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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Hero of Many Faces
Oct 10, 2014
Flat tire list. Just IMO so don't take it seriously lmao but I have my reasons. NOT RLY
View attachment 57496
:4sheik: because reasons
:4fox: because his frame data is nuts, his damage output is ********, he has almost NO issues in KO'ing. Only thing holding him back is his lack of safe options on shield and his poor disadvantaged state
:4pikachu: he's ******** in every way. Like seriously. Range seems to be his weakness and his weight is also something that can be easily exploited so that holds him back
:4sonic: everyone's favorite cancer
:4ness: his aerials are diddily-dumb and his b-throw is the virtualization of ebola
:4luigi: because his damage output is ******** but he requires a ****load of skill. probably the hardest character to use in Smash 4
:rosalina: is a really good character but loses to some rushdowns. Has a lot of potential anyway, but she has weaknesses like being a bad character without luma and being really LIGHT
:4falcon: braindead character that requires no skill. his range is dumb and same can be said for his damage output. who the hell even designed this character?
:4mario: well-rounded but he's also brain dead tbh. Getting KO's with him though is not-so-braindead
:4megaman: would be at low B+ if I bothered including results for this list but anyway, this ******* is all about annoying the **** out of everyone with projectiles. Really, this **** has a lot of potential
:4metaknight: a sleeper top tier character with amazing options at every state (neutral, disadvantage, and advantage) but I put him at A+ because he's almost as famous as Aqua man
:4yoshi: not a top 10 character. would have put him at B+ if anything or low A- but people will call me stupid for that. i will never know the hype behind this character because every single Yoshi main tells me that this character is severely overrated. his eggs are annoying though and his options at a disadvantaged state are amazing. I guess
:4wario2: I would have put him in top 10 because he's broken AF but everyone hates the character because he's the grossest piece of **** gaming has ever seen. Even I'm disgusted by his CSS. Jesus Christ. Basically, no one plays as him
:4ryu: Kinda overrated at day 1 tbh but he's a beast. He's basically SF in SSB. His damage output is ****ing insane and his cancels, FADC, technical ****s make him a fighter with insane potential. His range is lacking though so, and he lacks approaching options so yeah
:4olimar: annoying character with a KO throw, good damage racking, and that crap. sort of like his brawl-self. reflector characters are horrible for him but anyway
:4diddy: I honestly think that he's not high tier but then again, his moveset is still good so I take that back. He was nerfed hard and I doubt he's ever getting into top 10. Ever. That u-air nerf did more than just slightly nerf Diddy's neutral. It nerfed Diddy's disadvantaged state. U-air was his go-to option for that and now that its hitbox was rekt, um well... yeah.
:4pacman: a lot of potential with the hydrant and projectiles. Only thing holding him back is his ****ty *** grab. he also has slight issues KO'ing but whatever. **** this character. and he's yellow, the same color as pikachu so he must be good!
:4darkpit::4pit: well rounded. dark pit is a waste of slot though so **** DP
:4feroy: FINALLY. A feral swordsman. He's basically sword Falcon imo. His weakness? Um... For a sword character, he kinda lacks range, oh and he lacks a projectile. whatever. good character
:4shulk: fell off the radar but i still think he has a lot of potential. amazing range and his arts do ****. i feel like his ability to dictate the pace of the match will ultimately determine his viability. his frame data will always hinder him from top tier though.
:4rob: his zoning his so annoying af. it's like trying to get through tumblr-feminazis. he's combo bait and his recovery is pretty easy to edgeguard
:4peach: honestly i thought she was potential top 10 but she has weaknesses and issues. i feel like most of the top tier kind of bop her. anyone with good pressuring and amazing mobility can beat Peach but she's definitely a good character
:4kirby: underrated af. he's good against top tiers. just saying. his mid tier match ups though are surprisingly bad. he's even not good against a BOTTOM tier character. like wtf
:4lucario: i still don't know why people think he's viable. seriously. aura is great and all but his neutral is so bad. like, really bad. plus, barely anyone uses him and the former legendary lucario mains abandoned him due to his lame playstyle. that and actually, they think he's legit bad
