Only pleb tier FE scrubs can say this, obviously everyone outside calls Marth the mascot, nobody in-series can displace Anna of that grand title!
Did I mention that Awakening was my first FE game?

I-I'm working on the others, okay?
Yes, I'm aware of Marth's iconic nature, but it is more appropriate, and indeed in line with the title she receives from Serene's forest and Japanese marketing, the 'mascot' of Fire Emblem, she's not pushed as a story icon, though, which is entirely different in my mind.
Regardless of random objections and silliness aside, Anna does have something that none of the other possible inclusions do: lances.
And who says Levin sword
would be a spammy ranged attack, so says you! Don't be so deterministic, my friend, can I not easily say that Lyn's bow attack would be her neutral special and that it would be spammy and stupid? What bearing on reality would it have if I turned out to be wrong? I think such assumptions are not to be considered. You might think it likely that a type of move would only have some sort of outcome, but Levin sword could have so much more, it can reflect tomes perfectly after all.
Aether is supposed to heal, and doesn't work like how Ike uses it, is this a problem? Nope, Sakurai does what he wants! I bet he will mold staffs to his will just as liberally as any other FE move he's adjusted or made up.
It'll never stop as long as I'm around. At least, I hope :O
Er, yeah, you should totally check out the Anna thread, we have about three or so awesome movesets there.
Granted, we're short on movesets that've really inspired people, but I must maintain this point that there is certainly more potential in Anna than most!
While I agree that silliness could and should be worked into Anna, Jaytalks and I had a huge discussion about capitalism and Anna's honorability and we concluded via argument from analogy by Tom Nook that he is far more a crook and Anna's business practices are incredibly respectful and fair and stuff and errrhnnngh. Golddigger my foot, you seen that male Avatar support?!
Sir, I do not think that you'd ever come across one that'd blow you away! Lyn's moveset didn't blow me away, I wasn't particularly impressed, you see? I think it's about how open one is to the character in the first place, if you close yourself off there will be nothing to impress you with. At least, that's what I have experienced :O
And Amen, Sakurai does as Sakurai does, and it will be awesome. For the record, I view Lyn as a cool character, her moveset in my mind is based on Iaijutsu, but that' it, I'm horrible at exampling my archetypal schema from my mind
no u
You read mah essay, bruh? (Lord knows there are better amalgamations of the very argument before us, likely in the Anna thread.)
Anna does tie all the universes together, Outrealm gate sucka!