Gay Ginger
Make Smash Bros. Gay Again
I'm to the extreme side of socialism (communism), so I reject any form of capitalism or free market ideology. No matter how much we do to balance it out, I don't believe we can create a fair society under capitalism. In order for capitalism to function, there has to be an under-class for cheap labor, either foreign or domestic.I wouldn't go that far. Ultimately the way I see it is any system of government (or lack of) involving humans is flawed and subject to corruption. The little guys always suffer (which is why they should vote). To have a system that works best for the people, a single governing body, be it CEOs, elected officials (let's face it only those with money have a chance), religious leaders, or whatever, will eventually become corrupt. We need a balance of power to keep the people represented.
I want a society where access to safe housing, food & water, electricity, medical care, education, and technology are guaranteed as human rights - not to be distributed based off fulfilling a set of criteria (hard work, "personal responsibility," etc.) In order for that to happen, we would have to completely remove profit from the equation, and abolish the idea of citizenship. Any one should be able to move anywhere, and then have the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else.
I know my opinion is radical and unlikely to ever happen. We'll probably all be dead from Global Warming first LOL.
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