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You get no Sympathy in a "Fire Emblem Discussion"

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Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
San Diego, CA
So why exactly do a lot of you not want Chrom?

I think he's the most likely FE newcomer seeing as his game saved the Fire Emblem series. He may not be the most unique, but still has a lot to work with in terms of a moveset.
I just like Roy better, he seems like a character that could become very interesting if given time to work with. I don't really hate Chrom either it's just I haven't actually seen a lot of people genuinely like Chrom as a character in the next Smash it's usually more of they just expect him which is why it's probably why it's hard for me to accept him as a character because it seems no one wants him.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
Who would you guys say are likely newcomer candidates from the Fire Emblem franchise?
Realistically? Chrom and Lucina seem the most likely. And honestly I think we'll be seeing them both but as one character. Looking at how Awakening is different from other fire emblem games the Dual System is the most prominent new feature and using it right could make a huge difference in fights. I don't think it would be something as simple as a Down-B transformation nor would it be an Ice Climber where both are present at once but something more interesting. The popular idea I've seen (dunno who to credit so sorry :confused:) is the idea that certain or even all specials would be some sort of Dual System move and using the move/s would be what causes them to switch. Example Down-B instead of counter like the other FE characters would be Dual Guard. For explanations sake we'll say Chrom is the one currently out and attacking but uses Dual Guard to block an attack. Doing this causes Lucina to Hop in front of Chrom to block the attack and after the Animation is complete Chrom hops out and Lucina is now the one fighting. That is just one example I've seen but you could do a lot with the Dual System idea. Heck as much as most competitive players would dislike it the Dual System could just be random which would really be more true to the fact that it's all RNG in the actual FE games.

Robin/MU/Avatar is also a character I could see getting in and could just as easily be the second character in a Dual System type character as well. My biggest issue with Robin/MU is that his whole point is that they are the bridge between the player and that a generic version would make the character lose a lot of what makes them cool in the first place. Sure villager is in a similar boat but Villager didn't have much for real competition and the actions the villager does will make sense for the vast majority of the people who play AC. Robin has competition who are the other main characters who are also playable. I wouldn't really be "surprised" to see Robin per say but I do think that Chrom and Lucina together or individually seem more likely.

Past those three I don't realistically see any other newcomers getting in. However I could see Roy coming back but I think a new Awakening character is still more likely. Awakening is easily the most popular international Fire Emblem and one of the biggest Fire Emblem's ever, it'd seem strange to bring back Roy with a new move-set when there are more internationally relevant characters available now. Unless Sakurai is making it a point of bringing back all cut characters or Fire Emblem is lucky enough to somehow get 4 roster spots I don't expect to see him.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
The popular idea I've seen (dunno who to credit so sorry :confused:) is the idea that certain or even all specials would be some sort of Dual System move and using the move/s would be what causes them to switch. Example Down-B instead of counter like the other FE characters would be Dual Guard. For explanations sake we'll say Chrom is the one currently out and attacking but uses Dual Guard to block an attack. Doing this causes Lucina to Hop in front of Chrom to block the attack and after the Animation is complete Chrom hops out and Lucina is now the one fighting. That is just one example I've seen but you could do a lot with the Dual System idea. Heck as much as most competitive players would dislike it the Dual System could just be random which would really be more true to the fact that it's all RNG in the actual FE games.
I had an idea like that where the specials are linked to both characters (I'm surely not the first, but I thought of this on my own :p). For example, Chrom could have a Side-B where he summons Lucina (via magic or whatever) to throw him into a sliding sword attack. If he holds B however, he'll throw Lucina around into the attack instead, then disappear after. They would share the same specials in that regard, but have different properties and A moves. I think holding B to switch would be more efficient, then you don't have to switch characters with every special (but could choose to).

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
It sounds to me as a roster of: Marth, Ike, and Luigified Marth + Luigified Ike in one roster... Kinda messy.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
And Lugified Marth with Fire or Luigified Marth with a spellbook is any different?
Marth and Ike is great. Anything else... I don't really bother with, unless it's Lyn. Lyn is awesome. I have no set preference for any Awakening rep, aside of finding it odd it wouldn't be Chrom.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2013
Is it really that you don't want Chrom (and/or Lucina), or that you simply want someone else instead?
He just really doesn't want Chrom. He's probably wants Chrom less than I do, and I really don't want Chrom.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I would say it actually lessens the prospective, as this just further makes the Chrom and Lucina idea even more unoriginal, tbh.
Hence why I'm saying the argument of Rosalina being original means Chrom being original doesn't work. For starters, the abilities between Peach and Rosalina aren't inherently the same thing, the former more relies on physical assault with girl power flare while Rosalina has godly powers with a space motif. Second, what effects Rosalina doesn't necessarily effect other characters. You can't really apply what happens to one with the other, just because she's unique with the Zato-1/Eddie inspired type of gameplay doesn't guarantee that Chrom will be highly unique too.

Is it really that you don't want Chrom (and/or Lucina), or that you simply want someone else instead?
Would rather have something else. It's just a redundant type of inclusion that doesn't really emphasize the different types of weaponry and skills the Fire Emblem series has. It would be the equivalent of the Pokemon series being represented by Pikachu, Pachirisu, Emolga, and Dedenne.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
The Flames of War have begun to awake again... With the heated army of Ylisse and Elibe going against each other for their continent's legendary hero king, who can stop the Goddess of Order to bring judgement on us all!?

Surely, in times of these... We need help from the most Legendary Hero of them all...

The only one who could unite Man & Beast under a war against the unjust!

