Not that it will mean much in the context of Super Smash Bros., but it kind of emphasizes how uninteresting the character is. Which is weird, because in previous games characters were better handled overall. I do like a few characters from Fire Emblem Awakening, like Gangrel and Donnel, but it still falls short compared to previous entries.
It is probably largely based on the fact the story was delivered poorly.
If you look at Fire Emblem: Awakening's story on a storyboard, and you focus on the beginning, middle and end, you got an incredible story. The time travel thing is really cool, and a fresh approach to the series.
But the delivery was AWFUL.
Example: Ch7. The moment you saw that Chancellor, you knew exactly what was going to happen. You knew the ****** was going to betray you, and with the tone Ch4 set (HEY WELCOME TO REGNA FEROX YOU ARE JUST IN TIME FIGHT FOR US AND WE WILL HELP YOU), you knew it was going to happen immediately because they already established how the writing was going to be. Too many characters, bad distribution of screen time, too much Robin.
After the first few chapters, they often only gave you what was needed to move the plot forward. Very few memorable moments, or at least moments memorable for the right reason.
Lol, I know all about that aspect of Anna, but you specifically listed her as a fighter, which was the merit by which I judged her. And as a fighter she doesn't have anything particularly noteworthy. Nothing wrong with her, and if she was a status fighter that would certainly make for a fun little fighter (and the only reason I'd like to see her in, her being the Cid of Fire Emblem not being the main factor).
When I mean fighter, I mean playable character for the roster of Smash Bros, of course. Even Villager is a fighter, even if he may or may not know any better.
Pretty is always a plus?

Albeit then it sounds like I'm hitting on you, which is far from the intention, but it's very hard not to have that kind of back and forth for me at times.
Whatever. I'm so desensitized to it that it is impossible for someone on the Internet to bother me. Maybe too personal if I go into it more here, but I will just say for the record that
I am pretty chill and nothing anyone here can say will bother me.
And seems like you and I have the same interests in guys, I'll need to go take a look to be sure, but I know that I like all of the ones you listed. I had to look up Xane and Eldigan, I never got around to finishing FE4, and it's been ages since I played Shadow Dragon, but both of them look nice. I like Eliwood quite a bit as well, Ephraim, and Ike. Ranulf is also really adorable, Tormod... really, a ton of viable options. If I had to pick one for personality and looks, it'd be a lot harder, mostly because, again, applies to a ton. I don't think there is someone whom I like looks-wise that I dislike personality-wise.
Good additions! Do note that with Xane, it is not so much what you see initially, but the fact the character can become any character in the series in theory.