Smash Journeyman
One of the Zelda games, Super Metroid, other good VC titles.
Idk much about the Wii U's indie selection.
Isn't Shantae all the rage? Or at least it used to be. I fall behind on these things.
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One of the Zelda games, Super Metroid, other good VC titles.
Idk much about the Wii U's indie selection.
Yeah, that and Shovel Knight. I think. Idk if Shovel Knight is still super popular.Isn't Shantae all the rage? Or at least it used to be. I fall behind on these things.
Well Nairo likes using Zelda against Mikekirby, if that means anything.I decided to hop on FG tonight, and I came across 3 different skilled players who used Kirby. I had so much trouble against them. I remember not liking the MU, but holy god was it terrible.
Was I just playing the MU wrong, or is Zelda vs Kirby terrible for everyone?
This is my biggest problem. He's so tiny and mobile that he can get into our blind spots, so I have a hard time hitting him. I might just need more MU practice so I know what to use when. After losing a few matches, I was able to start winning all of the rest. But it was stressful because I felt like I had to be perfectly on point or my attacks would whiff/miss.Well Nairo likes using Zelda against Mikekirby, if that means anything.
Personally I don't think either character has a large advantage over the other.
Oh and you can Phantom Kirby's Final Cutter move like you can Ike's. But unlike Ike's it's a lot easier since Kirby's doesn't have massive range.
Well actually it could be a little in Kirby's favor since he can duck under a lot of our stuff.
Kirby has such little endlag it's hard to compete, and his air space control is pretty strong. Given Zelda's average air game and mediocre neutral game, I find a decent kirby REALLY annoying to deal with.I decided to hop on FG tonight, and I came across 3 different skilled players who used Kirby. I had so much trouble against them. I remember not liking the MU, but holy god was it terrible.
Was I just playing the MU wrong, or is Zelda vs Kirby terrible for everyone?
^ Main reason. Jab can miss, ftilt can miss, Usmash can miss (fail to scoop). Lightning kicks are almost out of the question. He's so small we can't try to Dair him on the stage to be sneaky. I don't think it's anything like a Sheik/Falcon matchup, but I'd tilt the lead in a Kirby's favor. I just try to spam dtilt and NL. Maybe jab if they're focusing on their aerial game.Well actually it could be a little in Kirby's favor since he can duck under a lot of our stuff.
To be fair, after another game I realized this Ike was clearly new to the game. Or at least against other serious players; he used smashes and combos well, but refused to dodge or shield like ever. No short hops, fast falling, didn't mix up his recovery even after losing both stocks to my Dair.FG Ikes make me so sad.
So I just had a smash fest tonight and almost never lost a match with my Zelda. Suddenly everyone wants to hear about the magic that is Zelda. The movement is growing I guess
USE YOUR TILTS IKE!!!!! That Ike had no spacing and QuickDraw is way better to use to land on the stage than sweet spot the edge.Literally not even 5 minutes after our games I ran into Ike in FG, @McKnightlíght This one's for you.
I kept wanting to do this to you but you're one of those sneaky Ike's that refuses to dash to the ledge 90% of the time except for mixups or necessity. I'll get you some day.
And they were really fun games. The funnest MUs in my opinion are against most of the sword-wielding cast. They just feel so fluid and intuitive to fight against. Your aerial shenanigans carrying me across the stage using the platforms to keep hitting my sad sad body was painful.
I finally learned you can go through platforms mid air without stopping by fast falling through them in like, the last 2 rounds.
...Yea. I really need platform practice ><. Since I literally never spend time fighting humans in non-Omega stages I had no idea Dsmash could hit through Battlefield's ledges. I'll keep that in mind! Your reactions with Aether were crazy. Not only did you keep 1-framing my FW and Phantom when I was trying to recover to the ledge, when I tried to mix it up with a second jump instead of going for the ledge you instantly released. Crazy reaction time.
I noticed you air dodge whenever anything approaches you when you're offstage. I wanted to punish it, but I'm Zelda and your sword recovery is too sp00ks for me to risk contesting.
But do enjoy this video I made while thinking of you.
Cus y'know.
...It was 5 minutes after our match.
