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Youtube Memes Mafia Game Over! Town... WINS :D lolwut end scum win streak B****EZ!!!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Medium was OMG crazy role.

I saw the role pm because I had it first and it would've helped you guys out aloooot.

If you were dead you got to go to this QT and talk to the medium WHENEVER you wanted regardless.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
setups shouldnt ever rely on one role.

Plz post Night actions and mod notes ie was SK compulsive or BP and could lone yak both NK and yak on the same Night?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
For the time being, I'm considering Sword/X1 for MVP. I don't remember why I had wanted Kevin for MVP, but I'll remember later probz.

Night actions (not in order of occourence but it went down in order of NAR):

Acrostic RB'd Kevin
Swords and Gheb shot GLG
Swiss shot Acrostic
DH protected X1
X1 investigated Sword, got an inno.

Swords shot Sir Bed
Gheb didn't submit a shot. Shot a random townie, landed on DH.
Nabe shot BSL.
DH protected Nabe.
X1 investigated X1, got an inno.

Nabe Yak'd Gheb; failed yak.
Gheb shot KevinM.
X1 and Sword targeted no one.

Gheb shot Sword.
Sword shot Gheb.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
iirc SK was compulsive (?) Don't quote me.

Yak could not both NK and Yak....already said that about the one NK only being Gheb's kill on KevinM.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I can't post my mod notes cuz unfortunately, they're on my other comp :(. But I'll answer all questions:

Yak could either Yak OR kill. Not both.

EDIT: SK was compulsive.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
RB targeting gunbearer would stop maf NK, which is why I, in fact, MADE a gunbearer lol. RB targeting medium would have no effect.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Okay, so meduim basically made all dead townies into tree stumps? Okay then, I can see what you're getting at. However, as X1 said, it's a bit too much reliance on one role.

Also, I'm wondering, could the medium be roleblocked? If so, how would it work?

Also I want to see the scum qt please. :3


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
the first one wasn't a rick roll which is why i said he was doing it wrong, the second link didn't even work


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
lol x1 is mvp.

Swords shot town every single night except that last one.

I though he might even turn on x1 and shoot him giving gheb the win, I would have luld so hard.

Good job x1!

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Kuz we all had our faults.

I shamefully want those gold dice. :bee: There's no reason why we can't both be given mvp (besides from the fact that it's encouraged only one mvp be given out).


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Swords, I am not putting X1 ahead of you because I dont want to see you get gold dice <_<

He played the best, imo, and deserves MVP.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
idk if he didnt shoot bed we would likely have lynched him so meh. Tbh I dont think most of players in this game would ever really dare shooting Swiss


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
tbh if Swiss had flipped town it would have been way worse than a mis vig, cuz then x1 might have had to claim a day earlier.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
K. Time fer some shoutouts:

1. X1-12

Overall, you played great. But, I'll be honest: You didn't play as great as some might think. Still played quite well, but the gambit was WAAAAAY too risky. Had Swiss been town, I'm sure you would've kept to the gambit, esp. when you said LOLWUT I LIED when he was lynched. It worked out cuz he was scum, but it was just REALLY risky. The chainsaw defense thingy with Kuz was good, but sadly, I find it more apparent to be Kuz playing badly than you playing it really well (mind you, you DID, but it's more Kuz's fault). He was TOLD it was a total gambit. And STILL COMMITED THE CHAINSAW DEFENSE. It could've been avoided had he listened to Swiss, but sadly, he didn't. Your D3 play was mediocre, not cuz you mislynched Gova, but cuz you still found Kev to be scum when, to me, it was quite clear that Swiss and Kev's altercation HAD to be T v S, cuz in S v S, that's still a really hard bus. You were right for the wrong reasons wrt Nabe and Gheb, but still.

Ultimately, you know I know you played well, I'm just being an a** about it :). Gg mang.

2. Dark Horse

Great protect N1. Horrible tunneling D2. Playing mafia isn't about using big words. Kevin was your ONLY target it seemed, and you didn't give yourself any room to consider any other possibilities. Not great. Then you turn around and protect Nabe lmao. Sucked that you did, but oh wellz. Sorry about the random thingy. Randomizer.com (iir the website name corrrectly) is a b**** haha. Okay game, you'll grow in time.

3. Gheb_01

GREAT game, you had it tough, but you did real well. Your restriction was mostly for teh lolz, but also cuz I thought it'd go great with the flavour. Unfortunately, you had to die like that. Had you sent in a shot N2, I think this game could've played out much better for your sake, cuz I doubt you'd have shot DH :p.

4. KevinM

GREAT game. Your reads were almost spot on. Your saltiness was the only flaw in your game (which somehow got people on your case I really don't know how), but for being out of the town game for 13 games you did incredibly. Good job bro.

5. Acrostic

Umm... lol? You were a noob, it happens to the best of us.

6. Gova

Your inactivity is what screwed you over mang :/. I don't know why town found you scummy, but I understand why you needed to go. You'd eliminate so many variables. Gg, I know you can do real good in the future.

7. Swiss

I gotta say, for what you were able to do (which was not much at all seeing how Kuz screwed you over and X1 wouldn't hop off your d***), you did well. It was a great effort, but unfortunately, there was no way it was able to pay off. Sorry mang, but HAHAHAHAHAHAHA U FAIL TO TOWN X1!

8. SwordDancer

INCREDIBLE game. You had the scum team from D1, and all of anti town from D2 (it WAS D2, right?). Your Night actions were deplorable, sure, but your unbelieveable Day play served you well, and made you quite deserving of the MVP award. Great game mang *brofist*.

9. Nabe

You actually did quite well, much better than what I'd expect I'll tell ya that. But meh, that's what ya get for claimin maf. What'd you plan to do anyway if Gheb got lynched? Yak? NAR would've had the vig go first.

10. th3kuzinator

Damn yusofail? Oh well, you've gotten better, so I'll rub your crappiness in this game in your face. LOLUSUCK MANG SWISS TOLD U WAT TO DO AND U NO LISTEN?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

11. J giraffeslasergun

J... Don't get grounded. GLG... loluisSK-vigbait. You were inactive. That's about it.

12. BSL

I'll never seize to lol about how you always get NK'd by the maf. Don't remember much of what you did, but it wasn't the best, but wasn't bad iirc.

13. Sir Bedevere

Y U SO SCUMMEH?! You made it really easy to make connections with scum, and they used that great against you. We all have our off games. At least your faction won :).

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
^ he should have shot Swiss n1 if he was gonna shoot at all
Probably shouldn't of shot GLG, and that was my biggest mistake easily. Later in the game I was thinking that I probably should of just let him be replaced.

Shooting Bed though was legit I think, saved town a mislynch.

Swords, I am not putting X1 ahead of you because I dont want to see you get gold dice
You're not putting X1 ahead of me. >.>

Also ouch at the not wanting to see me get golden dice. That's jerkish of you.

@Mod: Did gheb have a posting restriction or no?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Lol ninja'd by Gboy. XD

Nah it's all good, I know shooting GLG was a bad idea.

Also, sorry for pushing your lynch Gova, mod can confirm that I actually had a null read on you going into Day 3, but the case against you was really convincing. >.<
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