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You get no Sympathy in a "Fire Emblem Discussion"

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Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2009
I like the idea of a Chrom/Lucina dual character, since it implies that they're so weak that they have to team up together.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Roy was mah Boy in melee but I want Micaiah not only is she a girl (A very attractive one) but she doesn't wield a sword. She could also heal herself, or she could heal a teammate in doubles.
Something tells me that if Micaiah wasn't "attractive", you wouldn't even be a supporter of her......

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
Something tells me that if Micaiah wasn't "attractive", you wouldn't even be a supporter of her......
Debatable because she overall is a cool character. She's sweet but not to girly at the same time. How about instead of 3 princess characters, we get another person like Samus, one who can always stand up for herself.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Assuming we get Chrom, that will be another sword wielder. So as long as they don't use a sword and are female, I don't care.
It shouldn't really ruin the character Robin just because they have a sword though. Robin could have a sword involved in his moveset since basically a tactician can wield magic tomes and a sword.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Micaiah is a great character and should be the go to choice for those who want a unique moveset different than the other FE characters. She comes from the previous video game generation and doesnt really have a whole lot going against her. The only thing I can think of is that she comes from the same world as Ike, but theres no rule that FE characters need to come from different worlds. And if Chrom/Robin/Lucina were included, they would technically come from the same world as Marth.

Robin can do the whole Ganondorf thing and just use the sword as a taunt. Or I could imagine the sword just being used for about half the moves (the other half being magic).


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
The image I have of playable Robin would have him using a regular melee sword for just weak attacks and then tomes and maybe a Levin Sword for specials, smash attacks, and such. They'd have to make him a character that requires some strategy to play, kinda like Snake.

And this isn't a big deal but I wonder what kind of sword they would have him use since he doesn't really have one particular sword that's tied to him like Marth, Roy, and Ike do. I guess a Bronze Sword since that's what you start the game with?


Feb 18, 2009
Something tells me that if Micaiah wasn't "attractive", you wouldn't even be a supporter of her......
I'd be willing to bet that in the vast majority of hypothetical worlds with Fire Emblem that Micaiah is "attractive". I understand it's not a valid reason for a character's inclusion, and I do think it is a silly and shallow reason to like someone, but it is pertinent to make excuses for others and less for ourselves while always keeping in mind the general frailty of humanity. Why insinuate or insult?

Edit: I'm digging this new forum look.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Sword wielders represent only a part of Fire Emblem. I want to see Micaiah, Soren, Titania, Rolf, Oscar, Sothe, Boyd or someone else that wields a different weapon. (I have only played Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn but you get the idea on different characters). I just feel that Fire Emblem needs a character beyond a sword user. A magician would be great or even axe/spear wielder since we don't have any Smash characters that use these weapons.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Unlike with something like Star Fox, I really don't feel like Fire Emblem should have supporting characters as fighters. With the exception of real oddball characters such as manakete or Xane, the basic weapon triangle can always be fulfilled with a lord.

While it may seem kind of boring to some, personally Robin is the most interesting newcomer prospect for me. There is a very distinct style to caster ranged characters, and standard projectile ranged characters. Going further, there is also of course distinctions between a sword or weapon user and someone who fights bare-handed. The former distinction is harder to pin down, but generally casters revolve more around a mix of abilities that need to be controlled and channeled with some defensive magic (Zelda, Mewtwo, Ness), while other projectile heckling characters (Link, Snake) rely more on making a warzone out of the stage with **** all over the place.

We have Link as the sword-wielding projectile character. I want Robin as a sword-wielding caster. Regardless of how I much I like the character or not, I just selfishly want more projectile users since that is generally what I enjoy most.

Edit - Also, as a Tactician, I think she represents the series very well. She should totally have taunts and victory dialogue that reflect it, and a highly-tactical play style.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Doubt the Tactican is that likely. I really doubt that the Tactican has any lasting influence on the series. Not sure if we'll see it being redone in the next Fire Emblem either. Marth and Ike are classics and where highly featured in their game. Clearly the main character. Tactican not so much I feel. He / she is also hardly promoted, unlike Chrom and Lucina. Have never really seen the Tactican as a possibility actually. Even though the prospect of a Fire Emblem Mage character is interestting, and the Tactican is more workable than other Mages because of importance and having a sword... I really doubt the character's overall influence. If it would be a staple character, it's an ideal 'flavor of the month' addition, meaning the character would need to be updated and replaced every new installment but is that really what you'd want?

