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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
why are chun-li's legs so big? why is her head so small? why must capcom ruin one of the only 2 sf characters i care about

also lol trigger meter
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Jul 7, 2014


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
I made a tier list: (no customs, 1111 Miis)


These two were pretty obvious.
Sheik - frame data + speed + results + kill confirms/setups + insane damage racking potential + best camping tools in the game = good character
Rosalina & Luma - Luma has range and power, and respawns. Rosalina on her own also isn't that bad of a character. In addition, the puppet nature of this character is a vastly different playstyle from anyone else in Smash makes Rosalina extemely good, at least in the current metagame. Gravitational Pull also invalidates a lot of stuff.
I'm pretty content with this ordering. Pikachu, Mario and Yoshi could be higher, Falcon could be a bit lower, but I think this is good.
Ness - Extremely solid moveset. Dash attack and fair have insane range. bair, uair, bthrow are all extremely good killing moves. nair comes out fast and hits fairly hard, and is a solid OoS option. PK Fire and dthrow confirm into a bunch of stuff. PK Thunder is an excellent harassing tool and an amazing projectile, and PK Thunder 2 kills at like 40%. One grab at 70-80% could mean death, and if you're above 110% you are definitely dead.
Luigi - dthrow combos all day erry day, whether it's for racking up damage or killing. Also has some of the best frame data in the game. Recovery is really good if you master the art of mash hard. Fireballs are a really great projectile. Fast killing moves in Up B, smash attacks, and dthrow -> Cyclone.
Sonic - Being the fastest character in the game is really good. Having kill moves on top of that is even better. Sonic has the ability to outcamp most characters even without a decent projectile due to his hit-and-run nature.
Zero Suit Samus - Confirms into Flip Jump 40% spikes, amazing recovery with Flip Jump and Plasma Whip, hits hard, hits fast, throw combos are really great but her grab is somewhat lacking. Paralyzer is an amazing tool. Boost Kick is an excellent killing move.
Fox - Hits fast, hits hard. usmash still kills at dumb percents and still has confirms such as weak nair. Recovery is great thanks to being able to use Fire Fox after Illusion. Blaster is a pretty good projectile to force the approach. Jab lock.
Pikachu - Extremely fast. Quick Attack is one of the best moves in the game imo. Frame 1 Thunder GTFO is decent, Thunder Jolt is a reliable projectile, throw combos into Thunder kills are good, smashes are good, has a lot of safe aerials due to the reduction of hurtboxes. Edgeguarding is good due to lasting hitboxes and amazing recovery.
Captain Falcon - Dumb range on stuff like fsmash, dash attack, and dash grab. Lots of confirms off of grab, knee is a super powerful finisher and can be set up into. Overall extremely strong moves. Raptor Boost now killing is dumb. Disadvantage state is pretty bad though, and recovery isn't too great.
Mario - Amazing frame data and great combos. A very solid character, not really much I can say. Very basic though, so not higher.
Diddy Kong - Nerfed to oblivion but still solid. uthrow still combos into stuff, banana is really good, Monkey Flip is a great move. Fast aerials with great range.
Yoshi - No one uses this character but everyone hates him. Amazing frame data and power, high maneuverability, heavy, command grab leading into free damage, a very good projectile. Why isn't this character placing higher?
Very good characters, but lacking in some departments.
Villager - One of the best campers but can do well in close quarters as well. fair and bair are dumb, Timber giving a frame 6 kill option and shield breaker is kind of dumb. Pocket is a really great move against anyone with a powerful projectile and also has an amazing recovery. nair combo breaker is also really good, and uair and dair can be stupidly powerful. Stage control and the ability to force high approaches with fsmash, dash attack, and Timber are also really great. Kind of slow however, and his grab, although powerful, is kind of mediocre.
Pit/Dark Pit - A fast character that has the ability to combo and punish well. Great recovery and decently powerful moves. However, they are very basic and don't really have the ability to compete consistently against the top tiers; however, they still have a fairly good chance. Dash grab is very good.
