PLaying smart is definately a lot better than being flashy, but that changes in movement do help with tricking opponents mid match. This may not be a great example, but I hope you'll get the idea. Let's say some falcon takes a stock off of marth and starts multi moonwalking across fd, the marth tippers him with fsmash and falcon dies from being edge gaurded. In this case flashiness does not equal playing smart, however any changes in movement can affect the outcome of approaches with any character. It's more or less knowing your options and playing according to what you think will give the highest payout with minimum risk. Now let's take my example from earlier and modify it a bit. Say the falcon was just getting demolished, couldn't approach, be defensive, nothing. So he decides to avoid getting 4 stocked he has to try something different since nothing seems to be working. The falcon dashes towards marth, expecting another shffled nair, the marth chooses to do uptilt or whatever. The falcon after getting ***** continuosly before, empty short hops to a dash dance moonwalk jump and knees the marth. Not expecting the moonwalk knee, the marth DI's the wrong direction and falcon gets a kill. That is playing smart, adapting and not letting past habbits get in the way of success. Falcons should learn a few things from sheiks players since we seem to need tech chases almost more than any other character and it is such a vital part of our game play. Flashiness is good in moderation but like many things, too much can be bad. Just my thoughts on this thread, good **** hax.