Again: Inb4 we get Marth, Ike, Roy AND Chrom


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2013
I refuse to believe in Lyn's chances because I don't want to be let down. If I had the power to hand-pick one newcomer among all Nintendo characters, it would be her without a moment of doubt.

As for Awakening, I may replay it someday, but its cast of characters had me completely uninterested, moreso than any other FE game ever. But as for odds, Tactician/Robin is actually way more important to the story than Chrom who, when you think about it, is just a vehicle to carry your unit's story arc forward. His popularity can be mainly attributed to the fact that he is the poster boy for the game (and that's largely on account of Robin's customizable appearance).


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I guess I know who to beat with Chrom when the game comes out then :troll: :awesome:.

Also, I feel like the only one around here who actually likes Chrom :(.
chrom is cool cat. people like him, they don't just say as often because it's not cool considering the feeling of inevitability and bandwagoning people have towards the character.

I like the idea of any of the Awakening's three protagonists as a rep.

I also would love Micaiah, who should be under more serious consideration when you think about how she could actually offer a diverse moveset in terms of FE reps.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Would rather have something else. It's just a redundant type of inclusion that doesn't really emphasize the different types of weaponry and skills the Fire Emblem series has. It would be the equivalent of the Pokemon series being represented by Pikachu, Pachirisu, Emolga, and Dedenne.
It's interesting you mentioned those Electric type Pokemons as one Smash 4 Roster video had a guy saying that having 3 blue-haired, male, sword-using protagonists as the faces of Fire Emblem was like having 3 electric rodent Pokemon as Pokemon reps.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2013
Canada, eh?
Y'know, if Chrom got in as a replacement for Ike, I wouldn't be surprised if he was just Ike that looked and sounded like Chrom. :/
But I really do want Chrom and / or Lucy, with lances. (Or at least a Javelin toss move)
I was gonna put up the argument against Robin that it's a customizable character, but Villager exists, and so does that badass hood, so... yeah...
What If we got alternate costumes though? Marth + Lucina and Ike + Chrom? It could happen.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
chrom is cool cat. people like him, they don't just say as often because it's not cool considering the feeling of inevitability and bandwagoning people have towards the character.

I like the idea of any of the Awakening's three protagonists as a rep.

I also would love Micaiah, who should be under more serious consideration when you think about how she could actually offer a diverse moveset in terms of FE reps.
Dem Fire Emblem hipsters.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
chrom is cool cat. people like him, they don't just say as often because it's not cool considering the feeling of inevitability and bandwagoning people have towards the character.
No, people don't like the character because it's literally the worst possible character you can include in Super Smash Bros. A character that is highly redundant with the Fire Emblem characters we already have, plus being an eyesore after being shown a few newcomers with an heavy emphasis on diversity, does not make for a strong choice at all.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Rosalina could proof that wrong though. Everyone was shouting that she'd be too similar to Peach, look what happened?

I think if we'll see unique Chrom, we'll all be a happy Fire Emblem family.

Except for Habanero. But he doesn't like anything anyway. 'Cept Project M.

Not that am looking forward for Chrom or anything. But unique Chrom could make me far more hyped than Villager and MegaMan. About the same hype as Wii Fit Trainer, less than Rosalina though.

Anyway, Ike's still the coolest ever.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Unique Chrom would make everyone happy except Xenoblaze.
Chrom with PH1R3 would make everyone happy INCLUDING Xenoblaze. :troll:

On a side note, I don't really understand. Does everyone want Roy back de-cloned, or the way he was?
Because I don't see the point in adding more clones.

On ANOTHER side note, I think this would be the most effective way to represent Fire Emblem in Smash:

Marth: Obviously.

Roy OR Lyn: To represent the GBA era and FE's localization.

Ike: Most popular western lord and has 2 games of his own. Most important other than Marth.

Chrom: Represents new Fire Emblem and its rebirth in popularity.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Unique Chrom would make everyone happy except Xenoblaze.
Chrom with PH1R3 would make everyone happy INCLUDING Xenoblaze. :troll:

On a side note, I don't really understand. Does everyone want Roy back de-cloned, or the way he was?
Because I don't see the point in adding more clones.

On ANOTHER side note, I think this would be the most effective way to represent Fire Emblem in Smash:

Marth: Obviously.

Roy OR Lyn: To represent the GBA era and FE's localization.

Ike: Most popular western lord and has 2 games of his own. Most important other than Marth.

Chrom: Represents new Fire Emblem and its rebirth in popularity.
I've seen saying this since forever, glad i'm not the only one who thinks this way.

Love that avi btw, lyn's gonna wreck some fools with dat mani katti.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Does anyone check out the FE:A community in Miiverse?
I love the community there now that people can share opinions about the game. The comments are pretty hilarious.
Too bad it was made months after I got sick of playing it. :glare:

I like the X and Y community, though.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2012
If anything, Rosalina gives me hope that Sakurai will choose (a) FE character(s) that can do things that no one else can.
Off the bat, that means good stuff, because the way I see it, the most unique possible FE characters contending are;
Chrom/Lucina tag out team
Lyn relying HEAVILY on dem blur effects
Roy with unique phir3 attacks
Micaiah/Robin using magic in ways that varies from Zelda


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2012
If I want a tag team and heavily break the game, I'd pick Ice Climbers.
But can they pull off a tag-out/support system akin to MvC gameplay?
okay well maybe anyone can but it wouldn't make much sense for Ice Climbers.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2013
A Chrom/Lucina tag team/pair is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard, no offense. Why would you have THEM play as a tag team? They'd obviously be clones of one another, just like in the actual game. I'm against the idea of FE pairs in Sm4sh in general, but at least there would be some sense in a Chrom/Robin team.
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