Wario - A heavy that is also very mobile, similar to Yoshi. Attacks are not as fast but still very powerful. Bike is a great tool, Chomp is an excellent command grab and the Waft is something to be feared. Mediocre frame data and subpar range prevent him from being a top tier.
R.O.B. - Proven to be a great character. Heavy with a great recovery, and dthrow-uair combos are a valuable tool, as is the uthrow kill move. Lasers are a decent projectile, but better is the Gyro, which is an item with a constant hitbox that can be used to create traps. nair is also really good. Doesn't have as solid of a moveset as the top tiers though, many lacking moves such as ftilt.
Ryu - Pure theorycraft. Combos and hits extremely hard, so seems like an incredibly good character. Invincible recovery without landing lag is kind of dumb, and Focus Attack is a great move. Sort of slow, however, and has an extremely high learning curve which means that we probably won't see good representation for a while.
Greninja - A very solid, mobile character. Even after getting nerfed, still a force to be reckoned with: has a good preojectile in the Water Shuriken, good combos, the king of footstool zero-deaths, great killing moves such as smashes (especially usmash) and fair. ftilt getting buffed also helped a lot. Hydro Pump is a great tool. Pretty bad frame data though.
Olimar - Still can rack up damage like nobody's business. Obviously losing three Pikmin is hard but Olimar can send you from 0 to 90 in no time. Very good smash attacks as well.
Lucario - Aura is ridiculous in this game, and when you have a character that thrives off of its opponent having the advantage, you have a force to be reckoned with. Still has combos, but is also really good at killing, and Aura Sphere, Force Palm, and Extremespeed all become amazing with aura.
Includes sleeper characters, and characters that could do well under extremely good hands.
Meta Knight - combos, fast, dash attack + dash grab -> uair uair uair uair uair shuttle loop ez$$. lacking in range though
Megaman - really good at zoning and projectiling. metal blade shenanigans are there. utilt is ridiculous
Roy - more theorycraft: hits hard and is very fast. this is a good combination. fsmash is dumb.
PAC-MAN - fruit + hydrant = stage control. abadango
Shulk - range + monado arts. high learning curve like ryu so won't see much for a while.
Marth - tippers are ridiculous, patch helped a lot. jab -> fsmash is dumb.
Lucina - like marth without tippers. jab -> fsmash is still dumb.
Peach - floating combos, aerial pressure. high learning curve
Charizard - moveset requires that charizard isn't bad. superarmor and invincibility everywhere, amazing oos options, uthrow is dumb especially on duck hunt
Starting to be somewhat flawed in their movesets or designs.
Ike - patch helped. hits hard, bair is fast and scary. pretty slow though
Toon Link - mobile, zoning capabilities, but is flawed in that regard. bombs are op though
Donkey Kong - range is good, hits hard. extremely good at shieldbreaking
Lucas - theorycraft. solid moveset but seems lacking somehow.
Kirby - combos really well, but light and easily outranged.
Bowser Jr. - solid moveset, especially with mechakoopa. has a bit of trouble killing though. could be placed higher
Duck Hunt - cannot kill for anything but otherwise great stage control/zoning
Bowser - good heavy but due to its nature completely outclassed by anything with more range/faster moves
Link - like toon link but worse zoning tools and slower
Falco - patch did well. bair is interesting, nair is good. still really freaking flawed though
Little Mac - amazing frame data, superarmor on smashes, no air game though and trash recovery
Don't have a lot going for them.
Mr. Game and Watch - lots of reps, but being a light character that doesn't benefit from rage is kinda bad. usmash is good though
King Dedede - easily comboed. trash frame data but good range. projectiles are flawed.
Robin - slower than a snail but otherwise extremely good moveset. except the fact that moveset breaks.
Dr. Mario - like mario with less combos because more damage = more knockback. also has a terrible recovery.
Ganondorf - hits super hard and kills in four hits. no neutral game though
Mii Swordfighter - best of all miis in 1111 but fundamentally flawed.
Wii Fit Trainer - terrible range and weird hitboxes, but kills super early and has good combos.
Mii Gunner - zoning tools are decent but lacking damage output (fsmash does like 9% why)
tbh these characters are all pretty bad
Mewtwo - light and tall and no luma = terrible. kills dumb early though and very mobile.
Samus - lacking moveset. best approach is walk -> dtilt?????? bad
Zelda - flawed. you all know this
Jigglypuff - hard countered by the r button
Mii Brawler - doesn't really exist with customs off
Palutena - doesn't really exist with customs off