:4villager: a good character with amazing keep away options. he has issues dealing with fast characters though and mid-ranged characters. i honestly don't know why people think he's soooo up there. he has a massive flaw against reflector characters and basically any character with the ability to shut down his entire moveset so no. not A-
:4myfriends: now a good character and actually was always a good character. his disadvantaged is still garbage tho but his neutral and advantaged options are amazing
:4marth::4lucina: also good now thanks to them buffs. Hooray for the swordmen/women. I still think they're sort of lacking with options against shields but n-air is a thing now.
:4dk: I still think he's the best heavy in the game. Good throws, good damage output, er... I watch Dee-Kay-Will's footage back when customs were banned so I'll just base it on that
:4duckhunt: a top tier back in the day but his CQC options were exploited severely and his recovery was basically **** on by all his opponents. his zoning is still amazing tho but i only know ONE guy who plays as this dog/duck team
:4bowser: is not a bad character and i don't know how people came to that conclusion. he's still solid tbh. good jab, damage output, can KO at ridiculously early percentages. really, its his landing options and his disadvantaged state that hurts him a lot but everything else seems fine
:4lucas: *sigh* this kid still didn't get better and it sucks that he didn't get better from Brawl. i honestly don't know much about him but i'm basing this off from general opinion and from what I've heard and watched
:4miigun: don't know much so i forced her/him/it in there
:4charizard: now he's a decent character but not good enough tbh. he has a better grab game though but that's not enough to cover up his lacking neutral
:4littlemac: is not bottom tier. Just saying. Like, in theory, he's amazing but in practice, eeeeh. not so much BUT I think people are dismissing him too quickly. his frame data is amazing, his ground game is the BEST in the game, along with great dash speed, he can be good with an extremely campy/defensive player
:4bowserjr: tw33k
:4robinf: all of his/her reps kinda of don't use him that much. like, they still use him/her. i know that. not as much though. his/her flaws though are really bad and exploitable. being really slow and having lacking CQC options is a spell for disaster
:4ganondorf: scary af but if you're campy, you don't have to be scared of him. he lacks options against rushdown/fast characters but anyway, this character still suffers from being as fat as a pig and his recovery still blows
:4drmario: is basically a worse Mario which means he's not bad so YEAH
:4miisword: i'm still iffy on this character. i might actually increase his rank in my personal flat hotwheel bandai tier list. idk
:4falco: is a better character but everyone (mostly) got better so comparatively, he still is kinda bad
:4palutena: her tilts are among the best in the game!
:4wiifit: at first if you don't know the MU, she's annoying af but when you learn her hitboxes and her jank, she's not hard at all. she's dumb though with customs. more importantly, not much players play as her because she's basically slender except female. i guess. idk. she looks like a mannequin so y'know. GROSS
:4jigglypuff: balloons pop if you poke them with a needle
:4gaw: i don't know much about him either. i just put him here because the GW mains in my scene said he's bottom 10 so... um... whatever. not being racist or anything. just sayin
:4mewtwo: lol
:4dedede: has no neutral, and he's so fat. who cares though. he was the chain grab nightmare we all hated in brawl. maybe him and pikachu and etc. but seriously, this character makes me sad
:4miibrawl: lacks damage racking options and KO options so well, brawler blows. BAD
:4zelda: i don't even know how she became worse. she was buffed but she's comparatively bad to the roster since everyone got better. weird right???? anyway, i'm personally convinced that zelda is actually Miley Stewart from that Hannah Montana show and this is Disney's way of saying that the show is still alive.
:4samus: this one. THIS is the culmination of human sin. i have no idea how anyone can think of something so ****ed or so screwed up. it makes me amazed. this character is a human accomplishment imo. human accomplishment that there COULD actually be a character worse than Miley Stewart. how this character was cleared through beta testing as "fine" makes me shocked. the human brain is definitely an amazing thing that's still full of mystery. this character is SO BAD. but.... on the plus side that charge shot is pretty nuts. but srs, **** this character

