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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2012
I hate Tr4sh
Seems like my internet is **** right now it's like 13 download speed when I should be getting like 25-30 ;_;


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Don't mind me; just a very muscular dwarf walking. :p
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Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
I have this love/hate relationship with Smash 4 right now.

The only way I can get any competition is to play online because my friends dropped the game competitively. And I was watching a YT video of my Sonic from months ago and it is better than my online Sonic is now and it's highly disappointing to feel like I've made no progress even though I'm playing the game way more than I did with my friends. And when I am successful I can't truly feel proud or accomplished because I know online play is different from offline play and I feel like I didn't actually win I just exploited the input lag better or the connection was better at times that were favorable to me. And then if I lose I can't use the same logic, I just assume I'm awful.

I might have to drop this game (online at least) but maybe I can find some people in my area to play with (I doubt it).

I might move to a college town soon so maybe I can find a group of people who are into competitive smash then... I dunno.

Ok wall of drama over.


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
I have this love/hate relationship with Smash 4 right now.

The only way I can get any competition is to play online because my friends dropped the game competitively. And I was watching a YT video of my Sonic from months ago and it is better than my online Sonic is now and it's highly disappointing to feel like I've made no progress even though I'm playing the game way more than I did with my friends. And when I am successful I can't truly feel proud or accomplished because I know online play is different from offline play and I feel like I didn't actually win I just exploited the input lag better or the connection was better at times that were favorable to me. And then if I lose I can't use the same logic, I just assume I'm awful.

I might have to drop this game (online at least) but maybe I can find some people in my area to play with (I doubt it).

I might move to a college town soon so maybe I can find a group of people who are into competitive smash then... I dunno.

Ok wall of drama over.
Well, you can always try-out different characters other than Sonic.

You may have just ran your course with Sonic. If you feel like you're too slow with improvements with him, then....well...replace him. You'd be surprised at your potential with other characters.

Or you can just focus on making improvements with Ike/Zelda, while taking a break from Sonic. ☆.

This quote is brought to you by:


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2012
I hate Tr4sh
Good games, shame about the lag. Oh well, we'll have to have some proper matches on Saturday :p (you're still going, right?)
Yea I'm still going =3

Got a small army of Northerners as well so you & the rest of the Southerners need to get your game face on =P


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Dude, why do you think people played Diddy, Luigi, and Little Mac? Especially at launch, you could get away with so much with Diddy. Because of the internet, people knew about D-throw to Uair, people knew about Luigi's D-throw, and people knew about Little Mac being a newcomer and people being unfamiliar with the game. Now, and patches don't help, people are getting exposed by how bad they are and people know much more about the game and how to deal with things. People used to think Sheik and Fox were bad, but man, were they wrong. Remember when people thought Bowser was top tier?

People are inherently lazy, so instead of sucking it up and learning, they're going to just cry and moan. You can't know anything about a game that's not a year old and at release, it was barely months old. So, instead of figuring out how to deal with Diddy, how to stop him from grabbing you, etc., they just cried that Diddy was broken. Was he? Compared to Meta Knight, no, but relative to Smash 4? Slightly. Slightly because his Uair was way too good and way too versatile of a move. Now? He's good and he was always good, but people love to exaggerate things so Diddy's mid tier now.

The issue is that people still don't know everything about Melee, Street Fighter II, or even Mario 64. Now, let's add customs. That's pretty much doubling the amount of things to learn. If it were up to me, default should be mastered and focused for about 3 years with customs being there, but not a main focus. The focus is learning the core of the game and then learning the other side of it, the branch, the customs metagame. After that, both could be equalized. At least people would be skilled enough at the core game after 3 freaking years to deal with everything since hey, Villager does not need customs to camp. Customs just makes it more difficult when nobody actually understands Villager at a basic level. People still don't understand Diddy since D-throw and Uair ruled his metagame which leaves other moves just there, unexplored, and will catch people off guard like U-throw, Dtilt, B-reversed Banana Peels, and Rocketbarrel Boost.

"Optimal" Sonic as Static Manny plays is still flawed even if it's a strong play style that works with Sonic's strengths. It's unsightly to watch, but it's a proven and strong play style which imitators and amateurs don't do well, but here's the thing, when nobody really understands how to use or fight Sonic what do you do? Try to figure it out, but most people won't and just complain about how Sonic "ignores neutral". A player never has an obligation to approach even if they're losing. I mean you could just stand there and get beat up if you want, but that's the thing. Sonic can just stand there. Well, how do you punish that, how do you deal with that, or how do you stop that? Questions still being answered and funny enough, questions that existed since Brawl. Questions people don't want to figure out because the "easy way" of complaining is better. And then aggressive Sonic players like 6wX show up and Sonic's still trashed. Talk about immature hypocrites.
hope you didn't expect me to read all that (note: I do read tldr, so try that next time)
They should just make Bouncing Fish into Flopping Fish. She just flies up a bit, then straight down.
bouncing fish -> flopping fish -> :129:
I have this love/hate relationship with Smash 4 right now.

The only way I can get any competition is to play online because my friends dropped the game competitively. And I was watching a YT video of my Sonic from months ago and it is better than my online Sonic is now and it's highly disappointing to feel like I've made no progress even though I'm playing the game way more than I did with my friends. And when I am successful I can't truly feel proud or accomplished because I know online play is different from offline play and I feel like I didn't actually win I just exploited the input lag better or the connection was better at times that were favorable to me. And then if I lose I can't use the same logic, I just assume I'm awful.

I might have to drop this game (online at least) but maybe I can find some people in my area to play with (I doubt it).

I might move to a college town soon so maybe I can find a group of people who are into competitive smash then... I dunno.

Ok wall of drama over.
could be you just need a practice partner.
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Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
Well, you can always try-out different characters other than Sonic.

You may have just ran your course with Sonic. If you feel like you're too slow with improvements with him, then....well...replace him. You'd be surprised at your potential with other characters.

Or you can just focus on making improvements with Ike/Zelda, while taking a break from Sonic. ☆.

This quote is brought to you by:
I really don't have a problem with Sonic, just Sonic online. The way I play I have to be very precise with my shields and online that's just impossible. I really enjoy playing Sonic and he easily my best character. The thing with Zelda/Ike is I really enjoy playing them but online play has taught me bad habits and I was severely punished when I went to an offline tourney. I had a few matches to adjust and that just didn't cut it.

I just need real life people why is life difficult someone let me live in their smash house please!


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
I haven't posted here in a while.

What's up gorls.

That hair flip animation is still so disgusting to me......


Also, Zelda is dressed so strangely. She has this really low cut tank top like dress and then big goofy shoulder pads that must barely be hanging onto the thin straps around her shoulders. Then she has the long elegant gloves that go past her elbow. Then the Hylian symbol thing that is probably stitched into her skin.

But really how does she fight with earrings?
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Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
I think they should ban Vanish and Bouncing Fish
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