i kind of got lazy near the end

feel free to yell at me
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Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
I made a tier list: (no customs, 1111 Miis)

These two were pretty obvious.
Sheik - frame data + speed + results + kill confirms/setups + insane damage racking potential + best camping tools in the game = good character
Rosalina & Luma - Luma has range and power, and respawns. Rosalina on her own also isn't that bad of a character. In addition, the puppet nature of this character is a vastly different playstyle from anyone else in Smash makes Rosalina extemely good, at least in the current metagame. Gravitational Pull also invalidates a lot of stuff.
I'm pretty content with this ordering. Pikachu, Mario and Yoshi could be higher, Falcon could be a bit lower, but I think this is good.
Ness - Extremely solid moveset. Dash attack and fair have insane range. bair, uair, bthrow are all extremely good killing moves. nair comes out fast and hits fairly hard, and is a solid OoS option. PK Fire and dthrow confirm into a bunch of stuff. PK Thunder is an excellent harassing tool and an amazing projectile, and PK Thunder 2 kills at like 40%. One grab at 70-80% could mean death, and if you're above 110% you are definitely dead.
Luigi - dthrow combos all day erry day, whether it's for racking up damage or killing. Also has some of the best frame data in the game. Recovery is really good if you master the art of mash hard. Fireballs are a really great projectile. Fast killing moves in Up B, smash attacks, and dthrow -> Cyclone.
Sonic - Being the fastest character in the game is really good. Having kill moves on top of that is even better. Sonic has the ability to outcamp most characters even without a decent projectile due to his hit-and-run nature.
Zero Suit Samus - Confirms into Flip Jump 40% spikes, amazing recovery with Flip Jump and Plasma Whip, hits hard, hits fast, throw combos are really great but her grab is somewhat lacking. Paralyzer is an amazing tool. Boost Kick is an excellent killing move.
Fox - Hits fast, hits hard. usmash still kills at dumb percents and still has confirms such as weak nair. Recovery is great thanks to being able to use Fire Fox after Illusion. Blaster is a pretty good projectile to force the approach. Jab lock.
Pikachu - Extremely fast. Quick Attack is one of the best moves in the game imo. Frame 1 Thunder GTFO is decent, Thunder Jolt is a reliable projectile, throw combos into Thunder kills are good, smashes are good, has a lot of safe aerials due to the reduction of hurtboxes. Edgeguarding is good due to lasting hitboxes and amazing recovery.
Captain Falcon - Dumb range on stuff like fsmash, dash attack, and dash grab. Lots of confirms off of grab, knee is a super powerful finisher and can be set up into. Overall extremely strong moves. Raptor Boost now killing is dumb. Disadvantage state is pretty bad though, and recovery isn't too great.
Mario - Amazing frame data and great combos. A very solid character, not really much I can say. Very basic though, so not higher.
Diddy Kong - Nerfed to oblivion but still solid. uthrow still combos into stuff, banana is really good, Monkey Flip is a great move. Fast aerials with great range.
Yoshi - No one uses this character but everyone hates him. Amazing frame data and power, high maneuverability, heavy, command grab leading into free damage, a very good projectile. Why isn't this character placing higher?
Very good characters, but lacking in some departments.
Villager - One of the best campers but can do well in close quarters as well. fair and bair are dumb, Timber giving a frame 6 kill option and shield breaker is kind of dumb. Pocket is a really great move against anyone with a powerful projectile and also has an amazing recovery. nair combo breaker is also really good, and uair and dair can be stupidly powerful. Stage control and the ability to force high approaches with fsmash, dash attack, and Timber are also really great. Kind of slow however, and his grab, although powerful, is kind of mediocre.
Pit/Dark Pit - A fast character that has the ability to combo and punish well. Great recovery and decently powerful moves. However, they are very basic and don't really have the ability to compete consistently against the top tiers; however, they still have a fairly good chance. Dash grab is very good.
Wario - A heavy that is also very mobile, similar to Yoshi. Attacks are not as fast but still very powerful. Bike is a great tool, Chomp is an excellent command grab and the Waft is something to be feared. Mediocre frame data and subpar range prevent him from being a top tier.
R.O.B. - Proven to be a great character. Heavy with a great recovery, and dthrow-uair combos are a valuable tool, as is the uthrow kill move. Lasers are a decent projectile, but better is the Gyro, which is an item with a constant hitbox that can be used to create traps. nair is also really good. Doesn't have as solid of a moveset as the top tiers though, many lacking moves such as ftilt.
Ryu - Pure theorycraft. Combos and hits extremely hard, so seems like an incredibly good character. Invincible recovery without landing lag is kind of dumb, and Focus Attack is a great move. Sort of slow, however, and has an extremely high learning curve which means that we probably won't see good representation for a while.
Greninja - A very solid, mobile character. Even after getting nerfed, still a force to be reckoned with: has a good preojectile in the Water Shuriken, good combos, the king of footstool zero-deaths, great killing moves such as smashes (especially usmash) and fair. ftilt getting buffed also helped a lot. Hydro Pump is a great tool. Pretty bad frame data though.
Olimar - Still can rack up damage like nobody's business. Obviously losing three Pikmin is hard but Olimar can send you from 0 to 90 in no time. Very good smash attacks as well.
Lucario - Aura is ridiculous in this game, and when you have a character that thrives off of its opponent having the advantage, you have a force to be reckoned with. Still has combos, but is also really good at killing, and Aura Sphere, Force Palm, and Extremespeed all become amazing with aura.
Includes sleeper characters, and characters that could do well under extremely good hands.
Meta Knight - combos, fast, dash attack + dash grab -> uair uair uair uair uair shuttle loop ez$$. lacking in range though
Megaman - really good at zoning and projectiling. metal blade shenanigans are there. utilt is ridiculous
Roy - more theorycraft: hits hard and is very fast. this is a good combination. fsmash is dumb.
PAC-MAN - fruit + hydrant = stage control. abadango
Shulk - range + monado arts. high learning curve like ryu so won't see much for a while.
Marth - tippers are ridiculous, patch helped a lot. jab -> fsmash is dumb.
Lucina - like marth without tippers. jab -> fsmash is still dumb.
Peach - floating combos, aerial pressure. high learning curve
Charizard - moveset requires that charizard isn't bad. superarmor and invincibility everywhere, amazing oos options, uthrow is dumb especially on duck hunt
Starting to be somewhat flawed in their movesets or designs.
Ike - patch helped. hits hard, bair is fast and scary. pretty slow though
Toon Link - mobile, zoning capabilities, but is flawed in that regard. bombs are op though
Donkey Kong - range is good, hits hard. extremely good at shieldbreaking
Lucas - theorycraft. solid moveset but seems lacking somehow.
Kirby - combos really well, but light and easily outranged.
Bowser Jr. - solid moveset, especially with mechakoopa. has a bit of trouble killing though. could be placed higher
Duck Hunt - cannot kill for anything but otherwise great stage control/zoning
Bowser - good heavy but due to its nature completely outclassed by anything with more range/faster moves
Link - like toon link but worse zoning tools and slower
Falco - patch did well. bair is interesting, nair is good. still really freaking flawed though
Little Mac - amazing frame data, superarmor on smashes, no air game though and trash recovery
Don't have a lot going for them.
Mr. Game and Watch - lots of reps, but being a light character that doesn't benefit from rage is kinda bad. usmash is good though
King Dedede - easily comboed. trash frame data but good range. projectiles are flawed.
Robin - slower than a snail but otherwise extremely good moveset. except the fact that moveset breaks.
Dr. Mario - like mario with less combos because more damage = more knockback. also has a terrible recovery.
Ganondorf - hits super hard and kills in four hits. no neutral game though
Mii Swordfighter - best of all miis in 1111 but fundamentally flawed.
Wii Fit Trainer - terrible range and weird hitboxes, but kills super early and has good combos.
Mii Gunner - zoning tools are decent but lacking damage output (fsmash does like 9% why)
tbh these characters are all pretty bad
Mewtwo - light and tall and no luma = terrible. kills dumb early though and very mobile.
Samus - lacking moveset. best approach is walk -> dtilt?????? bad
Zelda - flawed. you all know this
Jigglypuff - hard countered by the r button
Mii Brawler - doesn't really exist with customs off
Palutena - doesn't really exist with customs off

