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You get no Sympathy in a "Fire Emblem Discussion"

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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I was going to say that Chrom may not have been developed as much because of the need to open up the Avatar. Simply because he/she arguably plays a gigantic part of the story.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I wish the avatar was more like the one from Fire Emblem: New Mystery of The Emblem, where Kris is treated as more like Marth's sidekick and the significance only applies to side missions. Kris is treated like it's supposed to be, a bonus not a focus. Hence why I think Robin in Fire Emblem: Awakening feels like a misstep, because it's giving too much focus on something that should be treated as a bonus, which causes some negative side effects.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Not that it will mean much in the context of Super Smash Bros., but it kind of emphasizes how uninteresting the character is. Which is weird, because in previous games characters were better handled overall. I do like a few characters from Fire Emblem Awakening, like Gangrel and Donnel, but it still falls short compared to previous entries.
It is probably largely based on the fact the story was delivered poorly.

If you look at Fire Emblem: Awakening's story on a storyboard, and you focus on the beginning, middle and end, you got an incredible story. The time travel thing is really cool, and a fresh approach to the series.

But the delivery was AWFUL.

Example: Ch7. The moment you saw that Chancellor, you knew exactly what was going to happen. You knew the ****** was going to betray you, and with the tone Ch4 set (HEY WELCOME TO REGNA FEROX YOU ARE JUST IN TIME FIGHT FOR US AND WE WILL HELP YOU), you knew it was going to happen immediately because they already established how the writing was going to be. Too many characters, bad distribution of screen time, too much Robin.

After the first few chapters, they often only gave you what was needed to move the plot forward. Very few memorable moments, or at least moments memorable for the right reason.
Lol, I know all about that aspect of Anna, but you specifically listed her as a fighter, which was the merit by which I judged her. And as a fighter she doesn't have anything particularly noteworthy. Nothing wrong with her, and if she was a status fighter that would certainly make for a fun little fighter (and the only reason I'd like to see her in, her being the Cid of Fire Emblem not being the main factor).
When I mean fighter, I mean playable character for the roster of Smash Bros, of course. Even Villager is a fighter, even if he may or may not know any better.
Pretty is always a plus? :p Albeit then it sounds like I'm hitting on you, which is far from the intention, but it's very hard not to have that kind of back and forth for me at times.
Whatever. I'm so desensitized to it that it is impossible for someone on the Internet to bother me. Maybe too personal if I go into it more here, but I will just say for the record that I am pretty chill and nothing anyone here can say will bother me.
And seems like you and I have the same interests in guys, I'll need to go take a look to be sure, but I know that I like all of the ones you listed. I had to look up Xane and Eldigan, I never got around to finishing FE4, and it's been ages since I played Shadow Dragon, but both of them look nice. I like Eliwood quite a bit as well, Ephraim, and Ike. Ranulf is also really adorable, Tormod... really, a ton of viable options. If I had to pick one for personality and looks, it'd be a lot harder, mostly because, again, applies to a ton. I don't think there is someone whom I like looks-wise that I dislike personality-wise.
Good additions! Do note that with Xane, it is not so much what you see initially, but the fact the character can become any character in the series in theory.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
True, but I was thinking you meant... I think that we're on the same page when it comes to Anna to some extent, I just don't know that I'm expressing it well. :p But as a status fighter of sorts, or basically a more indirect fighter, I think that'd make for a more fun inclusion. I'm really hoping to get a mage of some sort.

And no worries. I don't know if it'd be too personal on my scale, but hopefully all is well. I just wanted to clarify.

True, and while a shapeshifter would be fun for that reason, I suppose at the end of the day it's the personality that would matter most. I also really like Lyon. Shame he and Ephraim can't be paired up. Though all this makes me wish more that there had been more pairing variety in Awakening. I didn't expect it, but I was kind of hoping for Robin at least, if just because it is the avatar.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
I wish the avatar was more like the one from Fire Emblem: New Mystery of The Emblem, where Kris is treated as more of Marth's sidekick and the significance only applies to side missions. Kris is treated like it's supposed to be, a bonus not a focus. Hence why I think Robin in Fire Emblem: Awakening feels like a misstep, because it's giving too much focus on something that should be treated as a bonus, which causes some negative side effects.
One of the main problems, for me, is how it gives the avatar a little too much personality. The avatar is really supposed to be you, but has a pretty strict path on how they act. It feels like you're just designing the look for an established character, with no choices on how they'd act/respond towards things. Like really, giving them a whole backstory with "daddy" really disconnects you from the story and any idea that you are, in any way, the character.