:4link: is a character that I never thought was near bad at all. i think he's a solid character same goes for :4tlink: because he's actually getting good results
my only complaint is that you put APEX Gunner> APEX Swordfighter


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2015
Switch FC
6493 3764 6404
Also, the tournament became a friendly fest (lacking entrants). So eh. Bulox
It was a friendly fest, but we did try a lot against each other for the sake of getting better and proving ourselves plus people went there expecting a tournament so they took out all their competitive drive on our round robin games :secretkpop:

This isn't a tournament recounting post and bunch of friendlies wouldn't probably be worth making a post for but it was all pretty heated and eventful and I want to share it with you gorls :D

I only lost one time each with my :4charizard: :4darkpit::4luigi: but won every single match I had with :4link::4megaman::4myfriends::4zelda:

Yoshi's custom neutral B that sends you off the stage is JANK. (@ Berserker. Berserker. :troll:)
The best Yoshi in the country was there and I chose to test my :4megaman: against him and won 2-0 against him in very VERY close matches that almost timed out. Lol at him egg camping against me Mega camping when we were both 100+%. He was 100+% and I was 150+% and time was winding down so I had to rush in since timing out would result in me losing and I eventually baited him and GOT HIM WITH A CLUTCH D-SMASH READ with less than 20 seconds left in one of them (Plz be proud of me @Locke 06 senpai)
Also used :4zelda: and won for all you gorls <3 <3 (N-air to elevator is bae)

Used :4myfriends: in every single team match and won :>
@ Berserker. Berserker. learned throughout our :4link: vs. :4shulk:match that Link's grab buffs were really great additions. I could actually still grab someone even if they roll away from me with Link. My projectile game was shut down by Shulk's aerials mostly but I took it upon myself to really improve my CQC game (chains and grabs). Also, Link's HOOHAH is <3
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Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
Y-You worked so hard to make this non-serious list that nobody will take seriously, Baka-chan.

My region is also turning more and more anti-customs.

Legitimate question. How does the removal of customs turn Brawler from a top 10 character to a bottom 10 character?
Jun 8, 2009
There was no money on the line because not enough went and some people left early. More importantly, I need to adapt to a lot of things. Idk how to adapt to egg launch though. I think I'm never going shield against Yoshi. My bro only went Link once while I went Shulk on everyone. I had no idea wtf was Yoshi's egg launch custom. All I knew was, jump/speed/buster to win. I feel like Shulk has the upper hand until he gets B button'd. My bro didn't go Link though because he wanted to use other characters. Then he used Link against me. I felt like I could handle it. Pretty much his projectile game was shut down then the grabs happened then the throw combos happened then I lost. I need to adapt to that new grab. I can't roll away safely anymore or even space safely.

My Fox is p.good again. I'm slowly forgetting about my Kirby. Lucas is kinda bad. Roy is really overrated. Ryu is nearing top 10 but not enough. He's definitely top 15 material in my eyes.

But whatever. Fun friendlies. I guess. 4v4 is the best because I can hit everyone without not caring. Savage life is something that I missed so I don't regret going savage with Shulk.

Doubles >>>>>> Singles
Y-You worked so hard to make this non-serious list that nobody will take seriously, Baka-chan.

My region is also turning more and more anti-customs.

Legitimate question. How does the removal of customs turn Brawler from a top 10 character to a bottom 10 character?
He loses almost everything. KO power and damaging options. His down B becomes really bad and so does his up B. Mediocre/easy to gimp recovery, absolutely nearly-zero ways on how to KO soooo

With customs though, he's a beast. That's for sure.
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Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2012
I hate Tr4sh
Y-You worked so hard to make this non-serious list that nobody will take seriously, Baka-chan.

My region is also turning more and more anti-customs.

Legitimate question. How does the removal of customs turn Brawler from a top 10 character to a bottom 10 character?
Something about losing both a kill option that kills early & a movement option with said movement option also comboing into said kill option (though it doesn't combo above 100% anyways)

Or something


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2015
Switch FC
6493 3764 6404
Y-You worked so hard to make this non-serious list that nobody will take seriously, Baka-chan.

My region is also turning more and more anti-customs.

Legitimate question. How does the removal of customs turn Brawler from a top 10 character to a bottom 10 character?
Well my national scene is turning into pro-customs (despite :4villager: JANK) and anti-3-stocks (and their reasons and arguments are horribly, despicably, illogically, abnormally dumb)

Can we please trade places?


You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
I actually didn't notice @ Moydow Moydow and @ M Meru. become mod because I thought I remember seeing their names in the staff list before. :p

(Also I'm not in places to usually see them other wise).

Jun 8, 2009
**** customs. I hope they burn in fire.

Also, there was a REALLY good Zelda there. Nearly had me there. I knew how to DI the elevator though soooooo yeah. I got killed by the new u-smash. I kept having the reaction, "This patch does things"

Gratz to @ Moydow Moydow btw
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You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
Also marriage confirmed for Fire emblem fates...unfortunately so was children.