i kind of got lazy near the end

feel free to yell at me
In contrast, here's the EventHubs tier list, with tiers separated by a gap of 5 points:


i don't know what happened to luigi but ok
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Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
Hello Zelda Social Thread!

Anyone interested???

If so, please grab my attention some way (quote a post or @ me) with the necessary information and I'll add you to the obituaries roster.

why are chun-li's legs so big? why is her head so small? why must capcom ruin the only 2 sf characters i care about

also lol trigger meter
That is not a hot woman. Those are man legs. That is not hot. If you are looking for a hot video game woman, I can provide you with several examples. It might serve as brain bleach for that.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Tires? Better slash them.

This more or less illustrates what happens when a tier list is shown and people trying to argue them.


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
tfw lucas is literal tr4sh but is still higher than zss, sonic, villager, mario, etc.

edit: i haven't gotten a page steal in a while. i dedicate this page to lucas being bad and having what is probably the worst grab in the game
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Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
What took them so long.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2015
In contrast, here's the EventHubs tier list, with tiers separated by a gap of 5 points:

i don't know what happened to luigi but ok
I haven't seen Event Hubs tier list in a long time, but that tier list has a million things wrong with it. Worst one I've seen, especially for Luigi's, Fox's, and most DLCs positions.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
tfw lucas is literal tr4sh but is still higher than zss, sonic, villager, mario, etc.

edit: i haven't gotten a page steal in a while. i dedicate this page to lucas being bad and having what is probably the worst grab in the game
i mean at least he gets stuff off of it

like you look at link who has literally no combos off grabs and his best kill throw kills at like 190

like what did link even do to anger the throw gods


Jul 7, 2014
I made a tier list: (no customs, 1111 Miis)