1: I hate it when Ike Quickdraws to the other side of the stage. I noticed very few people do this, but it's so painful to deal with as Zelda. Who, as I always like to point out, is literally slower than BowserThat Ike had no spacing and QuickDraw is way better to use to land on the stage
Ike's neutral B is called Eruption. Aether is the Up-B. Both are scary if you don't fight Ike very often.
If you ever want to Skype and fight I'll gladly give you pointers while we're playing so you can practice them as soon as you learn about them. If not I'll try to help you with anything you're struggling with. I main Zelda too so I know the MU pretty well![]()
Nice job.![]()
So I just had a smash fest tonight and almost never lost a match with my Zelda. Suddenly everyone wants to hear about the magic that is Zelda. The movement is growing I guess
Bowser, Charizard, and DK are the heaviest characters, but among the faster running characters. Only Ganondorf and Triple D are the slower-moving heavyweights. I can't think of a reason for Ganondorf other than stopping him from wrecking people, but running that slow... Triple D at least has an excuse for packing living metal spikes somewhere in his robe and carrying a hammer with a jet engine installed. Charizard has functioning wings even though they look kind of small and DK's a gorilla who are fairly mobile. Bowser, I guess you could say he's used to his weight and he actually considered strong in his home series, so he's probably "muscular" and "athletic", but no in ways what humans can relate to. At the same time, he has a shell... He's a turtle. That amount of weight... Then again, you have Falco and Wolf running slower than many other characters despite them looking well-built - you can actually see Wolf's biceps on his model. I blame game design choices.Bowser is faster than a lot of characters. Even Marth. I wonder how that fatty does it.
Can't match the weight of this dress.At the same time, he has a shell... He's a turtle. That amount of weight...
I feel like I punished it about as often it hit. I have a bad habit of rushing in on people recklessly. I fight FG scrubs who don't shield so I get used to it lol. My neutral isn't great but I'm working on it. Your neutral and follow-up game were really good, Ike is just stubborn and he refuses to be killed, so you have to something pretty sweet to KO him. My Skype is Mayancraftlowl, add me whenever you can.1: I hate it when Ike Quickdraws to the other side of the stage. I noticed very few people do this, but it's so painful to deal with as Zelda. Who, as I always like to point out, is literally slower than Bowser
2: How awkward. You noticed I had no idea what I was talking about. When I hear Aether I think of Ether which is usually blue in RPGs and then I remembered he yells AETHER when he throws the sword. How embarrassing. Thanks for telling me! Hopefully I'll remember the eruption of flames is... Just Eruption.
3: I'm down. When you're ready for another round down the line just lemme know.
Bonus line: I always feel really guilty/ashamed when I end up spamming Fsmash in a match (usually a result of panic) but I swear on me Purple Zelda that it usually end up working. It's pretty hard to punish if you aren't lightning fast and Zelda has so many other kill options that staling it isn't too big of a deal. But I purposely stopped using it in some of our matches because I was so embarrassed by it.
I guess you can say Zelda is![]()
Something silly I made really quickly
That's neat. Why don't you step inside so we can hang it up?![]()
Something silly I made really quickly
That's how I mentally hype myself up to finally be a big gorl and go for the FW Elevator OOS.JUST
I accidentally read "a grinder" asDid you guys know that if you're not used to using a grinder on steel for even just a few minutes your thumb and hand will shake afterwards for like an hour? Because I just learned that first hand and it's difficult to type on my phone with a shaky thumb. But autocorrect has my back.
GorlI wouldn't mind playing, but I don't own a Wii U. My 3DS is currently experiencing technical issues. I should fix that at some point.
Gorl the 3ds version is more intense than I thought.Gorl
I've had my 3DS like this since last December
Having SS Zelda's upper torso merging almost perfectly with Ganondorf's body is pretty damn impressive IMO.![]()
How it feels when you land a dair on opponents. Zeldas dair is really under appreciated
I read it as "Grindor." Like, the one Decepticon from Bayformers. Yeah.I accidentally read "a grinder" as http:// yet the rest of the post still makes sense![]()
It's great for trying to play like a For Glory player, because at times the R button will be stuck so all I can do is roll.Gorl the 3ds version is more intense than I thought.
I tape mine down.It's great for trying to play like a For Glory player, because at times the R button will be stuck so all I can do is roll.
Or does everyone on For Glory have a stuck R button?