs by skipping the weak point smash if triggered during it. C6 is godawful for crowds despite appearances, but is really good against officers and is likely to rack up a bunch of light tags in the process. C3 has good range and power and is great for sniping an officer wpg from midrange. Unsure how he does against giant bosses.
Zelda(Baton): Awesome crowd control and good launchers, but no movement when attacking is a real turnoff, and damage seems lacking outside of C6 (which isn't very practical against officers)
Link(Epona): C1
Darunia: Slow and clunky, but C1 roll is great for officers and C6 boulder throw is satisfying to use.
Impa(Naginata): Feels slower than you'd expect, combos that aren't C5 feel lengthy-yet-small-and-limited. C2's launch-into-exploding-spear-throw is still amusing though, and C5's enough to make the weapon somewhat tolerable for me.
Link(Rod): Just feels really lacking in general.
Zelda(Rapier): Takes a really long time to do nothing. C4 arrow rain requires that you watch the arrows fall so enemies don't despawn before getting hit, which further slows her down. Has some flashy and useful things, but generally just feels like a chore to play.
Agitha: Slow, weak, and clunky with no combo movement. Has almost passable crowd control and C2 butterfly launcher is great at least.
Wizzro: Normal string is decently strong 1v1. Feels like that's all he's got going for him.
Impa(Giant Blade): Somehow manages to have poor range with a giant sword. Feels generally undertuned, though guard breaks and water debuffs are nice.
Tetra: Underwhelming in all aspects. C1 makes a crumple field, but officers are quick to block afterward so it doesn't actually help much. C6 is just average crowd control, is blockable and leaves her highly vulnerable, but at least applies water. C4 is serviceable for officers, C5 is safer crowd control than C6 but does less damage and doesn't apply water (despite what you'd expect from the animation).