These two were pretty obvious.
Sheik - frame data + speed + results + kill confirms/setups + insane damage racking potential + best camping tools in the game = good character
Rosalina & Luma - Luma has range and power, and respawns. Rosalina on her own also isn't that bad of a character. In addition, the puppet nature of this character is a vastly different playstyle from anyone else in Smash makes Rosalina extemely good, at least in the current metagame. Gravitational Pull also invalidates a lot of stuff.
I'm pretty content with this ordering. Pikachu, Mario and Yoshi could be higher, Falcon could be a bit lower, but I think this is good.
Ness - Extremely solid moveset. Dash attack and fair have insane range. bair, uair, bthrow are all extremely good killing moves. nair comes out fast and hits fairly hard, and is a solid OoS option. PK Fire and dthrow confirm into a bunch of stuff. PK Thunder is an excellent harassing tool and an amazing projectile, and PK Thunder 2 kills at like 40%. One grab at 70-80% could mean death, and if you're above 110% you are definitely dead.
Luigi - dthrow combos all day erry day, whether it's for racking up damage or killing. Also has some of the best frame data in the game. Recovery is really good if you master the art of mash hard. Fireballs are a really great projectile. Fast killing moves in Up B, smash attacks, and dthrow -> Cyclone.
Sonic - Being the fastest character in the game is really good. Having kill moves on top of that is even better. Sonic has the ability to outcamp most characters even without a decent projectile due to his hit-and-run nature.
Zero Suit Samus - Confirms into Flip Jump 40% spikes, amazing recovery with Flip Jump and Plasma Whip, hits hard, hits fast, throw combos are really great but her grab is somewhat lacking. Paralyzer is an amazing tool. Boost Kick is an excellent killing move.
Fox - Hits fast, hits hard. usmash still kills at dumb percents and still has confirms such as weak nair. Recovery is great thanks to being able to use Fire Fox after Illusion. Blaster is a pretty good projectile to force the approach. Jab lock.
Pikachu - Extremely fast. Quick Attack is one of the best moves in the game imo. Frame 1 Thunder GTFO is decent, Thunder Jolt is a reliable projectile, throw combos into Thunder kills are good, smashes are good, has a lot of safe aerials due to the reduction of hurtboxes. Edgeguarding is good due to lasting hitboxes and amazing recovery.
Captain Falcon - Dumb range on stuff like fsmash, dash attack, and dash grab. Lots of confirms off of grab, knee is a super powerful finisher and can be set up into. Overall extremely strong moves. Raptor Boost now killing is dumb. Disadvantage state is pretty bad though, and recovery isn't too great.
Mario - Amazing frame data and great combos. A very solid character, not really much I can say. Very basic though, so not higher.
Diddy Kong - Nerfed to oblivion but still solid. uthrow still combos into stuff, banana is really good, Monkey Flip is a great move. Fast aerials with great range.
Yoshi - No one uses this character but everyone hates him. Amazing frame data and power, high maneuverability, heavy, command grab leading into free damage, a very good projectile. Why isn't this character placing higher?
Very good characters, but lacking in some departments.
Villager - One of the best campers but can do well in close quarters as well. fair and bair are dumb, Timber giving a frame 6 kill option and shield breaker is kind of dumb. Pocket is a really great move against anyone with a powerful projectile and also has an amazing recovery. nair combo breaker is also really good, and uair and dair can be stupidly powerful. Stage control and the ability to force high approaches with fsmash, dash attack, and Timber are also really great. Kind of slow however, and his grab, although powerful, is kind of mediocre.
Pit/Dark Pit - A fast character that has the ability to combo and punish well. Great recovery and decently powerful moves. However, they are very basic and don't really have the ability to compete consistently against the top tiers; however, they still have a fairly good chance. Dash grab is very good.
Wario - A heavy that is also very mobile, similar to Yoshi. Attacks are not as fast but still very powerful. Bike is a great tool, Chomp is an excellent command grab and the Waft is something to be feared. Mediocre frame data and subpar range prevent him from being a top tier.
R.O.B. - Proven to be a great character. Heavy with a great recovery, and dthrow-uair combos are a valuable tool, as is the uthrow kill move. Lasers are a decent projectile, but better is the Gyro, which is an item with a constant hitbox that can be used to create traps. nair is also really good. Doesn't have as solid of a moveset as the top tiers though, many lacking moves such as ftilt.
Ryu - Pure theorycraft. Combos and hits extremely hard, so seems like an incredibly good character. Invincible recovery without landing lag is kind of dumb, and Focus Attack is a great move. Sort of slow, however, and has an extremely high learning curve which means that we probably won't see good representation for a while.
Greninja - A very solid, mobile character. Even after getting nerfed, still a force to be reckoned with: has a good preojectile in the Water Shuriken, good combos, the king of footstool zero-deaths, great killing moves such as smashes (especially usmash) and fair. ftilt getting buffed also helped a lot. Hydro Pump is a great tool. Pretty bad frame data though.
Olimar - Still can rack up damage like nobody's business. Obviously losing three Pikmin is hard but Olimar can send you from 0 to 90 in no time. Very good smash attacks as well.
Lucario - Aura is ridiculous in this game, and when you have a character that thrives off of its opponent having the advantage, you have a force to be reckoned with. Still has combos, but is also really good at killing, and Aura Sphere, Force Palm, and Extremespeed all become amazing with aura.
Includes sleeper characters, and characters that could do well under extremely good hands.
Meta Knight - combos, fast, dash attack + dash grab -> uair uair uair uair uair shuttle loop ez$$. lacking in range though
Megaman - really good at zoning and projectiling. metal blade shenanigans are there. utilt is ridiculous
Roy - more theorycraft: hits hard and is very fast. this is a good combination. fsmash is dumb.
PAC-MAN - fruit + hydrant = stage control. abadango
Shulk - range + monado arts. high learning curve like ryu so won't see much for a while.
Marth - tippers are ridiculous, patch helped a lot. jab -> fsmash is dumb.
Lucina - like marth without tippers. jab -> fsmash is still dumb.
Peach - floating combos, aerial pressure. high learning curve
Charizard - moveset requires that charizard isn't bad. superarmor and invincibility everywhere, amazing oos options, uthrow is dumb especially on duck hunt
Starting to be somewhat flawed in their movesets or designs.
Ike - patch helped. hits hard, bair is fast and scary. pretty slow though
Toon Link - mobile, zoning capabilities, but is flawed in that regard. bombs are op though
Donkey Kong - range is good, hits hard. extremely good at shieldbreaking
Lucas - theorycraft. solid moveset but seems lacking somehow.
Kirby - combos really well, but light and easily outranged.
Bowser Jr. - solid moveset, especially with mechakoopa. has a bit of trouble killing though. could be placed higher
Duck Hunt - cannot kill for anything but otherwise great stage control/zoning
Bowser - good heavy but due to its nature completely outclassed by anything with more range/faster moves
Link - like toon link but worse zoning tools and slower
Falco - patch did well. bair is interesting, nair is good. still really freaking flawed though
Little Mac - amazing frame data, superarmor on smashes, no air game though and trash recovery
Don't have a lot going for them.
Mr. Game and Watch - lots of reps, but being a light character that doesn't benefit from rage is kinda bad. usmash is good though
King Dedede - easily comboed. trash frame data but good range. projectiles are flawed.
Robin - slower than a snail but otherwise extremely good moveset. except the fact that moveset breaks.
Dr. Mario - like mario with less combos because more damage = more knockback. also has a terrible recovery.
Ganondorf - hits super hard and kills in four hits. no neutral game though
Mii Swordfighter - best of all miis in 1111 but fundamentally flawed.
Wii Fit Trainer - terrible range and weird hitboxes, but kills super early and has good combos.
Mii Gunner - zoning tools are decent but lacking damage output (fsmash does like 9% why)
tbh these characters are all pretty bad
Mewtwo - light and tall and no luma = terrible. kills dumb early though and very mobile.
Samus - lacking moveset. best approach is walk -> dtilt?????? bad
Zelda - flawed. you all know this
Jigglypuff - hard countered by the r button
Mii Brawler - doesn't really exist with customs off
Palutena - doesn't really exist with customs off