If the avatar wasn't such a big part of the story, and they had less dialogue yet choices for it; it'd have been a lot better. That would make it feel a lot more like you were in the game, while also giving other characters room to develop.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Like I said, I think they should've devoted more time to developing Chrom, and maybe give you dialogue options to develop the avatar a more personalized character, whilst doing a better job with Chrom.

Let's create our own fan fic of Chrom before Awakening. It will be fun guys I swear :troll:


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Nah, I want to make a fanfiction in an alternate universe where Chrom is an immigrant from Mexico that dreams of being a famous figure ice skater but get ambushed by assassin sharks and enters some sort of bizarre limbo where he meets Sonic and they go on crazy adventures in the Kingdom of Dong.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
~.~ I don't want to have to make a character.

I think it should be the opposite. They should never have called My Unit "Avatar" in the international release. A lot of games let you make a hero at the story, usually one of each gender, change the name, and you can go. You are never implied to be that character, and you shouldn't have to be. I do like Robin, of course, and I do like having the Tactician be a thing. I just prefer if it avoids being personal.

The confessions were immensely unsettling. Fire Emblem is not a dating sim. :/


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Yeah, I liked Robin him/herself, but I never saw it as me. Albeit, I suppose on some level I still did if I'm griping about not being able to date guys as a male, for the most part I saw it as just a character I had a more personal touch in creating, relative to the rest of the cast. I'm personally guessing we'll see confessions more often though. It seems to be part of what people liked about Fire Emblem.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2013
I actually chose Female Robin in my second playthrough because I wanted to distance myself from that character as much as possible. Not because I outright despised Robin, just because I didn't feel comfortable with this weird depiction of me (the constant use of my name didn't help) who acted so very differently than how I would do.


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
The confessions were immensely unsettling. Fire Emblem is not a dating sim. :/
Yeah, I know the confessions are a hit or miss with some people. I personally LOVE games with dating sim-like elements (although said games have romance as an important part/focus of the game), however, honestly, I'm not too sure how I feel about the way Awakening handled them (doesn't help when characters have anime archetypes and the Avatar basically being a self-insert). I did laugh at some confessions, however, for the most part I just found them very cheesy (or a bit disturbing? lol). Perhaps I would appreciate something in a more serious manner? I dunno really... but I'm not expecting them to completely discard this mechanic in the next FE.

If IS really wants to explore and expand on this romance/dating sim concept (for whatever reasons), I feel as though I'd appreciate a separate spin-off game more. This is why I'm really looking forward to SMT x FE in hopes that we'll see some concepts which we wouldn't see in a regular FE game utilized by the FE cast.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
SMT x FE seems like such a weird concept to me. I don't really get what that will be like overall, but I'm looking forward to that overall.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
Nah, I want to make a fanfiction in an alternate universe where Chrom is an immigrant from Mexico that dreams of being a famous figure ice skater but get ambushed by assassin sharks and enters some sort of bizarre limbo where he meets Sonic and they go on crazy adventures in the Kingdom of Dong.

I actually chose Female Robin in my second playthrough because I wanted to distance myself from that character as much as possible. Not because I outright despised Robin, just because I didn't feel comfortable with this weird depiction of me (the constant use of my name didn't help) who acted so very differently than how I would do.
Yeeeeaaaahh, it got weird at times for me too. I also made up a character my second time around, and it was a female for that same reason (and just for something different).