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
Doubt the Tactican is that likely. I really doubt that the Tactican has any lasting influence on the series. Not sure if we'll see it being redone in the next Fire Emblem either. Marth and Ike are classics and where highly featured in their game. Clearly the main character. Tactican not so much I feel. He / she is also hardly promoted, unlike Chrom and Lucina. Have never really seen the Tactican as a possibility actually. Even though the prospect of a Fire Emblem Mage character is interestting, and the Tactican is more workable than other Mages because of importance and having a sword... I really doubt the character's overall influence. If it would be a staple character, it's an ideal 'flavor of the month' addition, meaning the character would need to be updated and replaced every new installment but is that really what you'd want?
Yeah. What business does the tactician have representing a tactical rpg?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I have no idea how long it's gonna remain in the series. Classes often change with a generation of Fire Emblem. SNES Fire Emblem, GBA Fire Emblem, GameCube + Wii / console Fire Emblem, DS Fire Emblem and now Awakening all have their own class system. Tactican / Grandmaster is a new one now, but it's not guranteed to return. I see Chrom as a better flavour of the month addition. At least he's easier to replace for a next generation Lord. Low promotion compared to Chrom and Lucina also doesn't work too favorably.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Soldier class could've easily been added. Have never played Awakening, but with so many Halberdier enemies in the Tellius saga, and two popular playable characters from this class, am kind of weired out at them being absent.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Soldier class could've easily been added. Have never played Awakening, but with so many Halberdier enemies in the Tellius saga, and two popular playable characters from this class, am kind of weired out at them being absent.
Plus, with most of the standard enemies of Awakening's early game being the soldier class, it's even worse not to see them playable. The only class that comes close is the villager, but it's capped stats are terrible and promotions are mercenary and fighter which don't even use lances.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
This seems to be the one near universal criticism of Awakening, oddly enough.
It never bothered me too much, but then again in Fire Emblem: Awakening you could pretty much nuke everything with Robin, sooo... yeah, I guess my problem is more so balancing problems, because the balance in that game is really bad.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Doubt the Tactican is that likely.
I don't think any character ever is "likely", barring household names like Yoshi or Zelda. I mean, If you put a gun to my head and forced me to make my best guess for which Fire Emblem character would join Marth into SSB4, I would say Chrom, regardless of how I feel about him.

That said, I think people on this board need to move far away from the thoughts of predicting a roster. Not because I am against having fun of trying to predict it, so much as they are incapable of doing it without being absolutely degenerate about it at lengths that only become more severe has time goes by. The users are not responsible enough to predict the roster in a way that is actually logical. No matter how they cut it, they are 100% of the time going to have something that is not at all based on realistic chances, so much as their own bias. Often times at a point beyond stupidity, constantly convincing themselves something is going to be there just because they think it should be.

Instead we can all happily and candidly talk about what we would like to see and how much we love our characters, and our personal ideas of merit, without actually trying to make up any more completely stupid measures and algorithms for why x character will be there, because ultimately we truly do have no idea what the needs of the developer are, and how how the rest of the product is going to look. If Masahiro Sakurai wants a trio of Bord, Cord and Barst to be a fighting trio because he thinks they would make for the best damn fighter the series has to offer, then he will go with that.

Largely nothing in your post or mine at all said anything along the lines of whether or not Robin is going to manifest as a character. The only difference being mine is key enough not to attempt to say whether or not Robin will actually be a playable characters based on personal and nonsensical line of reasoning rooting entirely on a ridiculous view I have of the character.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I think Fire Emblem can pull off just Marth and Ike.

When we look at it from a gameplay standpoint, Chrom nor Roy bring a whole lot of new material to the table. I would like to see Chrom simply because he's a badass and my first lord, but after playing Path of Radiance, it has become apparent to me that at the very least Marth and Ike should stay. I don't really care beyond that.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Can't even make the excuse that Chrom was the first Lord I've ever encountered, because by technically standards that honer belongs to Marth from Super Smash Bros. Melee, or if we're talking solely by the standpoint of Fire Emblem, Lyndis. As such, I have zero bias for Chrom in that regard.