i kind of got lazy near the end

feel free to yell at me
huh, last i checked thunder was frame 2 lol.


Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
This is still my favorite EventHubs tier list.


Hero of Many Faces
Oct 10, 2014
I haven't seen Event Hubs tier list in a long time, but that tier list has a million things wrong with it. Worst one I've seen, especially for Luigi's, Fox's, and most DLCs positions.
welcome to sassboards


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
I made a tier list: (no customs, 1111 Miis)

These two were pretty obvious.
Sheik - frame data + speed + results + kill confirms/setups + insane damage racking potential + best camping tools in the game = good character
Rosalina & Luma - Luma has range and power, and respawns. Rosalina on her own also isn't that bad of a character. In addition, the puppet nature of this character is a vastly different playstyle from anyone else in Smash makes Rosalina extemely good, at least in the current metagame. Gravitational Pull also invalidates a lot of stuff.
I'm pretty content with this ordering. Pikachu, Mario and Yoshi could be higher, Falcon could be a bit lower, but I think this is good.
Ness - Extremely solid moveset. Dash attack and fair have insane range. bair, uair, bthrow are all extremely good killing moves. nair comes out fast and hits fairly hard, and is a solid OoS option. PK Fire and dthrow confirm into a bunch of stuff. PK Thunder is an excellent harassing tool and an amazing projectile, and PK Thunder 2 kills at like 40%. One grab at 70-80% could mean death, and if you're above 110% you are definitely dead.
Luigi - dthrow combos all day erry day, whether it's for racking up damage or killing. Also has some of the best frame data in the game. Recovery is really good if you master the art of mash hard. Fireballs are a really great projectile. Fast killing moves in Up B, smash attacks, and dthrow -> Cyclone.
Sonic - Being the fastest character in the game is really good. Having kill moves on top of that is even better. Sonic has the ability to outcamp most characters even without a decent projectile due to his hit-and-run nature.
Zero Suit Samus - Confirms into Flip Jump 40% spikes, amazing recovery with Flip Jump and Plasma Whip, hits hard, hits fast, throw combos are really great but her grab is somewhat lacking. Paralyzer is an amazing tool. Boost Kick is an excellent killing move.
Fox - Hits fast, hits hard. usmash still kills at dumb percents and still has confirms such as weak nair. Recovery is great thanks to being able to use Fire Fox after Illusion. Blaster is a pretty good projectile to force the approach. Jab lock.
Pikachu - Extremely fast. Quick Attack is one of the best moves in the game imo. Frame 1 Thunder GTFO is decent, Thunder Jolt is a reliable projectile, throw combos into Thunder kills are good, smashes are good, has a lot of safe aerials due to the reduction of hurtboxes. Edgeguarding is good due to lasting hitboxes and amazing recovery.
Captain Falcon - Dumb range on stuff like fsmash, dash attack, and dash grab. Lots of confirms off of grab, knee is a super powerful finisher and can be set up into. Overall extremely strong moves. Raptor Boost now killing is dumb. Disadvantage state is pretty bad though, and recovery isn't too great.
Mario - Amazing frame data and great combos. A very solid character, not really much I can say. Very basic though, so not higher.
Diddy Kong - Nerfed to oblivion but still solid. uthrow still combos into stuff, banana is really good, Monkey Flip is a great move. Fast aerials with great range.
Yoshi - No one uses this character but everyone hates him. Amazing frame data and power, high maneuverability, heavy, command grab leading into free damage, a very good projectile. Why isn't this character placing higher?
Very good characters, but lacking in some departments.
Villager - One of the best campers but can do well in close quarters as well. fair and bair are dumb, Timber giving a frame 6 kill option and shield breaker is kind of dumb. Pocket is a really great move against anyone with a powerful projectile and also has an amazing recovery. nair combo breaker is also really good, and uair and dair can be stupidly powerful. Stage control and the ability to force high approaches with fsmash, dash attack, and Timber are also really great. Kind of slow however, and his grab, although powerful, is kind of mediocre.
Pit/Dark Pit - A fast character that has the ability to combo and punish well. Great recovery and decently powerful moves. However, they are very basic and don't really have the ability to compete consistently against the top tiers; however, they still have a fairly good chance. Dash grab is very good.