Time for the op children to march again... :/


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2015
Switch FC
6493 3764 6404
There was no money on the line because not enough went and some people left early. More importantly, I need to adapt to a lot of things. Idk how to adapt to egg launch though. I think I'm never going shield against Yoshi. My bro only went Link once while I went Shulk on everyone. I had no idea wtf was Yoshi's egg launch custom. All I knew was, jump/speed/buster to win. I feel like Shulk has the upper hand until he gets B button'd. My bro didn't go Link though because he wanted to use other characters. Then he used Link against me. I felt like I could handle it. Pretty much his projectile game was shut down then the grabs happened then the throw combos happened then I lost. I need to adapt to that new grab. I can't roll away safely anymore or even space safely.
It wasn't just the grab buffs that got you though. I mostly got you with my grab game and sword-chaining game. You can refer to the Link boards and see that I got so many of my sword chains from them (specifically in the AT and Strategy thread IIRC)
But whatever. Fun friendlies. I guess. 4v4 is the best because I can hit everyone without not caring. Savage life is something that I missed so I don't regret going savage with Shulk.
Lol I love the their fear of Monado Jump and that wretched N-air => F-air => F-air you always do -_-

@ Moydow Moydow I didn't notice that you were a mod till now. Congrats gorl!!!!
@ M Meru. Congrats to you too!

Back to reality.....


Some of you reaaaaally need to go :troll:
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Hero of Many Faces
Oct 10, 2014
Y-You worked so hard to make this non-serious list that nobody will take seriously, Baka-chan.

My region is also turning more and more anti-customs.

Legitimate question. How does the removal of customs turn Brawler from a top 10 character to a bottom 10 character?
He will never kill, ever.
Jun 8, 2009
Lol I love the their fear of Monado Jump
Oh, that. N-air > F-air > F-air is cool, I know haha. Also, those sword chains are horrifying. Got exploited hard in buster art when I couldn't land that much hits on you with it. Also, it seems like I'm not the only one around in Smashboards saying, "Whoa Link's grab range" :p

I think I'm solidifying Fox to be my second main instead of Kirby. I just feel kind of at home with the character


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
I was joking. Luigi is no-skill no IQ. Lmao

Also, grats on modship :D
Haha sorry didn't detect the sarcasm. I have actually read a post that Luigi is pretty hard to play "because you have to learn how to mash DownB". *insert Zelda facepalm pic*

And thanks everybody!! I'll try my best to be a nice mod :3 I have to do the Peach boards which is full of friendly people anyway :3


True Blood
Feb 19, 2014
*cough* @ Matsushi Matsushi *cough* would you mind working some magic?
Late reply is late, I was sleeping (like a baby)

Here you go if no one has done it yet, I hope this is what you meant. Also, I opened the attachment and was like !!!!!!!! Zelda looks fab :awesome:
Jun 8, 2009
Haha sorry didn't detect the sarcasm. I have actually read a post that Luigi is pretty hard to play "because you have to learn how to mash DownB". *insert Zelda facepalm pic*
No prob. Also, you originally came from the Netherlands? I went there during my vacation! It was probably the best country I've been to. Went around Amsterdam and even went to Volendam. Probably forgot the names of other locations. Also (along with @ berserker00 berserker00 ) got rekt by Asian genes because of soooo much cheese

OH, I also went Sheik once in 2v2's. I did okay but that's because I kinda abused her f-air and needles. I like Shulk better and Fox too so I'm probably never going to use Sheik. I'm losing interest in Kirby also


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
Meanwhile the Swordfighter forum has NO mods :/
Maybe I should pick him up too just to become your forum's mod

No prob. Also, you originally came from the Netherlands? I went there during my vacation! It was probably the best country I've been to. Went around Amsterdam and even went to Volendam. Probably forgot the names of other locations. Also (along with @ berserker00 berserker00 ) got rekt by Asian genes because of soooo much cheese
Omg really?! Yes, I'm Dutch, but I'm staying in Japan for a year because it's my major. I'm very glad you liked it!! What do you think of Dutch people? I'm personally not a super big fan of cheese or Dutch food except for the unhealthy stuff like Dutch fries, but I can imagine The Netherlands being a great place for those who love cheese xd.

If you'd ever happen to visit The Netherlands again just give me a call and I'll tour you :)!
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Hero of Many Faces
Oct 10, 2014
Maybe I should pick him up too just to become your forum's mod

Omg really?! Yes, I'm Dutch, but I'm staying in Japan for a year because it's my major. I'm very glad you liked it!! What do you think of Dutch people? I'm personally not a super big fan of cheese or Dutch food except for the unhealthy stuff like Dutch fries, but I can imagine The Netherlands being a great place for those who love cheese xd.

If you'd ever happen to visit The Netherlands again just give me a call and I'll tour you :)!
in the words of vanilla

Jun 8, 2009
vanilla sez


actually, he only said p.good once then i told him that hes not capable of curing himself from the avatar-switching terminal disease then he became a scary panda and tried to kill me

or someting. **** vanilla does
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