Although I had recently started a third-run where I decided to, once again, make up a character ('cept male this time). The static personality doesn't help though, I still feel like I'm playing the same person. Even if they didn't put in dialogue choices, they could've had alternate personalities. Like just a few that don't necessarily change what you'll say, but the way you say it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I wouldn't have minded being able to pick a personality. Or the body types being different personalities, to make it easier to sort through them in the Support Logs.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
I wouldn't have minded being able to pick a personality. Or the body types being different personalities, to make it easier to sort through them in the Support Logs.
Definitely, it's kinda weird that a little girl would act the same as some tough-ass-looking dude.
Last edited:


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
I actually chose Female Robin in my second playthrough because I wanted to distance myself from that character as much as possible. Not because I outright despised Robin, just because I didn't feel comfortable with this weird depiction of me (the constant use of my name didn't help) who acted so very differently than how I would do.
I do kinda feel the same way about the Avatar.

Though, not only in Awakening, but in games in general where you create personal avatars I tend to not take it too seriously. I end up creating characters (usually weird ones) that are anything but me. Heck, I'm a big fan of The Sims series, and I don't think I've ever created a sim that resembles how I look, my personality, what clothes I wear, etc. (maaaybe there's some, though it was probably done subconsciously). It seems like I've always been like that, though. And it probably developed into a habit.

Here's my first Avatar. I tried to make him look a bit "different"?

But seriously, wtf is with that black wire on his forehead? :laugh:

On another playthrough, the Avatar I've made still looks kinda "different" haha.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
Like I said, I think they should've devoted more time to developing Chrom, and maybe give you dialogue options to develop the avatar a more personalized character, whilst doing a better job with Chrom.

Let's create our own fan fic of Chrom before Awakening. It will be fun guys I swear :troll:
If I had a fanfic he would be a power-hungry douche bag, like his father, hiding behind his that goody goody face. He utilizes the weirdly dressed and emo Validar, the underdressed Aversa, and Ganglol .

His intentions are hidden, instead of wanting to rescue Emmeryn he wants to get rid of her so he can become king and Gangrel falls for it. Then Chrom's lordy status is brought to light when Lucina finds out the real villain is her father and in order to bring peace she has to bring him down. So the game would have two lords but it would switch mid-game from Chrom to Lucina.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2013
My thoughts on Robin is that she could be unique and interesting or Sakurai can mess up and she can be fairly boring.

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
I didn't try to make the avatar ever look like me. I just tried to make somebody who looked smart but capable based on what I thought the avatar would be. It felt like a match.
I chose female the second time simply because I chose male the first time.
One of the things that bothered me the most when it came to you being the avatar were the "choices". It quickly became obvious that they didn't matter. They could of done at least what telltale does with their trivial choices and simply mention it later on so the player feels like it mattered.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Yeah, tons of potential characters could be fun. I have a hard time seeing some characters that way, but most any potential FE rep could be a lot of fun. I honestly wouldn't even mind sword users other than who we have, but Fire Emblem really could use some sort of non-sword wielder.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
For all we know, we may not even have more than two characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not saying Fire Emblem or any series is worth any quota of representation, so much as the design direction has changed. It is easy to put on my Altean tiara and say Fire Emblem deserves five characters, three stages, two items and a pegasus in a pear tree.

But, you know, if the development time could be spent on developing a character that will make for a better game than anything that they perceive Fire Emblem could offer, that's okay with me. All I ask for is that they make the game that is fun as possible, and nothing they can do in Smash Bros will change how much I love Fire Emblem.

I wouldn't even flinch if we just got Marth and Chrom.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I would be a tad disappointed, but not entirely surprised. Though I could see us getting a third if just because Fire Emblem seems like one of the series where clones would be hypothetically really easy if they feel like padding out the roster. I doubt they will though.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
For all we know, we may not even have more than two characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not saying Fire Emblem or any series is worth any quota of representation, so much as the design direction has changed. It is easy to put on my Altean tiara and say Fire Emblem deserves five characters, three stages, two items and a pegasus in a pear tree.

But, you know, if the development time could be spent on developing a character that will make for a better game than anything that they perceive Fire Emblem could offer, that's okay with me. All I ask for is that they make the game that is fun as possible, and nothing they can do in Smash Bros will change how much I love Fire Emblem.

I wouldn't even flinch if we just got Marth and Ike.
Fix'd. *insert mischievous face here*


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
No we must have Chrom replace Ike so we piss off a lot of people and move backwards, because that's the ideal route to go to.
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