Wario - A heavy that is also very mobile, similar to Yoshi. Attacks are not as fast but still very powerful. Bike is a great tool, Chomp is an excellent command grab and the Waft is something to be feared. Mediocre frame data and subpar range prevent him from being a top tier.
R.O.B. - Proven to be a great character. Heavy with a great recovery, and dthrow-uair combos are a valuable tool, as is the uthrow kill move. Lasers are a decent projectile, but better is the Gyro, which is an item with a constant hitbox that can be used to create traps. nair is also really good. Doesn't have as solid of a moveset as the top tiers though, many lacking moves such as ftilt.
Ryu - Pure theorycraft. Combos and hits extremely hard, so seems like an incredibly good character. Invincible recovery without landing lag is kind of dumb, and Focus Attack is a great move. Sort of slow, however, and has an extremely high learning curve which means that we probably won't see good representation for a while.
Greninja - A very solid, mobile character. Even after getting nerfed, still a force to be reckoned with: has a good preojectile in the Water Shuriken, good combos, the king of footstool zero-deaths, great killing moves such as smashes (especially usmash) and fair. ftilt getting buffed also helped a lot. Hydro Pump is a great tool. Pretty bad frame data though.
Olimar - Still can rack up damage like nobody's business. Obviously losing three Pikmin is hard but Olimar can send you from 0 to 90 in no time. Very good smash attacks as well.
Lucario - Aura is ridiculous in this game, and when you have a character that thrives off of its opponent having the advantage, you have a force to be reckoned with. Still has combos, but is also really good at killing, and Aura Sphere, Force Palm, and Extremespeed all become amazing with aura.
Includes sleeper characters, and characters that could do well under extremely good hands.
Meta Knight - combos, fast, dash attack + dash grab -> uair uair uair uair uair shuttle loop ez$$. lacking in range though
Megaman - really good at zoning and projectiling. metal blade shenanigans are there. utilt is ridiculous
Roy - more theorycraft: hits hard and is very fast. this is a good combination. fsmash is dumb.
PAC-MAN - fruit + hydrant = stage control. abadango
Shulk - range + monado arts. high learning curve like ryu so won't see much for a while.
Marth - tippers are ridiculous, patch helped a lot. jab -> fsmash is dumb.
Lucina - like marth without tippers. jab -> fsmash is still dumb.
Peach - floating combos, aerial pressure. high learning curve
Charizard - moveset requires that charizard isn't bad. superarmor and invincibility everywhere, amazing oos options, uthrow is dumb especially on duck hunt
Starting to be somewhat flawed in their movesets or designs.
Ike - patch helped. hits hard, bair is fast and scary. pretty slow though
Toon Link - mobile, zoning capabilities, but is flawed in that regard. bombs are op though
Donkey Kong - range is good, hits hard. extremely good at shieldbreaking
Lucas - theorycraft. solid moveset but seems lacking somehow.
Kirby - combos really well, but light and easily outranged.
Bowser Jr. - solid moveset, especially with mechakoopa. has a bit of trouble killing though. could be placed higher
Duck Hunt - cannot kill for anything but otherwise great stage control/zoning
Bowser - good heavy but due to its nature completely outclassed by anything with more range/faster moves
Link - like toon link but worse zoning tools and slower
Falco - patch did well. bair is interesting, nair is good. still really freaking flawed though
Little Mac - amazing frame data, superarmor on smashes, no air game though and trash recovery
Don't have a lot going for them.
Mr. Game and Watch - lots of reps, but being a light character that doesn't benefit from rage is kinda bad. usmash is good though
King Dedede - easily comboed. trash frame data but good range. projectiles are flawed.
Robin - slower than a snail but otherwise extremely good moveset. except the fact that moveset breaks.
Dr. Mario - like mario with less combos because more damage = more knockback. also has a terrible recovery.
Ganondorf - hits super hard and kills in four hits. no neutral game though
Mii Swordfighter - best of all miis in 1111 but fundamentally flawed.
Wii Fit Trainer - terrible range and weird hitboxes, but kills super early and has good combos.
Mii Gunner - zoning tools are decent but lacking damage output (fsmash does like 9% why)
tbh these characters are all pretty bad
Mewtwo - light and tall and no luma = terrible. kills dumb early though and very mobile.
Samus - lacking moveset. best approach is walk -> dtilt?????? bad
Zelda - flawed. you all know this
Jigglypuff - hard countered by the r button
Mii Brawler - doesn't really exist with customs off
Palutena - doesn't really exist with customs off