Also, lol, Chrom being badass.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Actually I agree, his posterior is rather lackluster.
The vast number of pictures out there highlighting Chrom's fine, well-sculpted, immaculate buttocks, would disagree with your assessment.

He truly has had Naga's blessing, putting Basilio's big brown Feroxi arse to shame.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
My wishes for the FE roster nowadays are Marth, Ike and Robin/Avatar/Tactician.

Marth - Melee veteran and a swift sword user with lower attack power, but good capability for successive hits.
Ike - Brawl veteran and a heavy sword user with slow speed but higher attack power.
Avatar - Newcomer. Could be a mid point between Marth and Ike when it comes to swordplay, but also has magic to attack from a distance. I think that this character should have the option to be male or female, possibly being like the Wii Fit Trainer. His physical appearance and voice could be based on the default options for him (as if you chose option 1 in all parameters in Awakening).


Feb 18, 2009
The vast number of pictures out there highlighting Chrom's fine, well-sculpted, immaculate buttocks, would disagree with your assessment.

He truly has had Naga's blessing, putting Basilio's big brown Feroxi arse to shame.
Fantasy protagonists often have or are assumed to have many. . . endowments. . .
At least, this is the opinion of most fans I've encountered.
But I dunno mang, Chrom butt fan art is too much for me. I don't like it.
I prefer canon sizes.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
So I'm the only one that doesn't want a personality-less, overpowered Mary Sue-ish selfinsert whose greatest defining trait is reading books and being smart, I guess?

Like, don't get me wrong, I love Robin as a concept. And I love Awakening - Lucina is my favorite Lord, I found the story to be engaging and even moving in some parts, despite widespread disdain. Plus, the music redeems all of its flaws. Still, Robin was poorly implemented. I understand she had to be a blank slate for the player, but at the same time they gave her a support with every. Single. Character. That's a LOT of dialogue in which we learn much about the characters but Robin is just a human wall for them to bounce sentences off of. Tactical prowess and being smart is the only trait they COULD ascribe to her because presumably, we as players were progressing through the game and by default, being at least acceptable tacticians.

With Robin, they hit an awkward sweetspot between the "less is more" silent protagonists like Samus and Link who don't say much, yet by their deeds and the games they're in project clear character traits you can infer, and dialogue-heavy well fleshed out characters like ... every other character in the game. I swear, I feel like I know more about Mustafa than Robin. His speeches aren't as corny, either.

Robin's crowning moment of awesome, the part with *ahem* Chrom and *ahem* the Fire Emblem and *ahem* Validar, was way too contrived, convoluted and made her come across as know-it-all, not a magnificent *******. If you're going to pull a Batman gambit of Lelouch Lamperouge proportions, you need to have Lelouch's level of personality for me to swallow it.

Sorry this got a little ranty, but Robin, as wonderful, overpowered, fun and even salvageable through headcanon as she is, is nothing more than a vessel. And WHILE I KNOW THIS DESCRIBES THE VILLAGER, Fire Emblem is a series with far too much personality to merit the Tactician as an adequate representative.

Lordling out.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I didn't think anyone would care anymore with the addition of Rosalina.

Everyone is 100% entitled to love or hate certain characters, Lordling. As far as Fire Emblem goes, I myself have never at all liked Lyndis. That said, I have never once (I hope, by memory) knocked on her, and appreciated that a Myrmidon-style fighter could certainly serve up something interesting.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Robin's fightings style is as bland as her personality. Her core class isn't even what makes her crazy good - it's the stupid growths and the ability to reclass into anything. The sword style isn't anything specialized or overly unique like Marth, Ike, Lyn, Lucina, Eliwood, Raven, Joshua very distinct styles (just to name a wide variety of more exciting fighters, even if we're just sticking to swords.) I care little about the magic because, sadly, ranged characters in smash have a history of not being done justice. It's why I'm hesitant to support a magic-based FE user - just look at the treatment Zelda got.

I wish Robin was a more fun character, Smash or Awakening, but she elicits quite a large 'meh' from me. I just thought I'd post an informed counterpoint to the Robin support.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
If we're going by fighting style, the best character from Awakening is the Avatar/Robin. Chrom is Marth and Ike put on a blender and Lucina is basically female Marth. Sure, the Avatar is kind of a bland character, personality-wise, but has a more interesting fighting style, by combining swordplay with magic.
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