i kind of got lazy near the end

feel free to yell at me


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
i mean at least he gets stuff off of it

like you look at link who has literally no combos off grabs and his best kill throw kills at like 190

like what did link even do to anger the throw gods
lucas' standing grab has 37 frames of endlag, his pivot grab has 47 frames of endlag, and his dash grab has 45. added onto that, it has awful range for a tether. he has all of the negative aspects of a tether grab (slow and laggy), but he lacks the best attribute of it (range, obv). i wasn't considering throws in my assessment of worst grab, but lucas' are pretty decent. that still doesn't affect that his grab is literal ****.

link's grab is trash but at least it has range. he got some endlag buffs on his grabs in the latest patch too iirc
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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
@ kenniky kenniky

Your explanation is that WiiFit has bad range. Well so does Mario so why is he high tier? Also weird hitboxes isn't a reason for her to bad. Mega man has a weird moveset but that doesn't mean its bad.


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Peach is a pretty good character so i'm curious as to why she's not used more.
she has some very noticeable flaws that can be pretty difficult to overcome (slow, super floaty, light). she lacks a safe move with good range. she also is one of (if not the most) technical characters in the game. she also has difficulty with some of the top tiers, so that could be a reason why she's not used often. the biggest reason, however, is that nobody truly understands how to play her right now. people still need time to bring her out to her full potential. the game has only been out for like 9 months.

@ kenniky kenniky

Your explanation is that WiiFit has bad range. Well so does Mario so why is he high tier? Also weird hitboxes isn't a reason for her to bad. Mega man has a weird moveset but that doesn't mean its bad.
simply put, mario has the frame data to back it up and wii fit doesn't. wii fit's range is the biggest thing holding her back, though. imo they should buff her range because it really is terrible

also she has a tr4sh grab
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2015
@ kenniky kenniky

Your explanation is that WiiFit has bad range. Well so does Mario so why is he high tier? Also weird hitboxes isn't a reason for her to bad. Mega man has a weird moveset but that doesn't mean its bad.
Mario may have a short range, but he has speed to accommodate. Most of his attacks are relatively safe, unlike Wii Fit.


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
@ kenniky kenniky

Your explanation is that WiiFit has bad range. Well so does Mario so why is he high tier? Also weird hitboxes isn't a reason for her to bad. Mega man has a weird moveset but that doesn't mean its bad.
Lol wft is a silly character. I really don't believe she's in the game, I think it's one elaborate April Fool's joke.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Lol wft is a silly character. I really don't believe she's in the game, I think it's one elaborate April Fool's joke.
So does this make Zelda an overdone, sadistic, and poorly done April Fool's joke?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
she has some very noticeable flaws that can be pretty difficult to overcome (slow, super floaty, light). she lacks a safe move with good range. she also is one of (if not the most) technical characters in the game. she also has difficulty with some of the top tiers, so that could be a reason why she's not used often. the biggest reason, however, is that nobody truly understands how to play her right now. people still need time to bring her out to her full potential. the game has only been out for like 9 months.

simply put, mario has the frame data to back it up and wii fit doesn't. wii fit's range is the biggest thing holding her back, though. imo they should buff her range because it really is terrible
She does have damage output, offstage game, and amazing camp game to back that up


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
huh, last i checked thunder was frame 2 lol.
1.0.4 said it was frame 1 so I went off that

I mean I don't play peach. Not very aware of what she can do especially because there are no great peach players.

Her moveset just seems lacking to me.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2015
Zelda is good

I wish.

(Though in all seriousness She isn't utterly terrible. bad in this game would be like, mid tier in other smashes. She has flaws, and big ones, but they don't hold her back as much as they did in other smash games. She's not good, but not terrible.)
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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
Actual legit Smash 4 tier list

Masterhero Samurai::4sheik:

*some things*
CANCER: :rosalina::4luigi::4ness::4sonic:
OVERUSED: :4falcon:

*some stuff*

*even more thingstuff*

The Legend of Tr4sh: :4zelda:
Metroid Prime - Other Tr4sh: :4samus:


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2015
To play Sm4sh or to play ME2, that is the question.

Sm4sh isn't as appealing as ME2, but I really need to do that stupid planet mining thing for at least a bit and uuggh. Why did they think the mining thing in ME2 was a good Idea.
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